Blessed and Happy EASTER SEASON

St. Bernard Mass Intentions

Sunday, April 30 - Third Sunday of Easter

10:00 + Elio Lazzerini

12:00 Int. of the Daughter of Divine Charity

8:00 Intention of Sr. Margaret Mary

Monday, May 1

12:10 Poor Souls in Purgatory

Tuesday, May 2 - St. Athanasius

12:10 + Alex Banyar

Wednesday, May 3 - Ss. Philip and James

12:10 Intention of the Bonin Family

Thursday, May 4

12:10 Intention of Marilyn Maximovich

Friday, May 5 - RED MASS for Justice System

12:00 Intention of the priest

Saturday, May 6

4:30 + Willie Orr

Sunday, May 7 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

10:00 + Frank Simonetti

12:00 + Christina Koberlein

8:00 Pro Populo

Scripture Readings for the Week

Mon. Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29

Tues. Acts 7:51-8:1; John 6:30-35

Wed. 1 Cor 15:1-8; John 14:6-14

Thur. Acts 8:26-40; John 6:44-51

Fri. Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59

Sat. Acts 9:31-42; John 6:60-69

Sun. Acts 2:14,36-41; Ps 23; 1Pt 2:20-25; Jn 10:1-10

PRAYER REQUESTS: Rosemary Curley, Tom Woychik, John Ryan, Bud Lundstrom, Clara Piscazzi, Patti Molinelli, Dr. Aldon and Francesca Villalba, Helen Bailey, Patricia Finn, Ann Miller, John W. Didado, Marilyn Maximovich, and the Intentions in our Book of Prayers.

LUXURIES NEEDED - The following are considered luxuries by those we serve in our Hunger Program: soap bar, razors, deodorant, men's white socks, and t-shirts. Please place them in the donation box located in the church lobby. Thank you.

PLASTIC BAGS NEEDED - St. Bernard Food Pantry is always in need of plastic grocery bags (no other types, please). Give them to an usher for the drop box in the church lobby or drop them at the office. Thank you.

Collection Offering

Regular Sunday, April 23 - $7,519.00

Home Missions Collection - $1,713.00

Additional Easter - $457.00

The follow-up weekend to the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal is May 20/21. Our parish goal is $47,633. 212 of our households have pledged $37,156. Please use this last In-Pew Appeal to support our Catholic Charities.

Thank you, Good People, for the generous sacrifice you make to support this Parish


12 Noon - 6:00 PM


Joyfully Gifted Day of Reflection

Light Meal provided ca. 3:00pm

with Sunday Mass at 5:00 PM


HEAVEN STARTS NOW: Becoming a Saint Day by Day(by Fr. John Riccardo) -We hope youjoin our prayer/study/reflection group, facilitated by Ray & Michele Schmidt on Wednesdays, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the History Room (enter off State Street by the Social Hall). The nine sessions beginsTHIS WEDNESDAY May 3rd.To register, order a book, or any questions, email: r call 313-319-1188.

IN HONOR OF THE BLESSED MOTHER - The months of May and October are set aside with special devotions for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our patron, St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), wrote extensively on the relationship of Mary to the disciples of Jesus. He even experienced apparitions of the Blessed Mother. Scholars today, when looking at the development of our understanding of the role of Mary in the Church, look to the writings and devotion of St. Bernard.

Therefore, it is fitting that in this Community we honor the mother of Jesus Christ and our Mother in this month of May. For those who wish to lead the rosary before the weekend Masses in the church, we invite you to come to begin 20 minutes prior to Mass. If needed, come to the sacristy for the hand-held microphone. PLEASE pray the traditional rosary: Creed, Our Fathers, Hail Marys, Glory be, and either the Hail Holy Queen or the Memorare at the end. Also add, especially this 100th Anniversary of the Visions at Fatima, the "Oh my Jesus..." prayer after each decade. Anything else is your private devotion which can be done privately. Thanks.

ROO CATHOLIC -Where has the year gone?! THIS WEDNESDAY, May 3, we will have our Send-Off for University of Akron Seniors with Mass and Dinner at 6:30pm Join us to pray for and congratulate the Graduating Class of 2017. Also check out the RooCatholic website for other upcoming events.

