JUL 3, 2005

Up North Pigeon Racing Combine Inc.

Delegates Meeting

July 3, 2005 - Schomberg Lion’s Hall


President Bruce Mathers

Club / Delegates Present
Barrie Racing Pigeon Club / Paul Lackie
Brian Moxey
Borden Racing Pigeon Club / Bill Sheridan
John Pfeiffer
Humber Valley Racing Pigeon Club / Rob Marshall
Lake Simcoe Racing Pigeon Club / Dave Booth
Robert Rotiroti
Metro Homing Society / Chuck Marshall
Orillia Racing Pigeon Club / Mike van der Jagt Recording Secretary
Evan Nelson
York Region Invitational R.P.C. / Ron Hastie
Stouffville/Cannington R.P.C. / Adolpho Bianchi
Pine Ridge Racing Pigeon Club / Frank Webster
Alex Fegyverneki
Oshawa General Racing Pigeon Club / Joe Martire
Jim Grant
Whitby/Beaver Racing Pigeon Club / Dick van Staveren
Tony Puopolo

The meeting commenced at 10:20 a.m. and the minutes of the last meeting of

13 FEB 2005 were read. The President called for any errors or omissions.

Bill Sheridan asked for clarifications on how many UNC bands had been sold and junior membership dues.

Ron Hastie pointed out that Andy Townsend had been voted in for the Lake Simcoe Club at the last meeting and his AU dues and FF subscription had been paid for by the UNC but that no membership dues had ever been received from Andy Townsend. Dave Booth to follow up.

Motion by F. Webster and seconded by D. vanStavern that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer circulated a report showing the total expenses and revenues for the current calendar year. The current bank balance as of today is $51,048.54. There is still some outstanding AU and UNC band money owing. Those owing need to pay-up ASAP.

Race Secretary Report

The club results are coming into Ron Hastie great.

Special Events

The next event on the UNC calendar is the Corn Roast at Ron Hastie’s residence. The corn has been donated. Chris Mitsiou has volunteered to BBQ the suckling pigs. Ron cautioned everyone to be aware of their language on the day of the event out of respect for his neighbours.

Rick Broere is working on the Awards Banquet for 22 OCT 2005. He is looking at the Radisson Hotel. It will be a dinner dance with a live band at a cost of approximately $30/plate. Rick is planning on running a raffle at the dance with each club donating one prize. Anyone interested in helping Rick is asked to give him a call.

Rick has some excellent connections in Holland. He is contemplating asking the UNC to host a pigeon auction sometime in the fall for a percentage of the proceeds selling birds supplied by some of these good Dutch lofts. He will provide more details in the near future.

Transportation Committee Report

Evan Nelson reports that both trailers are running well. There is a need for maintenance on the brakes of the small trailer. Both trailers will be serviced between the old and young bird schedules.

Approximately 30 baskets need to be cleaned as a result of the switching early in the season when there was an attempt to straighten out the numbering system. The driver has hired a local boy to clean these baskets for $6 each. He will add this cost to his regular invoice.

For safety and legal reasons the driver has requested that a second driver be contracted to assist with the Gogama and Matheson runs. He has located a person that would be willing to take on the job for $200/race with an additional $100 for any holdover. With a second driver, Cochrane could also revert to Friday night shipping.

Motion by Evan Nelson and seconded by Tony Puopolo that a second driver be hired by the Regular series driver for Gogama and Matheson races and also to include Cochrane if the BOD decides at a future time to revert Cochrane to Friday shipping. The cost to be $200/run and an additional $100/run for holdovers.

Motion Carried

Amendment to the motion by Brian Moxey and seconded by Frank Webster that for any race involving a second driver, that release on the day scheduled be mandatory, no holdovers.

Amendment defeated

There is still a need to discuss how the baskets are being switched in Orillia. How will the process of keeping the numbers in order work?

It was decided that for the upcoming young bird series that the Race Secretary would assign each club whatever number of baskets they are entitled to for the C and D series and a corresponding number of specific holes on each trailer without worrying about the specific numbers on each crate. Following young birds, the numbering system of the crates and trailers would be totally organized.

Dick vanStavern was asked to obtain a stock of stainless steel pins for the large and small door hinges on the baskets and also to obtain a supply of latches.

All club delegates were asked to inspect all their baskets and make any needed repairs or return the baskets to Ron Hastie for significant repairs.

