St Bernadette’s Church

120 Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA1 4HT

Parish Priest: Revd Father Peter Sayer Deacon: Revd Paul Wawszczyk Tel: 01524 63000 ****************************************************************************************** Second Sunday of Advent 10 December 2017


Order of Mass of the day: Turquoise PMB, p 85

Psalm Response: Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia!

Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight,

and all mankind shall see the salvation of God



Please remember in your prayers:

All who are sick, at home, in hospital and in nursing homes, especially; Erin Buyers, Ann Patrickson, Rita Gelderd, Frank Hampsey, Doreen Heywood, Tina Hilton, Nayeli Cookson, Kay Mushahwar, Steven Hardman, Rita Mexia, Laura Gisbourne, Ann Cunliff, Andrew Keating, Joan Godfree, Cynthia Hemingway and Lilian Marwood.

Monsignor Paddy O’Dea and all who have died recently. All whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially;

May Blenkarn, Kate Philips, Monica Quirk, Ivan Thomas Anthony, Joyce Madden and Margaret Hall.


The Sunday Gospel. A Baptism for Conversion.

Each Advent has two John-the-Baptist Sundays, the first when we see John preparing a community for the Messiah, the second when he points out Jesus as the Lamb of God. Today is the first of these. John chose a point where the busy road from the East crossed the Jordan River. There he button-holed all the busy financiers, merchants and other travellers and tourists, warning them to change their ways – and to change them now, before it was too late. “I am too busy,” no doubt they said, “I have other things to worry about; I have a wife and a family to feed.” John was forming a community of repentance, but not so much a community which wept ‘Boo-hoo!’ about their sins, as a community of people determined to set their scale of values right. He meant them to stop going in one direction, to turn around and go in a different direction.

Do we give ourselves a moment of pause to ask whether we have our priorities right? Where on the list of our priorities does the entry of Jesus into our lives come? John said rotten trees were going to be cut down, useless straw to be burnt. Do I need to feel the axe at my feet?

Pause for Thought. What would happen if we turned our life around?


Continuing the Journey with Pope Francis.

Love is the greatest power for the transformation of reality because it pulls down the walls of selfishness and fills the ditches that keep us apart. This is the love that comes from a mutated heart, from a heart of stone that has been turned into a heart of flesh, a human heart. (Address June 17th 2013.)


This Advent let us all reflect on our own heart. What parts of it are stony, what parts are mutated? Where do we need healing so that we can better love others?

The Wisdom of Pope Francis.

In the face of so many wounds that hurt us and could lead to a hardness of heart, we are called to dive into the sea of prayer, which is the sea of the boundless love of God, in order to experience his tenderness.


Special Intention of Pope Francis for Advent:

Loving Father God, during this season of Advent, we lift up to you the elderly. We pray that they be sustained by families and Christian communities. May they be able to apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming new generations that praise your name.


God Pointers from the Rev. John Ryeland:

If you want to serve the Lord, follow your instincts, be attentive to others and he will shine through you.


Joyfully Sharing the Gospel:

I hope that all communities will devote the necessary effort to advancing along the path of a pastoral and missionary

conversion which cannot leave things as they presently are. (The joy of the Gospel. Paragraph 25)


A Blessing for the Second Week:

We are blessed in our patient search for God’s will for us. We are blessed when we give time to prayer even when it seems pointless. We are blessed especially when we reflect on the hand of God that has guided us to this stage of our journey. Amen.