Each year in the Diocese of Cleveland a Second Collection is taken in all parishes to support Catechetical Ministries, which includes Newman Campus Ministry, the Training of Catechists, etc. This year the collection will be May 13/14 throughout the Diocese. God bless you for your support to the formation and education of our youth and young adult Catholics.

Fr. Dan's Exercise Challenge for those over 65 -

Take two 5 lb. bags of potatoes and hold one bag in each hand. Lift the bag straight out at your side. Hold the bags in that position for at least one minute. When you can hold them for the full minute, take two 10 lb. bags and lift them straight out to your side and hold them until you can for one full minute. When you achieve this level lift two 50 lb. bags for a minute (this is the level I am at!). When you have achieved this level, start again with the 5 lb. bags but this time put one potato in each bag.

ALOHA HAWAII!! Take a free-style cruise on Norwegian Cruise Line to the Hawaiian Islands with Doug and Maryjane Palmer of Universal Travel. Make a reservation by May 8th and each cabin booked will send $50 sailing into the St. Bernard Memorial Trust Fund! Please call or text Maryjane at 330-524-8645 to make your reservation and obtain more information. Linda Thompson, a representative of Norwegian Cruise, will be here on May 10th at 6:30pm in the St. Bernard History Room for more details. Call them today.

ST. PAUL STREET EVANGELIZATION - A new Catholic Ministry in the Akron area. They provide a Catholic presence at festivals, fairs and other public gatherings. Setting up a table with pamphlets, rosaries, medals and a standup image of Pope Francis, which draws people where many topics of faith and questions can be discussed. If you are interested in being part of this new ministry in our area, you are invited to join a basic training program on Saturday, May 13 from 9:00am to 5:00pm at St. Francis de Sales Parish on Manchester. Register at:

See their flyer in our church lobby.

CATHOLIC WORKER ROUNDTABLE - will hold a discussion on Immigration on Friday, May 5 at 6:30pm in the Peter Maurin Center, 1090 S. Main. All are invited. Light refreshments will be served.

FATHER FRANK'S NEW ASSIGNMENT - As was announced last weekend, the Administrator of the Cleveland Diocese, Bishop Thomas, has extended Fr. Frank Basa's assignment with us at St. Bernard and St. Mary Parishes. Effective June 13, Fr. Frank will be semi-retired or 'part-time', or as we say in the church world, a Senior Parochial Vicar. This means that he will reside at St. Bernard Rectory (St. Mary no longer has one) and be available to the parishes two-three days per week. He will be compensated for those days alone. In two years, Father can request full retirement status. Until then, I am thrilled he will continue with us - preaching the Word and serving the Lord among us.

2017 WEDDINGS - Our congratulations and prayers are extended to these 12 Engaged couples who plan to begin their marriage at our altar this year:

Joseph Zaworski & Stephanie Morris

Luc Phan& Lily Ho

Christian Amland & Caitlyn Constance

Patrick Coleman & Elizabeth Mooney

Nicholas McNeill & Rachelle Gunselman

Ryan Adler & Katelyn Eadie

Gary Behrend & Jennifer Labajetta

Shawn Becker & Leslie Abraham

Brandon Pauley & Alexandra White

Jon Kaliszewski & Elizabeth Sain

Justin Shepherd & Madeline Malicki

Kyle Weissbere & Megan Sadrach

1967 WEDDINGS - Our congratulations and prayers are extended to the 51 Married Couples who began their marriage at our altar Fifty Years ago and would mark a GOLDEN ANNIVESARY this year. The annual diocesan celebration for Jubilarians will be Sunday, July30th at 2:30 P.M. at the Cathedral of St. John in Cleveland. If you wish to attend, please contact the parish office by June 19 so we can complete a reservation form for you. Ad multos annos!

FATHER PAUL'S GOLDEN JUBILEE - This year also marks the 50th Anniversary of Ordination of the former pastor of St. Bernard Parish, Fr. Paul E. Schindler. Currently assigned in La Libertad, El Salvador, Father Paul will be home to celebrate his years of service on May 27th at the 4:30pm Mass and again on May 28th at the Noon Bilingual Mass. Father was pastor of this parish for 26 years; from 1982 to January, 2008.



