Attendees: Fr. Bill Wack, Maria Mudry, Jennifer Malone, Ann Zigmond, Benny Flusche, Pete League, Bryan Leasure, Susan Shaw, Warren Pulich, Andrea Bizzanelli.

Next 2015 Meetings: September 24, October 22, December 3 or 10


  1. Call to Order / Opening Prayer
  2. Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. School Report
  4. School started, 238 enrolled
  5. New cleaning hired and doing a good job. They are more expensive but getting better service. Contract can be cancelled with 30 days advance notice.
  6. Will need new books in the coming years that should be incorporated in future budgets.
  7. Final school budget approved.
  8. Parish Report
  9. Planning to pay down $40k principal on loan this year.
  10. Cash balance includes $15k restricted for Capital Campaign feasibility study
  11. Maria will be setting Capital Campaign budget.
  12. Parish budget approved.
  13. Development update provided by Andrea
  14. Feasibility interviews underway through Steier Group. Survey results will determine whether campaign moves forward, which will be voted on by Pastoral Council and Finance Council.
  15. Marketing materials, social media, and other outreach programs being pursued.
  16. Fall Fest- donations up $17k
  17. Planning on 75th Anniversary event for school on June 4.
  18. Andrea will be setting goals for timeline, quantity of fundraisers (2 for school- spring event, fun run and fall event, smash)
  19. Capital campaign targeting $2.5mm
  20. # of Bingos should be discussed/evaluated further
  21. Reviewing ministry guidelines, trying to reduce quantity of events, asking a lot on people
  22. Creating list of Diocese Grants that we will apply for. % of grants we receive vs. apply for very small, 3% success rate.
  23. Looking at foundations that give to capital campaigns
  24. Capital Campaign update from Fr. Bill
  25. Steier Group (Dianne) has been able to interview those involved. 9/17 will be Diane’s last day and she will present an executive summary to Maria, Andrea, and Fr. Bill. She will then present to Pastoral and Finance Councils on the 9/17 and the campaign could start right away if everyone approves.
  26. Contract needs to be negotiated with Diocese. Current proposal from Steier is $140k fee for $2.5mm campaign, full fee paid upfront in first 6 months.
  27. Initial process = 3-4 months onboarding then launch campaign.
  28. Diocese said will renegotiate roof note after 12/31 and be flexible on payment of Steier’s fee, which will be paid first.
  29. Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) will be rolled out again in November. It has gone down in last 2 years because 40 or more parishes have done capital campaigns. St. Ignatius number has been $75k but goal will probably be closer to $90k.
  30. New Business
  31. Try to come up with 3 names for Fr. Bill to explore joining Finance Council.
  32. Ann and Benny will stay on another term. Bryan’s term ends today.
  33. Officer elections:

­Chairman = Ann voted in

­Vice Chairman = Benny voted in

­Secretary = Tom and Thomas will rotate depending on who is present

  1. Closing Prayer by Fr. Bill

Minutes recorded and submitted by Thomas Beier