St Andrew’s Surgery Local Patient Participation Report

This report summarises development and outcomes of the patient reference group (PRG) in 2013/14.It contains:

  1. Profile of practice population and PRG
  2. Survey results
  3. Process used to recruit to our PRG
  4. Priorities for the survey and how they were agreed
  5. Method and results of patient survey
  6. Resulting action plan and how it was agreed
  7. Confirmation of our opening times.

1 Profile of practice population and PRG

Practice population summary

There are currently 9972 patients registered at the practice.


There are 4785 male patients registered at the practice 48%

There are 5187 female patients registered at the practice 52%


The age breakdown of the patients registered at the practice is as follows:

0-15 years1946

16-25 years1148

26-35 years 845


46-55 years 1749

56-65 years 1292

66-75 years 911

76-85 years 515

Over 86 years 219

Historically we were not collecting ethnicity data for patients registered at the practice and so it is not possible to provide a detailed analysis of our practice population, from observation the majority of our patients are white. We are now collecting this information by adding an ethnicity enquiry to the questionnaire that is completed when patients join our practice.

Patient Reference Group

The patient group comprises 57 members

Distribution Details



2.Survey Results

Patient Satisfaction Survey February 2014

Number of Responses: 100

St Andrew's Surgery

Patient Satisfaction Survey February 2014

Excel Report(click here for full dataset)Number of Responses: 100

Dear Patient,

Many thanks for agreeing to take this short survey to help our practice understand how the service we provide can be improved.

Please answer all of the questions and click Send when you are done. ( A paper copy of this survey is available at reception)

Q1: Have you seen one of our doctors in the last 12 months?



Q2: How satisfied are you with the ability to make appointments with a doctor?

Very Dissatisfied10%



Very Satisfied19%

Q3: If you have asked to see a Doctor urgently, have you been able to access care either face to face or on the phone on the same day?



No response22%


Q4: Are you aware that it is now possible to make an appointment with your doctor by registering for online appointments?



No response2%

Q5: What is your preferred method of contact to make an appointment at the surgery?



In Person9%

No response2%

Q6: What is your preferred method of contact for enquiries ?



In Person10%

No response1%

Q7: How would you rate the General Appearance of our website?

Less than satisfactory2%



Very Good23%

Never accessed the website37%

No response2%

Q8: How would you rate the Information Provided on our website?

Less than satisfactory2%



Very Good21%

Never accessed the website36%

No response1%


Q9:Do the current opening hours enable you to access the care you need?

Not at all3%

Not easily14%

Yes to some extent39%

Yes Easily44%

Q10: What additional hours would enable you to access the care you need more easily?

Early mornings5%




No response4%


Q11: The NHS Health Check is available to people aged 40 and 74 years old who haven't already been diagnosed with vascular diseases and who don't have certain risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol treated by medication. If you were invited to the surgery for an NHS Health Check would you attend?

Definately not3%


Definately yes52%

Does not apply to me31%

No response2%


To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

Are you male or female?



No response1%

What age are you?

Under 163%

17 - 242%

25 - 342%

35 - 449%

45 - 5413%

55 - 6425%

65 - 7426%

75 - 8416%

Over 844%

What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?

White British89%

White Irish4%

Mixed White & Black Caribbean0%

Mixed White & Black African0%

Mixed White & Black Asian0%




Black Caribbean0%

Black African0%



No response4%

How would you describe how often you come to the practice?



Very Rarely15%

No response1%

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.

3 Process used to recruit to our PRG

To recruit to our PRG we:

Emailed all the current members and confirmed that they wish to continue to participate in the group

Put up Posters in Reception to encourage more members

Advertised on our screen in reception

Put leaflets on the front desk

Encourage GPs and Nurses to ask patients to join the group

Advertised on the front page of our website: See below:

Patients can join by clicking on the links in the website under the Patient Representative Group (PRG) heading on the right hand side of the page.

Complete the Patient Group Sign-up Form Online

If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice.