St. Bernard and St. Mary Parishes

You are cordially invited to an appreciation luncheon (no cost) in the History Room at St. Bernard Parish on Tuesday, May 9 at 1:00pm following the 12:10pm Daily Mass. The History Room is located off of the State Street entrance. Park in the upper or lower parking lots. We ask that you kindly call the Parish office at 330-253-5161 with your RSVP by this Friday, May 5th.

Understanding is the Key

There is a crisis in our region and state. Hundreds are dying and thousands are impacted by the heroin epidemic. It's not something we want to talk about but we need to. Take a few minutes to learn more by watching some helpful (and hopeful) videos and read about the facts related to this crisis. Go to: Understanding the crisis is key to making our community stronger, healthier and holier.

THE EFFECTS OF HEROIN on SOCIETY - The First Friday Club of Akron will feature Maureen Dee, Executive Director of Catholic Charities Treatment, Prevention, and Recovery Programs on May 5th at Tangier Restaurant on West Market St. at 12:00 Noon. Buffet opens at 11:30 and cost is $20.00. For more information call: 330-535-7668 or to make a reservation.


V ENCUENTRO - continua con un Retiro de los feligreses de la parroquia.Más información pronto.

ROSARIO DEL MES DE MAYO – El rosario para este mes son todos los sábados a las 6 pm. Todos están invitados más información llame a Alma 330- 634-7574.

SALVE LA FECHA - El 14 de mayo vendrán a la 1:30 pm un grupo de abogados para responder preguntas sobre los poderes de representación para la custodia de sus hijos. Por favor pase la voz y no faltes. Más información llame a Luz Alba 330-212-9202.

VIUDAS y VIUDOS - Están invitados a un lonche (gratis) en el Salón Histórico el martes, el 9 de mayo a la 1:00 de la tarde. Favor de responder por este viernes, el 5 de mayo que puede asistir con el Fr. Frank y otros que quieren crear un grupo nuevo en la parroquia.

VENTA DE COMIDA LATINA – El domingo 21 de mayo es la venta de comida para sacar fondos para la celebración de la Misa a Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe en diciembre. Les damos las gracias por el apoyo a todas las personas que hicieron posible este evento. Estas ventas se realizaran todos los meses en el segundo domingo de cada mes, y serán después de la misa de 12:00 del día, en el Salón Social. Por esta razón pedimos a todos los asistentes que luego terminada la misa bajar inmediatamente y ordenar su comida. Todos están invitados a comprar la comida para servirse en el salón social o también se puede ordenar para llevar y disfrutar en casa. No faltes, te esperamos. Más información: Lety 330-618-3189, Nancy 330-322-4452.

ANIVERSARIO SACERDOCIO - El 28 de mayo aquí en la Misa Bilingüe a las 12:00 de la tarde, el PADRE PABLO SCHINDLER celebrará su 50 Años de Ministro Sacerdocio al Señor Jesús y Su Santa Iglesia.

NOTA: Agradecemos a todos los que colaboraron para la celebración de los cinco domingos del V Encuentro, gracias a los líderes de la parroquia Sagrada Familia, Pennsville, y a todos los líderes en San Bernardo, sin ustedes este encuentro no sería posible. Gracias a los que nos donaron la comida para el encuentro todo estuvo muy delicioso. Si quieren continuar colaborando para nuestro encuentro parroquial, por favor llamar al 330-253-5161 Ext. 15 ó Nancy 330-322-4452.

Get Connected to

Go You will see the box titled "Register", click on it. Now type in the parish code678GQQ (which is case sensitive) and your email. Provide your name and address. Set up a username, whatever username you’ll remember, and a password. Keep it simple, you can change it later if you want. A Registration Verification will be sent to your email address. YOU MUST GO to your email AND VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATION BEFORE YOU LOGIN. Then you are all set to use all the great Catholic programs on anytime by simply logging in.

THANK YOU! - Again this year we are grateful for our volunteers who responded to the care of our St. Bernard Cemetery. Under the leadership of Rich Williams the clean-up crew removed a large fallen tree limb with a chain saw, raked leaves away from the fence line for mulching, emptied trash barrels, and secured any fallen headstones. For sure, your work is a Corporal Work of Mercy. God bless you!