Bill Sheridan proposed that one member of each club volunteer to make a run with the driver. If a member of every club saw the entire shipping process from start to finish there would be many benefits including increasing the knowledge in every club as to how the Combine works. This could potentially significantly streamline the shipping process and answer many questions for all Combine members. All delegates were asked to canvass their membership to see if anyone would be interested.

Paper is costing the Combine $8.10/roll.


Dave Booth reports that there have been no issues with rules since the last meeting and that he has received no complains.


All delegates reported satisfaction with the quality and content of the monthly newsletters. Everyone was reminded to forward any announcements, information or articles of interest to Mike van der Jagt by the 10th of any month for inclusion in the following month’s newsletter.

GPS Coordinates

Ron Hastie was paid $500 in expense money for all his work in taking GPS coordinates at each and every Combine loft. There was some discussion on adding the cost of a new members GPS reading to the Combine dues.

Motion by Dave Booth and seconded by Adolpho Bianchi that the combine charge any member a flat rate of $30 for any new loft GPS reading.


New Club Application

The UNC had received an application from Sam Ferrara on behalf of the Newcastle Invitation Racing Pigeon Club requesting membership in the UNC. Some discussion ensued and as there was no membership list attached to the application, a 20-minute break was called to allow the Secretary an opportunity to phone Sam for some additional information and the list of prospective members.

Following the break, discussion retuned to the Newcastle Inv. RPC application. There would be approximately 5 members flying the C series and one member flying the D series. All proposed members live within the existing boundaries of the UNC. They are amenable to being picked up at the Oshawa General Clubhouse, but their first choice would be a pick-up at their club, which is approximately 1 mile north of the Oshawa Clubhouse at Dan Horner’s residence.

Motion by Ron Hastie and seconded by Evan Nelson to accept the Newcastle Invitational RPC as a membership club in the UNC.


Pick-up at club to be between 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Dues for remainder of 2005 year were set at $100/member. Each member would be required to pay $30 for a GPS measurement. Payment due by 10 JUL 2005 in Ron Hastie’s possession, no acceptions.

Motion by Ron Hastie and seconded by Evan Nelson to accept Sam Ferrara, Dan Horner, Tom McClatchy, Chris Mulder, Ron Maxwell, Brittany Horner, Roy Horner and Doug Payne as members of the UNC (voted on individually).

All Carried

New Membership Application

Humber Valley

Motion by Robert Marshall and seconded by John Pfeiffer that Mike Strangiss be accepted as a member of the UNC.


York Regional Invitational

Motion by Ron Hastie and seconded by Bill Sheridan that Joe Morreillo be accepted as a member of the UNC. Carried

Lake Simcoe Club

Motion by Robert Rotiroti and seconded by Dave Booth that J. Alves be accepted as a member of the UNC. Carried

Motion by Robert Rotiroti and seconded by Dave Booth that Tanner Plant be accepted as a member of the UNC. Carried

Motion by Robert Rotiroti and seconded by Dave Booth that Ryan Plant be accepted as a member of the UNC. Carried

Motion by Robert Rotiroti and seconded by Dave Booth that Douglas Plant be accepted as a member of the UNC. Carried

Joint Releases

After a full and lengthy discussion was held on the issue of joint releases the following motion was made.

Motion by Ron Hastie and seconded by Tony Puopolo that there be no joint releases for the 2005 young bird series.


CU Convention

The CU Ladies Auxiliary has indicated that there is an opportunity to host the 2006 Convention Race. There was a lengthy discussion on the various ways that the UNC could participate in hosting this race. There was general consensus that the UNC would be interested in hosting the race pending finalization of the details. Tony Puopolo, Rob Marshall and Dave Booth volunteered to sit on a committee to explore the options. Bruce Mathers will follow-up on the initiative.

Release Policy

Motion by Ron Hastie and seconded by Dave Booth that the D release be held for 1 hour after the C release for the first four weeks of the 2005 young bird schedule.


Trailers need to be at the release point a minimum of one full hour prior to the earliest possible release.

Tony Puopolo explained a situation in the Whitby/Beaver Club whereby one member had not paid any 2005 shipping fees but had participated in the first two A series races. The club is aware that this member owes the Combine $200 in flying fees but in consideration for some miscommunications and an error in bookkeeping on the part of the Club, Tony was requesting that $100 of the members arrears be forgiven off his young bird fees.

Motion by Dave Booth and seconded by Evan Nelson that the member in question needs to pay his full $200 arrears and the full young bird flying fees before he be allowed to ship a young bird race. Carried

Motion to adjourn.