PRESENT: - Mr R C Bloor
Prof D Bowen
Mr A L Davies
Mrs A Evans
Mr M Evans
Mr T H Gibbon
Mr W L Jones
Mrs G Squires
IN ATTENDANCE:- Ms TL Davies (Clerk)
1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES. It was resolved to accept apologies for absence from
Mr J Batte, Mrs J Price, Mrs L C Shallcross, Cllr Mrs LM Stephens, Mr P H Thomas.
Item 6 – Mr A L Davies.
3. TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3RD JUNE 2014. The minutes were confirmed to be a true and accurate record and were duly signed by the Chair.
4. CLERK’S REPORT – the report was accepted as presented:-
NO / MINUTE / DESCRIPTION / ACTION1. / 5.1 / Portway, Ferryside / The Clerk had once again requested the raw data from the Counters, from CCC. This information had not yet been received.
2. / 5.2 & 6.1 / Christmas Lights / The Clerk had asked Mr Bussell to go ahead with the works at Llansaint, for £230. She would identify a contractor to carry out the work at Ferryside.
3. / 5.7 & 6.2 / Damage to the green at Glantowy, Ferryside. / Suzanne Llewellyn of CCC had spoken to the owner/occupier, and had said that she was quite obstructive and would not move the vehicle concerned. She would be writing to the owner/occupier and would update the Clerk with any further news.
4. / 5.15 / Safety Issues at the entrance of Ferryside Education Centre / The Clerk had received a reply from CCC saying that they had no powers to ask or instruct a private landowner to cut down or reduce a height of a privately owned hedgerow, and had therefore advised the Community Council to raise their concern direct with the respective adjoining landowner.
5. / 5.16 / Hedging on the way out of Ferryside / The Clerk had received a reply from CCC saying that they would serve “Trees & Hedges” notices on the adjoining landowners of the wooded areas and they would trim back the worst of the wooded areas where the land wasn’t registered. The grassed verges and banks would be cut at the middle of June at the earliest.
6. / 6.5 / Dog Poop bag dispensers / Griffiths Contractors had agreed to install the dispensers, but would like to be shown where they were to be put.
7. / 6.6 / Play Area, Ferryside / The Clerk had received the latest inspections from Kath Morgan, and confirmation that she would send reports to the Clerk monthly before each meeting.
8. / 13.2 / Appointment of members to represent Llansaint Village Hall / The Clerk had informed Mr Arfon Davies that he had been nominated. He had accepted.
9. / Ferryside Carpark information panel / The Clerk had received an email from Martin Murray of CCC informing that the Ferryside Panel would soon be printed and they would need to let the contractor know of an agreed location. They would like to know whether they should place it in the car park as originally suggested or alternatively they would be happy to arrange a meeting with the Community Council to agree a site for the panel.
5.1 Portway, Ferryside – The raw data had now been received and would be forwarded to all Councillors by the Clerk.
5.2 Safety Issues at the entrance of Ferryside Education Centre – It was noted that the land in question was owned by Carmarthenshire County Council. The Clerk would get back in touch with CCC.
5.3 Play Area, Ferryside – It was reported that the dustbin was not fit for purpose. The Clerk was requested to get a quotation from Glasdon for a new one.
5.4 Ferryside Information panel – It was agreed that the panel could be placed in the car park, but Councillors wanted to see the content before it was installed.
5.5 Playground inspector training – The Clerk was requested to ask One Voice Wales whether they provided training.
5.6 Works at Pentowyn – The Clerk was requested to chase this up with CCC.
5.7 No Dogs signs – The Clerk was requested to chase this up with Atech signs.
5.8 Play Area, Ferryside – The Clerk was requested to contact the supplier once again as no response had been received.
5.9 Glantywi – The Clerk was requested to contact CCC again regarding the gas bottles and the repair to the “No Tipping” sign.
6.1 Llansaint Youth Club – This request would be held back until financial information had been received. The Clerk would request this from the Youth Club Leader.
6.2 Llansaint Welfare Hall – It was agreed that a donation of £750 would be made for this year and £750 for last year, making a total of £1,500.
6.3 Ferryside Social & Welfare Association – Ferryside Village Hall – It was agreed that a donation of £750 would be made.
6.4 Ferryside Classic Club – It was agreed that a donation of £100 would be made.
7.1 Ms Tracey Davies June Pay £ 330.71
7.2 HMRC June £ 82.80
7.3 Ms Tracey Davies – June expenses £ 79.04
7.4 Mr Brian James – Bus shelters and Play area June £ 80.00
7.5 Comcen Computer Supplies Ltd – Ink, Stationery £ 123.54
7.6 SLCC – Membership Tracey Davies £ 109.00
7.7 Proprint – Flyers for footpath 62/11 £ 25.00
7.8 SWALEC – Christmas lighting £ 17.91
7.9 Lyn Llewellyn – Internal Audit £ 220.00
7.10 Peter Buckley – Tenders 1, 3 & 5 and bench repair £ 1070.00
7.11 Ferryside Sports – replacement chq for tennis posts £ 57.60
7.12 Llansaint Welfare Hall – Donation £ 1500.00
7.13 Ferryside Hall – Donation £ 750.00
7.14 Ferryside Classic Club – Donation £ 100.00
Mr T H Gibbon declared an interest and left the meeting.
8.1 PLANNING APPLICATION CONSULTATION W/30344 – Farm Yard Wall (Part retrospective), Land forming part of Plas Farm, Llansaint – Technical objections had been raised by a third party. No decision could be made by Council.
Mr TH Gibbon returned to the meeting and was informed of the decision.
Conversion of two barns to holiday lets and reception-office area at Bronyn Farm, Rotten Pill Road, Ferryside.
