Directions for Applying for STEM GRANT

1.)Download and complete application on a computer. NO handwritten applications will be accepted.

2.)Save the application with the using the filename format LASTNAME_FIRSTINITIAL-STEMGRANT.doc. Example: WALKER_D-STEMGRANT.doc

3.)Email the completed application to Mr. Walker () using school email no later than Thursday, December 14th.

4.)Funded projects will be notified via school email no later than January 9th

5.)Before any funds are disbursed, students will have to have:

  1. submit their project for participation in the Seneca Valley STEM Fair
  2. submitreceipts verifying the purchase and price of items listed on the project budget.
  3. Submit proof of having donated reusable materials to an appropriate district class or group.

6.)After project completion, grant recipientsmay be required to submit to a quick video interview for use by the Seneca Valley Foundation for future fundraising endeavors.

Each application will be reviewed by three judges in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Each judge will score the project based on:


-Evidence that the project has been thought through and that a plan of action exists.

-Evidence that the project is feasible and grounded in existing theory.

-Ratio of funds requested to perceived potential for student growth and learning.

All projects that meet the minimum score will be funded in ranked-score order until all funds have been appropriated.

If you have questions about the application or funding process, please e-mail Mr. Walker at

STEM GRANT APPLICATIONSeneca Valley Foundation

  1. Applicant Information

Full Name:
Last / First / M.I.
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / State / ZIP Code
Home Phone: / ( ) / email:

Mentor: ______Phone Number:______

  1. Project Abstract

Provide brief explanation of project:

  1. Goals and Objectives

Provide how this grant will further promote or enable the proposed project:

  1. Activities / Methods

Provide detailed information on the activities planned, research methods, and planned protocol to ensure safety:

  1. Current State of Project

Grant money is an investment. Your project is more likely to be invested in if you can make a strong case that there will be a return on the investment. With that in mind, describe the current state of the project. (Include answers to questions such as: What is the theoretical basis of the project? What have you done to investigate the feasibility of the project? What background or skills do you and/or your group members bring to the project that increases the likelihood of success?)


Provide an itemized list of materials/expenditures. Be aware that reusable materials (electronics, lab materials, ect.) will need to be donated back to an appropriate class or group in the school for future use.

Item / Supplier / Cost

*Attach an additional sheet if necessary.

Total Amount Requested:______

Total Score (including special circumstance score): ______

Rank-Score Order: ______

STEM Fair Project Grant Proposal