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Summer Doctoral Programme 2018 Application Form

To apply please complete this form and e-mail it back to us with all the required attachments in a single e-mail, using your surname as the subject, to .

All applications must be received by 12pm(GMT) on Monday 19 February 2018.

Successful applicants will be notified by 5pm (GMT) onFriday30March2018.

If you have any problems or require help filling in this form, please contact Jordan Davies at or via phone at +44 (0)1865 287210.


1. Your details

First Name

Last Name


I identify my gender as

Email Address

Contact Address

Preferred Telephone No. (incl. international dialing code)

2. Your academic details

PhDDiscipline or Subject(e.g. Sociology)



University address

Year course started (yyyy)

Expected completion date (dd/mm/yyyy)

What stage of your thesis or dissertation will have you reached by July 2018?

Proposed Thesis title

If you have not yet decided on a topic for research, please enter a general subject area. Note that we cannot accept students who are unable to give any information about their likely area of research.

Thesis abstract (word limit: max 300 words)

Please enter a brief summary of your current or proposed thesis topic, including research questions, methodology and likely contribution.

3. Reasons for applying

Please explain, in no more than 300 words, how your research fits with OII’s areas of expertiseand why you think you would benefit from attending this course.

Relevant OII faculty

In order to help us plan this year’s SDP, please indicate one or more members of OII faculty whose input you would value during the programme.

Workshop suggestions

In order to help us plan this year’s SDP, please indicate any topics, methods or skills you would be particularly keen for us to focus on, either in class seminars or more hands-on workshops.

How did you hear about SDP?

This information will help us improve our communications strategy in the future.

4. Accompanying Materials

  • Please attach your most up-to-date CV. This should include details of all prior qualifications, academic publications, prizes or scholarships, as well as the final marks/GPA or class of your most recent completed degree.
  • Please attach or enclose a piece of recent relevant work (3000 words max.), written in English, which you think best displays your intellectual skills. This might be a thesis chapter or extract, a portion of a journal paper or even an essay; it need not be published and can certainly be work in progress. The word limit is 3000 words excluding footnotes or bibliography. You may submit documents longer than 3000 words, but please bear in mind that in order to be fair to all candidates we cannot read more than the first 3000 words.

When attaching these documents to your email, please ensure your surname is included in the file names.Please note we cannot consider applications which do not include these materials.

5. Your referee’s details

Please attach a supportingreference from your primary dissertation supervisor. The reference should address the following questions.

-Whether and why you think your student would benefit from attending this summer programme;

-How you feel your student would fare in an international, interdisciplinary environment that depends on openness to intellectual exploration and collegial feedback;

-How you would describe the quality and potential of their academic work; and

-Whether you would also support an application for scholarship support (and your reasoning)

We are also happy to receive references directly from referees if preferred. Such references should be sent to by the application deadline. Please note that no application will be accepted without the support of a student's current academic supervisor(s).

Please also include the contact details of your referee, which will only be used if we do not receive the required reference.

First Name

Last Name

Title (Dr/Prof…)

Department & University

Relationship to you (e.g. supervisor)

Email Address

6. Special Requirements

Please provide details of any special requirements we might need to cater for if you were to attend the Programme, for example, a disability or dietary requirement.

Please check that you have completed all the fields and then return it to the OII with all required attachments/enclosures. Applications that are missing any of the attachments will not be considered.

7. Declaration

Once you have completed the above, please read the declaration below and sign to indicate you agree with its terms:

I understand that the information provided on this form will be held for the purposes of student administration. I consent to the collection and processing of relevant personal data by the University, colleges and funding bodies as applicable, subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act (1998). I understand that the data in this form will be used for the purpose of processing my application for study and, where relevant, for funding. I am aware that the University of Oxford will not share this information with a third party unless I apply for funding through the University. I confirm that the information I have given on this application form is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate.


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