St. Alphonsus Cougar Club

2014-2015 School Year

Parent Information Packet

The St. Alphonsus Cougar Club is an on-site after school childcare program for children in 4K – 8th grades. Each day the children will be served a snack and have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities. The activities include outdoor playtime, gym time, arts and crafts, games, toys, and reading. In addition, the children will have the opportunity to work on their homework in a supervised area.


Deadline to register for participation in August/September, 2014 is August 6, 2014.

If you do not register and submit a calendar by this date, your child cannot attend the Cougar Club until October 1, 2014.

Registration Fee: $35.00 per child or $65.00 per family


* Log onto

* Select “Enrollment” Tab

*The list of students you enrolled at St. Alphonsus for the 2014-2015 school year will appear

*Click on the PDF symbol to the right of the child’s name that you want to register for the Cougar Club

*Print page 1 of the registration form and submit it with the August/September Attendance calendar and a check made payable to St. Alphonsus for the applicable registration fee

*Send the registration form, calendar, and fee to the school office via backpack mail or USPS


Type of Care Time Available Fees

2 Hour After School Care 2:20 - 4:30 p.m. $ 7.75 (includes snack)

3.5 Hour After School Care 2:20 - 6:00 p.m. $13.00 (includes snack)

Early Release Care 12:00 - 4:30 p.m. $17.00 (own bag lunch/includes snack)

or 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. $22.75 (own bag lunch/includes snack)


* Childcare will be available every school day from 2:20 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

* Childcare will be available on Early Release days from Noon – 6:00 p.m. if a minimum of 9 children pre-register for the program.

* The program will be closed when school is closed. This includes both school vacation days and emergency closure days, i.e. snow days.

* St. Alphonsus understands the importance of day care on school vacation days. A partnership has been formed with the Greendale Park and Recreation Department “The Bridge for Kids” program to provide care on school vacation days. A flyer and registration information for this program are on the St. Alphonsus website. Enrollment in this program is independent from enrollment in the St. Alphonsus Cougar Club.

* If you are pre-registered with “The Bridge for Kids” program and St. Alphonsus is closed for an emergency that also closes the Greendale School District, your child may attend “The Bridge for Kids” program on that day.


Each month you will be required to submit a calendar that indicates the dates and length of time your child will require care. The calendar is due by the 22nd of the previous month that your child will be in the program. The calendars are posted on the St. Alphonsus website.

A fee of $5.00 will be charged for calendars submitted after the due date.

When completing the monthly calendar please indicate on the calendar whether you will be picking up your child by 4:30 pm or by 6:00 pm. This is a guideline used to insure appropriate staffing levels. However, the fee that you are charged will be based on the actual time that you sign your child out. Each day when you pick up your child, you will note the time and your initials in the “Sign Out Book.”

When completing the monthly calendar please indicate any activity which your child will be participating in prior to coming to the Cougar Club – Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Tablesetters, Homework Club, Mad Science, Forensics, play practice, piano lessons, etc.

There is not a minimum required number of days per week or per month that you are required to participate.


If you need to make an addition or cancellation to your child’s calendar, please call the school at 421-1760 and request to be connected to the Cougar Club – ext. 825. If you call when the school office is closed you may choose option #2 to reach the Cougar Club.

Please indicate the following information on the message:

1.  Your name

2.  Child’s Name

3.  Date for which you are making the change

4.  Change needed: addition or cancellation

The messages are check each day when the staff arrives at 1:45 pm.

Please do not make changes directly on your child’s attendance calendar. The page in the “Sign Out Book” is not used to take daily attendance and additions and cancellations may not be noted if you make changes directly to the page. You will not receive a refund for cancellations made by crossing out dates on the calendar.

The following fees will apply if you need to make changes to the calendar:

1. Additions:

- $2.50 fee per child to add a date to the calendar

2. Cancellations:

- You will be charged $2.50 per child for a cancellation made 15 days or more prior to the date you need care.

- You will be charged the minimum daily care fee of $7.75 perchild if you cancel less than 15 days prior to the date you need care.

If your child is sick and does not attend school or leaves school early because of an illness, you will not be charged for that day of care.


Early Release Days

The only exception to the cancellation policy outlined above is for the dates listed on the calendar as Early Release Dates. If you sign up for care on these days and then cancel or your child does not attend, for any reason, you will be charged for those days. The reason for this exception is that we will only open the club if we have 9 children pre-registered for care. If we announce we are open based on the original calendar submissions and schedule employees accordingly, we cannot then close if families determine they do not need care to which they originally committed.


The service being offered is an extension of the school day. As a result, the children are expected to follow the same guidelines and rules that are expected in school. A detailed description of these guidelines is available in the St. Alphonsus Family Handbook. A copy of this handbook is available on the St. Alphonsus website.


The program will be held in Room 104 for students in grades 4K – 1st. This room is located across from the cafeteria. The program will be held in the Cafeteria for students in grades 2nd – 8th grade.


Parents can pick up their child by ringing the green doorbell on the left side of the door labeled “Cougar Club” on the North side (Churchway Street) of the school. A staff member will release the door for parents.


A parent or parent-designated individual will sign the child out of the program each day by initialing and writing the time of departure on their child’s calendar page in the “Sign Out Book.” The “Sign Out Book” is used to calculate the fees owed at the end of each month.


If you are delayed and cannot pick up your child by 6:00 p.m., please contact the program at 421-1760 option #2 (ext. 825). The first time you pick up your child after 6:00 p.m., there will be a $1 per minute late fee. The late fee will increase by $1 per minute for each subsequent violation. If you are late picking up your child more than 3 times in a month you will no longer be able to use the program.


A bill will be sent home with your child through backpack mail on the 7th day of the following month. The bill will reflect the amount owed for the services provided during the prior month.



If you choose to pay by check the payment is due by the date listed on the billing statement. Please send the payments through backpack mail. Checks may be made payable to St. Alphonsus School. A $5.00 fee will be charged for late payments.

Families will not be allowed to use the program if their bill is overdue by more than two billing cycles.


You may choose to have funds automatically deducted from your checking account. The ACH deduction would occur on the date listed on the billing statement each month. If you do not use the ACH option for St. Alphonsus tuition, a one-time fee of $10.00 for account set-up will be charged to use this option.


If your child becomes sick while attending the program, he/she will not be allowed to stay. A staff member will contact emergency contacts -- in this order: mother, father, emergency contacts -- listed on the registration form and request that the child be picked up from the program.


If you need to contact your child while he or she is attending the Cougar Club, please call the Cougar Club Phone at 421-1760 option #2 (ext. 825). This phone is monitored each day from 1:45 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


If you have any questions or concerns about the program, please contact Adam Halase, Program Coordinator at or 421-1760 ext. 825.

Revised June 17, 2013