St. Isidore ParishBaptism during mass – updated 8/5/2017


Font heater on, water checked for dead flies, etc.

On the credence table in the back: baptism candle, small towel, baptismal certificate, and godparent envelopes.

On the dressing table: large towel. In the reserved pews: large towel.

Start of Liturgy

We start at the font with the parents, child, and godparents.If there is more than one family, they all line up on the reconciliation room side, parents in front, godparents right behind them.

After we invite the assembly to stand and face the font, we ask the parents their 3 questions and their godparents their 1 question. As the priest/deacon signs the child he invites the parents and godparents to do the same and also invites all the assembly to raise their hands and make the sign of the cross welcoming the child into the Christian community.

The parents, child and godparents process in behind the cross and candle bearers and in front of the lector and other liturgical ministers. Since the welcoming rite takes the place of the penitential act, outside of Lent we sing the Gloria as we process to the altar.

After the homily there is no Creed so we go right into the Prayer of the Faithful.

After that priest/deacon goes to front pew, server brings Oil of Catechumens, and thenpriest/deacon anoints the child(ren) with the Oil of Catechumens in their places in the pew (Fr. Walter skips this optional part and does the prayer of exorcism back at the font).

Following that we sing the Litany of Saints as we process back to the font. Server brings Chrism to back. Family and any others gather around the font.

Baptismal rite

As at the beginning all the families line up on the reconciliation room side, parents/child in front, sponsors immediately behind them. Godmothers are giving the baptismal gowns to hold.

When everyone is in place, the water is blessed.

Then the priest/deacon invites the parents and godparents, and all the baptized, to renew their baptismal vows.

Then we do each of following steps for each child:

  1. The child is handed to the priest/deacon to be baptized.
    After baptizing, the child is handed back to the parent who has the towel, and the child is wrapped and held for the anointing with Chrism.
  2. The child is anointed
  3. The Godmothers (usually) hold up the garment for that prayer (the baptismal team member takes care of giving them the garment and instructing them).
  4. The baptismal team member hands a baptismal candle to priest/deacon and he lights it from the Easter candle. The priest/deaconthen gives the lit candle to (usually) the godfather, as he says the candle prayer. During Easter season, the baptismal team member or other brings the lit candle back from being lighted from the Easter candle up front and hands it to the godfather.
  5. The Ephphetha is said.
  6. Then priest/deacon says "You have put on Christ, in Him you have been baptized."
    We (the whole assembly) typically sing the alleluia. (adapted from Alleluia Give the Glory).

These steps are done for each child in succession (Fr. Walter does each step for all children)


The priest/deacons and servers return to the altar while the collection is taken and the children are dressed.

The parents and godparents bring up the gifts and then return to their seats. The baptism candle is extinguished.

Sending forth

At the end of mass, the parents and child (not the godparents) are invited to the front of the altar for the final blessing: for the mother, for the father, all the baptized, final blessing and then dismissal. The parents and child come down to the foot of the altar, with servers and priest, and process out behind the candle and cross bearers.