Приложение 3
Isaakiyevskaya (St. Isaac's) Square
St.Isaac's Square was the last of the central squares to take shape in Petersburg.
It was started in the 1730s™ 1740s. It was then named Torgovaya Square. Its overall design and appearance took shape mainly during the construction of St.Isaac's Cathedral.
In 1839—44 A.Stakenschneider erected the Mariinsky Palace in the square. In 1844—51 N.Yefimov went on working on the architectural ensemble putting up two houses for the Ministry of State Property on both sides of the square. The two buildings are similar in design, which gave the square a unified architectural pattern.
In 1856—59 a monument to Nicholas I was erected there.
St.Isaac'sCathedral1818—58. Architect A.Montferrand
St.Isaac's Cathedral is a remarkable monument of Russian architecture. This grand structure filled up the space of the Senate Square, and gave rise to a new square as well. Alongside with the Peter and Paul's Cathedral and the Admiralty it became an important architectural landmark in the city outline.
The history of the construction began in 1710, when thefirst wooden church was put.
The cathedral took forty years to build.. In 1825 the construction was resumed according to the corrected project. When putting up such a gigantic structure a lot of complicated engineering problems were to be solved for the first lime. In 1 828, even before the walls were erected, installation of the 48 monolithic columns was started, that were to form the porticoes, each weighing about 110 tons. The ideas of A.Bctancourt, an engineer, made it possible to raise the 67-ton granite columns to the height of 40 m and install therriiaroimd the dome drum.
St.Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest domed structures in the world- The building, being rectangular in its layout, rose 101.5 m high.
The Mariinsky Palace
1839—44. Architect A.Stakenschneider . The palace was built for Nicholas I's daughter Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna. It was the first big work by the architect. The facade is designed on classical principles.
Nevsky Prospekt
This is Petersburg's central street, laid during the first years of the city's existence; it had originally been just a cutting in the forest connecting the Admiralty with the old Novgorod Road and had followed the present Ligovsky Prospekt. Thus the length of the prospect reached more than 4km, Later the cutting was paved and got the name of Bolshaya (Big) Perspektiva, which was in the late 18th I century renamed to Nevsky Prospekt; it became the city's , main street.
In the first half of the 18th century palaces and country estate residences were being built in Nevsky Prospekt.
An illustrated history of St. Petersburg
Although just 300 years old, St. Petersburg has a rich and exciting history, full of dramatic events and major historical figures. Founded in 1703 by Emperor Peter the Great as his "window on the West", St. Petersburg enjoys a vibrant, cosmopolitan atmosphere and some of the most beautiful architecture in Europe. For those interested in culture and history, St. Petersburg is the perfect holiday destination.
The Red Bridge
It lays over the Moika along Gorokhovaya Street. 1808—14. Architect V.Heste.
One of the four similar metal bridges over the Moika river, that has preserved its original appearance. The bridge is 42m long. 1 6.8m wide.
The Kazansky Bridge
It laysover the Griboyedov Canal, along Nevsky Prospekt
1765—66. Engineers V.Nazimov and l.Golenishchev-Kutuzov
This is the second widest bridge in Petersburg (following the Blue Bridge). As well as the latter one, it is part of asquare,
The Bank Bridge
It lays over the Griboyedov Canal,near the former Assignation Bank1 825—26. Engineer G.Traitteur
This is one of six bridges over the Griboyedov Canal. It is decorated with four cast-iron gryphons (sculptor P.Sokolov).
The bridge is 25.2 m long and 1.9 m wide.
The Stone Bridge
It lays over the Griboyedov Canal along Gorokhovaya Street1776. Engineers V.Nazimov and I.Borisov.
The first wooden bridge was built in 1752. The modern bridge has one span. It is made of stone and faced with granite.
The bridge is 19.7m long and 13.9m wide.
The Palace Bridge
It lays over the Neva to Blrzhevaya Square. The first pontoon bridge was erected in 1828 by the engineer P.Basin. The permanent bridge was built in 1912—16 (engineer A.Pshenitsky). It is a metal five-span bridge. The supports are made of concrete and faced with granite. The cast-iron railings were put up in 1939 (architect L.Noskov, sculptor I.Krestovsky). The bridge is 260m long and 27.7m wide.
The Blue Bridge
It lays over the Moika, In front of the Mariinsky Palace. The Blue Bridge, which is the broadest in Petersburg, is part of SI.Isaac's Square, The first wooden drawbridge was built in 1737, a new one was placed in 1818. The bridge is 35m long and 99.9m wide.