Six to Six Social Studies Curriculum
Curricular Map Grades 5-8
Grade / Standard 1: History / Standard 2: Civics and Government / Standard 3: Geography / Standard 4: Economy5 Perspectives shaped on local history and culture / 1.2 Identify events, people and historical events important in Connecticut history (e.g. Mark Twain, Samuel Colt, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Nathan Hale)
1.2 Compare and contrast how the status of family, gender and ethnicity have evolved in CT and other areas of the NE.
1.1 Compare and contrast the impact of exploration and colonization on both native peoples and colonists.
1.3 Explain the factors that influenced European exploration and colonization of Connecticut.
1.13 Evaluate how different ethnic groups have contributed to their communities and the state of Connecticut. (e.g. festivals, restaurants, casinos, museums). / 1.7 Analyze how power in the U.S. is shared among local, state and federal governments.
1.7 Explain how the structure of local, state and federal governments provides basic services (e.g. schools, roads, parks, fire/police etc)
1.8 Explain the process for making and implementing laws in Connecticut
1.8 Evaluate the impact of specific Connecticut laws on its citizens.
1.9 Analyze one’s rights and responsibilities as a citizen (e.g. voting paying taxes, obeying laws). / 1.4 Compare and contrast the value of using local/regional/thematic maps to identify early settlements in America.
1.4 Locate man-made and physical characteristics of Connecticut
1.5 Describe how physical systems (weather and climate) have affected the lives of people in Connecticut (e.g. economy, town locations, recreation, transportation).
1.5 Explain the relationship between the environments and the way of life of American Indians.
1.6 Trace and explain immigration patterns of settlement in Connecticut over time. / 1.10 Explain that when resources var, so does wealth and poverty.
1.10 Weight the purposes and impact of spending and saving money. (Develop personal budgets based on a realistic scenario.)
1.11 Explain how the government needs taxes to provide goods and services.
1.11 Analyze examples of disagreement between government taxation and citizen resentment and resistance.
1.12 Analyze how trade has linked Connecticut to different parts of the US and the world.
6 Comparative Cultures / Major events which have occurred in one Asian, African, Latin American and European country.
Connecting historical events with current issues within the three nations. Identify trends within a historical context for each nation such as migration, exploration, migration, foreign relations, conflicts, economic development and religious/cultural changes over time. / Compare and contrast various forms of government including monarchy(constitutional vs absolute) , democracy, dictatorship, feudalism, and parliaments relative to the rights of individual citizens and the collective group.
Explain the role of the UN in resolving international disputes and trade relations. Understand how regional national alliances such as the EU and the Pacific Rim Conference aid in international cooperation. / Use maps, both print and digital, to answer questions and make inferences about historical and current events. Identify the changing political boundaries and important physical features that influenced historical events within these countries. Use latitude and longitude to locate and identify specific places on a map. Understand the UTZ and the international date line. / Analyze how limited resources influence a nation’s/regional economic development. Compare how resources are distributed and traded within each region studied. Explore how supply and demand affects regional prices for goods.
7 Early American History / Major events which have occurred in American History from early colonial times until the civil war.
Examine the role of compromise and treaties in resolving conflicts both within and outside of the United States.
Compare and contrast similar events at different moments within U.S. history. Exam
ine how events in other nations (e.g. the French revolution) influenced events in the United States. / Development of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights and how these structures affect us today. Structure of the three branches of government, areas of responsibility and “check and balance” system. / Use maps, both print and digital to identify the locations of significant events in early US history and countries that were involved in US foreign affairs. Analyze the advantages and challenges created by their locations. Examine how physical geography influenced settlement, migration and economic development in the major regions of the United States. / Analyze how differing resources affected the economic development of specific regions of the United states during its early development. Compare an agrarian economy to an industrial economy and determine the social impacts of urbanization during the time of the industrial revolution.
8 Late American History – Current events/politics / Major events which have occurred in American History from the civil war until the present.
Examine the role of compromise and treaties in resolving conflicts both within and outside of the United States.
Examine the changing roles of the family, gender and race relations throughout the 20th century. / Historical significant of the Constitutional amendments and Supreme court decisions. Influence of individuals, interest groups, foreign powers and the media on shaping public policy. / Use maps, both print and digital to identify the locations of significant events in late US history and countries that were involved in US foreign affairs. Analyze the advantages and challenges created by their locations. Examine how physical geography influenced settlement, migration and economic development in the major regions of the United States. / Analyze how differing resources affected the economic development of specific regions of the United states during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Analyze how technological advances has affected productivity and trade. Compare an industrial economy, a service economy and an technology based economy during post-industrial age. Determine the economic and social impacts of a “global” economy on our daily lives.
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