Download the pdf version of our sign up form

We have continued to stay in touch via email with our PRG members throughout the year and have forwarded to them various letters, posters, consultation documents and other literature pertinent to them. This includes a response to a list of questions put to the surgery by a small group of members from within the PRG. Please see below a copy of this response:

Response to PRG Questions February 2014 - Press ctrl + right click to open

If you are unable to open the attachment – please find a copy of this document on the web page

4 Priorities for the survey and how they were agreed

To determine the priorities we added this as an agenda item and invited all members to a meeting here at the surgery on 9th January 2014. Of 49 members emailed at the time only 13 accepted the invitation and 2 apologies were received.

Below is an anonymised copy of the minutes of that meeting.

PRG Meeting Minutes 9.1.2014- Press ctrl + right click to open

If you are unable to open the attachment – please find a copy of this document on the web page

Members were asked during the meeting to put forward suggested topics to be included in the patient satisfaction survey. No suggestions were made during this meeting.

The members were then all sent an email on 10th January asking them for their opinion regarding the survey content. We did not receive any responses. A reminder email was sent on 16th January to which a very small number replied and from which the questions to be included in the survey were agreed.

5 Method and results of patient survey

Once we had established the priorities we developed the questions using:

  • My Surgery Website tool – which is part of the service available from our website providers.

We carried out the survey using:

  • Mysurgerywebsite tool
  • Paper forms
  • Email forms

The survey began on 29th January and closed on Friday 28th February 2014.

6 Resulting action plan and how it was agreed

To develop the action plan, the practice discussed it on Thursday 13th March 2014.

To get comments from the PRG on the draft action plan we:

  • Emailed the virtual Patient Representative Group a copy of the survey results.

Dear Member
I hope my email finds you well and enjoying the sunshine.
Please find attached a copy of the results of the recent patient survey carried out between 29th Jan and 28th Feb.
We had a very disappointing response of only 100 patients, despite advertising the survey on the screen in our waiting area, at the reception desk, in the consulting rooms and on our website.
I would be very grateful for your thoughts and suggestions so that when I meet with the Doctors on Thursday 13th March to discuss the results I am able to represent your opinions.
After the meeting I will send you our proposed plan of action which I hope you will also find the time to read and comment on.
I look forward to your reply by return email to:

Kind regards
Shelley Christou
Practice Manager

  • Meeting held with a small group of the practice team on 13th March 2014. The results of the survey and the few responses from the PRG were discussed.
  • A plan of Action was proposed and sent to the PRG members.

Dear Patient Reference Group Member

Thank you to those of you who took the time to respond to my last email which included the results of our recent survey.

I met with a small team from the surgery today including Gps and Managers to discuss the survey results and your responses and we have put together a proposed plan of action.

As you know response to the survey was poor. Only 1% of our practice population took the time to respond despite promoting it on our website, the advertising screen in our waiting area in leaflets and on posters and also putting a copy in each consultation room.

Some of you agreed that it was also a poor representation of our practice population, although it is indicative of the patients who visit the surgery.

One Member has suggested that next year one or two members of the Patient Reference Group may be willing to come in to the surgery to promote the survey and we would certainly welcome this idea.

Please see below the proposed action plan which has highlighted the areas that the survey showed and you felt were important. I am very grateful for your time and as always welcome your feedback.

Kind regards
Shelley Christou
Practice Manager

The main actions were:

Priority 1 – Are you aware that it is now possible to make an appointment with your doctor by registering for online appointments?

What is your preferred method of contact to make an appointment at the surgery?

How would you rate the General Appearance of our website?

Priority 2 – The NHS Health Check is available to people aged 40 and 74 years old who haven't already been diagnosed with vascular diseases and who don't have certain risk factors such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol treated by medication. If you were invited to the surgery for an NHS Health Check would you attend?

Priority 3 - Do the current opening hours enable you to access the care you need?

What additional hours would enable you to access the care you need more easily?

Below is a copy of the Agreed Action Plan:

Agreed Action Plan- Press ctrl + right click to open

If you are unable to open the attachment – please find a copy of this document on the web page

There were no significant changes to our services that required agreement with NHS England.

7 Confirmation of our opening times

As a result of the survey we have notchanged our opening times. They are:

You can call the surgery Monday to Friday 8.30am – 6.30pm

The surgery reception is open 8.30am -6.30pm

Surgery times are between the hours of 8.30am -6.30pm.

We are not open at evenings and weekends.

Outside of these times please call the out of Hours Service 111