- Under All Documents, select BILL ITEM file folder, RUNNING TOTAL file folder BY STUDENT (I prefer By Student to By Grade because I have maintained the database by a student's actual grade and not by completed credits as maintained in eSIS.)
- To open a blank bill form, make sure the selector box is NOT highlighting a student's obligation line. Instead, have the selector box on one of the alphabet headers (e.g. A, B, C, etc.)
- To select a student, go to and depress the down arrow. The student list will appear alphabetically (please be sure the selector box is highlighting the correct student!):
- Or you can just type the beginning letters or the entire last name and the STARTS WITH . . . text box will appear and will automatically go to that section of the list once you enter (Note: if you can not find the student's name by either method, the student's information was not present in eSIS at the time of the L/N database roster upload at the beginning of the new school year. Do not attempt to manually input the student obligation. You will need to notify the accounting office.)
- If the selector box IS highlighting a specific student's obligation line, when you depress CREATE BILL ITEM . . .
The database will automatically fill in that student's ID#, name, and grade level on the bill form:
- Select OBLIGATION TYPE which should be either TEXTBOOKS or OTHER (e.g. Lab fees, Athletic Training supplies, Dress code violation T-shirts, etc.):
- To select a Dept, go to and depress the down arrow. The Depts will appear alphabetically, select your Dept, and OK or ENTER :
- A list of your Dept textbook titles will appear, select title, and OK or ENTER:
- The title and price will appear but you MUST INPUT THE COPY# (without the copy#, Kalaheo CAN NOT obligate the student):
- As the "author" of the obligation, your name will automatically appear in the TEACHER section along with the date you created the obligation:
- To save the document, you must go to FILE, SAVE, and then select at the top left of bill to create an obligation hard copy and a pop up screen will notify you that the bill has been created.
- Go to OBLIGATIONS FOR MAILING and the student's Last/First name and student ID# will appear under the date you created the bill:
- Select the student that you would like to print an obligation for by highlighting with the selector box and double click if you would like to view the document prior to printing.
- If you have viewed the document or you do NOT want to view before printing, move your cursor to the column to the left of the name(s) you are selecting and left click. A check will appear next to the name:
- Go to FILE, PRINT, and all the checked names will print a cumulative bill (to save paper, the bill will fit on a half sheet):
- Only obligations you have created can be cleared (currently only the Accounting Clerk has editing authorization, so DHs will not be able to clear their Dept's obligations.)
- Teachers may NOT accept cash payment for outstanding obligations. Students must be directed to the accounting office to make payment and receive a receipt.
- Obligations are cleared at the H-building courtyard window during 1st recess and lunch only. Cash, Money Order, Cashiers check, or Credit Union check payments will be accepted (no personal checks.)
- To clear the obligation, highlight the student's obligation line that you want to clear and left double click:
- Go to ACTIONS on the user bar, select EDIT DOCUMENT, and the bill form will allow editing:
- Depress the ITEM RETURNED button, FILE, SAVE or just close the tab and a pop up text box will ask
, select YES.
- teachers no longer need to submit (2) hard copies of obligations to the accounting office.
- teachers are responsible for inputting their own obligations into the DB.
- students must be given a hard copy to inform them they have an obligation.
- teachers who issued the obligation are responsible for clearing the item from the DB.