Remodelling roof to include increasing the pitch and the addition of two gable end features perpendicular to the existing ridge line at The Croft, Ferryside.
Construction of new boundary wall. Demolition of existing castellated dwarf wall and forming new boundary wall along the line of the existing footpath in materials and finish to match existing. At 6 Caradog Court, Ferryside.
9.1 Hywel Dda University Health Board – Letter informing of information sessions for Town and Community Councils re: Changes to maternity, neonatal (SCBU), paediatric and gynaecology services at Withybush and Glangwili Hospitals. (9th July, Carmarthen)
9.2 The Play Inspection Company – Email offering annual inspection of play area, at the same price as last year, £59.95. The Clerk was requested to book an inspection.
9.3 Ferryside Garden Club – Email requesting permission to park local classic vehicles on the bottom part of the rugby field, at the Garden club Show on the 26th July, from 11am until 4pm. Permission was granted, weather permitting.
9.4 Environmental Services – Email attaching correspondence in relation to the proposed Brechfa Forest Connection Project. Deadline for consultation responses is 7th July.
9.5 Eifion Bowen, Head of Planning, CCC – Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan, Schedule of Matters Arising changes – copy available for inspection on the CCC website, link available from the Clerk.
9.6 One Voice Wales – Email inviting the Community Council to submit an expression of interest to work with NEA (National Energy Action) Cymru, on the “Tackle Rural Fuel Poverty” project.
9.7 Keep Wales Tidy – Looking for a project for a group of students week beginning 20th October, for 5 days.
9.8 Carmarthenshire CAB – Invitation to their AGM on 3rd July at the Ivy Bush Hotel, Carmarthen, at 6pm.
9.9 Cyngor 50+ Advice Project – Email providing information on the project. The Clerk would forward this to Mrs Gloria Squires.
9.10 Head of Transport and Engineering, CCC – Email providing information on 26 & 27 New Parking Contravention Codes. The Clerk would forward this to Mrs Gloria Squires and Mr Mike Evans.
9.11 Fisheries Unit, Welsh Government – Email informing that the Three Rivers Cockle beds will be closed until at least 1st September, 2014.
9.12 Welsh Government – Email providing link to the prospectus on Green Growth Wales : Investing in the Future.
9.13 Environmental Services – Email attaching correspondence in relation to the proposed Brechfa Electrical Connection Project regarding the formal withdrawal of Applicant’s request for a Scoping Opinion.
10.1 The Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer presented a Report on the Income and Expenditure for the first 3 months of the year to end of June 2014. The Clerk would move £712 from Insurance to General Expenditure in the Budget for the year.
10.2 The Chair and Vice-Chair, as the Internal Auditors would audit the accounts and report back to the meeting.
11.1 Carmarthenshire County Council would be submitting their Statement of Case for the Public Enquiry by the 8th July. A copy would be sent to the Clerk after this date.
11.2 The deadline for the Community Council to send their Statement of Case was the 19th August. 11.3 As there would be no meeting of Council in August, the sub group were authorised to act in accordance with the policy laid out by Council and any reasonable expenditure was allowed.
The Press and Public were excluded from the meeting.
12.1 Mr Peter Buckley had expressed his preference to opt out of Tenders 3 and 4 and that if this was possible he would be able to carry on with 1, 2 and 5.
12.2 It was agreed that the contracts for tenders 3 and 4 would be terminated and the Clerk would inform Mr Buckley.
12.3 The Clerk would inform all other parties who had quoted that tenders3 and 4had become available again to quote for.
12.4 Tenders would be put on the Agenda for September’s meeting.
13.1 A letter had been received regarding the use of audio equipment during Council meetings, to enable members of the Press and Public to hear clearly, the proceedings of the meeting. It was agreed that the loop system, which has been installed at Ferryside Village Hall, would be tried at the next meeting. The Clerk was requested to write to Mrs Mason to invite her to attend the meeting early so that the system could be tested beforehand.
14.1 It was noted that this wasn’t a requirement at present.
15.1 The Clerk was requested to invite the liaison officer from Qinetic to attend the next meeting of Council.
16.1.1 Mrs Jackie Price would arrange a meeting before the next meeting of Council.
16.1.2 Mr Arfon Davies would chase up the quotes for equipment.
16.2.1 The Clerk was requested to contact the Yacht Club at Ferryside to arrange another meeting to discuss common interests.
17.1 The Clerk was requested to chase up Carmarthenshire County Council regarding the Dog Control Orders.
17.2 It was reported that the fence alongside Portis Cliff on footpath 6/24 was in need of repair. The Clerk would report this to Carmarthenshire County Council.
17.3 It had been noted that BT was installing fibre cables from the Ferryside Exchange to Ferryside School. As broadband speeds in Ferryside were marginal, the Clerk would write to BT to ask that the opportunity was taken to install sufficient fibres to support high speed broadband for the whole village.
17.4 It was reported that shrubs were overhanging the pavement at Eva Terrace. Mr Les Jones would investigate the problem.
17.5 It was reported that a fridge and a tyre had been fly-tipped at Llansaint. Mr Hywel Gibbon would report this to Carmarthenshire County Council.
17.6 It was reported that the railings at Ferryside Station had still not been repaired/painted. The Clerk would forward the relevant information to Mr Mike Evans so that he could chase it up.
17.7 It had been reported that, on several occasions, members of the public who were walking on the marsh area of Ferryside, had been chased by grazing cattle. A request was made for the Community Council to take this up with CCC to find out whether there was a public right of way. It was agreed that no action could be taken due to there being grazing rights, for several farmers, on the land in question.
There being no further business, the Councillors were thanked for their attendance and the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
CHAIR - 02/09/2014