Masses and Services for Week Beginning Sunday 10 December

Saturday / 6.30 pm / Holy Souls / Vigil / Matthew 35-10,5-8
Sunday / 11.00 am / People of the Parish / Second Sunday of Advent
Monday / 9.15 am / Special Intention / Luke 5:17-26
Tuesday / 9.15 am / No Service / Luke 1:26-38
Wednesday / 10.00 am / Monica Quirk / St Lucy / Matthew 11:28-30
Thursday / 9.15 am / Deceased Swarbrick /Wane Families / St John of the Cross / Matthew 11:11-15
Friday / 9.15 am / Patrick Boyle / Matthew 11:16-19
Saturday / 6.30 pm / Kevin Thornton / Vigil / Matthew 17:9-13
Sunday / 11.00 am / Bishop Brian Foley / Third Sunday of Advent

There is also Mass at 9.30 am in Nazareth House and in St Peter’s, Cathedral at 12.15 pm Monday – Saturday

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 5.45 – 6.15 pm

Morning Prayer of the Church: 8.55am (Wednesday 9.40am) in the Chapel

Gospel Readings for the Week: These are available in the grid at the top of the page

Word of God: The Wednesday Word is available this weekend - connecting home, school and parish

Offertory Collection / £251.22 / Attendance / 40+112=152 / Various / £196.32
Youth Services / £1.00 / Poor Missions / £73.96

·  Advent Week Two: The prophet Micah asked God what was God’s desire for his life. God replied; “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does God require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) Advent is a preparatory season in which it is good for us to examine our lives with the light of the Holy Spirit and know the healing and grace offered to us all in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God desires our happiness and blessedness. God wants to lavish his grace on us and pour out his love into our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit.

·  Penitential Service: To this end there will be a Penitential Service to prepare for Christmas next Saturday 16 December at 10.30 am.

·  Angel Tree: This weekend we have the opportunity once again to support Angel Tree. This project supports prisoners in their family relationships by providing a way for them to give Christmas presents to their children. Local Prison Fellowship volunteers raise funds through churches and prison chaplains to buy and deliver the presents. Each gift is sent as though it is from the parent in prison and is accompanied by a personal message written by the parent for their child. Angel Tree is a very simple and rewarding way to help prisoners keep contact with their families and this can drastically reduce re-offending rates.

·  Mary’s Meals Christmas Table. This continues this week. Thanks for last weekend. 21 plates were added to the table to be doubled meaning, at the moment, we are feeding 42 children. Collecting Boxes in your home: Please could those who have Mary’s Meals boxes in their homes bring them in next weekend so that the contents can be doubled before the deadline. Thanks to the group of children and their families who supported the Mary’s Meals Advent Adventure last Sunday. They started Advent in the best possible way, journeying with crafts, films and prayer. £65.56 was donated which was a generous bonus, to be doubled. Thanks once again.

·  This week in the Parish:

o  Monday - Scripture Sharing 7 – 8 pm in the Social Area. All very welcome.

·  Our Lady’s Catholic College invite you to their Advent Carol Service at St Joseph’s Church on Wednesday 13 December at 7 pm.

Seasonal refreshments will be served after the service.

·  Society for the Protection of Unborn Children invite you to join them in Carol singing for the Unborn on Saturday 16 December between 2 and 4 pm in Market Square in Lancaster.

·  Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2018: The Pilgrimage starts on 6 September for seven nights at half board. Day flights from Manchester. The cost is the same as last year £619 but the usual offer of £100 off will apply if you book and pay in full before Christmas. After Christmas bookings will be made with £200 deposit with full payment due 12 weeks prior to departure. Please see Fr Peter for booking forms. So just one week to complete the forms and receive the generous discount.

·  The Olive Branch is now able to collect daily the stock that Lidl, Morecambe would normally throw away because it has come to the end of its shelf life. They are looking for volunteers, with a car or van, to collect it on Thursdays and Fridays each week. Even one day would help! Please contact Kath Willis, Project Manager at 01524 555715 or 07572577426 if you are able to help.

·  Fairtrade Christmas Gifts are now available in the parish shop. Please call in to have a look and try to support families in the developing world by buying at least one of your Christmas presents from Traidcraft.

·  The December edition of the Diocesan Faith and Justice Commission Newsletter is available to be downloaded at: please read and share.

Please find other information on the notice boards in the Church Porch. If you have any items for the weekly Bulletin please email:



The one thing I would guess about the Lord of Judgement is that He probably won’t blame your parents. (Robert Brault)