

The 342nd meeting of Governing body was held on

Wednesday 25thJanuary 2012 at 1.45pm in the St Cross Room


Present: Master,J Ashbourn,M Biggs, C Bjola,C Bonell,M Bosworth,R Briant,G Dalton, I Daniels,

G Deutsch,M Doherty,E Frood, R Golestanian, R Hall, H Hamerow, H Hamill,S Hodge,A Hope,H Johnson, A Kapanidis, P Kemp,J Lee-Thorp, P Ligoxygakis,D MacCulloch,R Makepeace,

N Mayhew, R Mitter,D Olteanu,B Orford, D Papanikolaou, M Parker,J Pfeiffer, T Power,

M Robinson,E Standley, G Swafford, P Thompson, W Treadwell, K Venables

JRF Representative – there was no JRF Representative

Student Representatives:Student President, Junior Dean – M Dirodi

Apologies:D Anderson,J Baker,N Bowles,D Chatty,P Garcia-Bellido,N Gardini,R Hoyland,

A Lora-Wainwright,S Mahone,B Parsons,A Pollard, D Romero Morales, J Savulescu,K Scott,

J Shapiro,M Sharpe, L Sweetlove,A Topsfield,S Ulijaszek, A Wilkinson

  1. Apologies for absence

The attendance register was circulated.The Master extended a welcome to new Fellow Professor Chris Bonell.

  1. Master’s Report.

2.1 The Master reported that Energy Working Group had met on the 17th January and that it had been

decided that it would be desirable to commissiona new energy audit be as the previous one

dated from 2003. He added that a shortlist of four companies would be investigated and

that the resulting report would be used to improve energy efficiency and to feed into the brief for

the new heating system which would be installed in July/August 2012. The Master noted that

a report had been received from OUED which showed that the College had reduced energy

consumption year on year over the previous five years.

2.2 The Master reported that the On-line Communications Group had shortlisted four web designers

whose material would be presented and discussed at the meeting on 1 February.A recommendation would be brought forward to the next meeting of GB.He added that suggestions about good websites from which we could learn would be most welcome and that the result of the college-wide survey would be incorporated into the brief.

2.3 The Master reported that the telethon had gone ahead with three student callers and that the 30%

response rate raising £15,000.00 over 5 years was a credit to the team.

2.4 a) The Master reported that the Development Working Group meeting on 25thJanuary had

focussed on the 50th anniversary in 2015.The working group’s proposal that the campaign target

be £10m was agreed. He added that A Geffen had offered to make a film of the College as an aidto

fund-raising and that the Archivist was working, with other Fellows, on a commemorative volume.

A letterwould be sent to Alumni and former Fellows asking for reminiscences and images which

would become part of the College archive and might provide material for the website and the

commemorative volume.

b) The Master noted that there would be an alumni meeting on 14 April in the USA which would

be a joint event with Green Templeton and Wolfson.

c) The Master reported that the Annual Fund mailing would take place in February/March

d) The Master reported that a new level of qualifying donation had been set for the 1965 club to avoid breaching HM Revenue and Customs rules.

  1. Minutes of the Unreserved section of the 341st meeting of Governing Body(GB693, Wednesday 23rdNovember 2011).

The minutes were approved.

  1. Matters Arising

4.1 With reference to item 4.3Jill Treloggen presented the revised proposal for redecorating the

Saugman Common Room.GB approved the proposal.

4.2 With reference to item 4.2 the Master reported that the concert had raised £1375.00 for the

Hélène La Rue Scholarship Fund.

  1. Report of the meeting of Executive Committee of:

5.1 7thDecember2011 (EX1135previously circulated)

The Vice-Master spoke to the minutesof the meeting.

5.218th January2012 (EX1137previously circulated)

The Vice-Master spoke to the minutesof the meeting.

  1. Report of the meeting of the Building Committee on 20thJanuary 2012

The Master reported that Quantity Surveyors had provided up to date costingfor the last version of the existing plans for the new building. It seemed that the project should not cost more than £10m. He added that a catering report had suggested that all catering needs for the new building could be met by the existing kitchen if it was refurbished and modernised. The Master noted that viewings had taken place of new buildings at Somerville, St Anne’s and LMH. After some discussion on various aspects it was agreed that the exercise was most useful to highlight what was desirable and less desirable for the new building.The Master reported that the Building Committee would visit Linacre, Merton, Queen’s and Keble and invited Fellows to submit suggestions for buildings to be viewed.

  1. Graduate Consultations – Senior Tutor

The Senior Tutor reported that letters had been sent to College Advisors the previous week both by email and in hardcopy in pigeonholes with detailsof the annual Graduate Consultations exercise. She added that as an incentive free lunches had been offered to students who met with their Advisors over lunch (although meetings could also be held as appropriate at any other convenient time) and that the deadline for all Graduate Consultation reports was 24th February. A briefing note on how to access supervisors' reports on GSS had been included with all the letters and the Senior Tutor encouraged College Advisors to let her know if they should have any problems accessing these. She added that nil returns from Advisors were also importantin the cases where either students had failed to respond to all contact from their Advisors for a meeting or when students had replied that all was well and that they did not wish to meet.

The Master extended formal congratulations on behalf of Governing Body to Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch on his knighthood.
