SSS Advisory Board Minutes

Monday, September 12, 2016

Present: Casey Hoffman, Bruce Ouderkirk, Lydia Shields, Katelyn Breheim, Hannah Dolgner, Trung Nguyen, Kristin Yang, Barbra Vue, Andy Strowig, Stephanie Cisewski


•  Secretary’s Report: Casey read last meeting’s minutes, and they were approved

•  Treasurer’s Report: Current balance is $459.72

Old Business:

•  Officer election results: Last meeting we elected officers. Stephanie Cisewski was elected as President, Nathan Altmann as VP, Casey Hoffman as Secretary, Megan Theis as Treasurer, Lydia Shields as Social Chair, and Mainou Vue as Publicity Officer. Congratulations again, everyone!

•  Constitution: We submitted our constitution a day late last semester, so the constitution currently has not been approved. We will have to resubmit it in the Fall anyway. We will review the constitution at the next meeting.

New Business:

•  Student organization renewal – Mandatory Conference: We need 2 members to attend the Kaleidoscope Leadership Conference in order to maintain status as a student organization. The conference will be on Sunday, October 9th, from 1:00-6:00pm at Davies. Dinner will be provided!

•  Updating org page – BluSync: If you are not a member of BluSync, sign up now! If you are a member, please use BluSync and look for upcoming events. Email Stephanie for directions to sign up if you are not sure how.

•  September/October Event: Our “September” event will be Fergusons Apple Orchard on Saturday, October 8th at 12:00-2:00 pm! We will have students RSVP by September 30th to arrange for enough transportation. The Board will cover half the entrance cost, so it will only cost students $3.50 to attend. Students should bring money for any other costs such as apples, food, pumpkins, etc. Casey has offered to drive students to the orchard. We will plan a Halloween party at our next meeting for later in October.

•  Looking forward – what would you like to see this year? The board talked about a McPhee night, Thanksgiving dinner, and stress/therapy dogs.

Open Floor:

Nathan requested a different meeting time, but the Board was not able to agree on another time when most students were available.

•  Next Meeting: Monday, September 26, 6:00pm, Davies, Centennial Room (320)

Upcoming Events:

·  Financial Planning Workshops, W/Th, Sept. 14/15, 1:00-1:50pm, Schneider 0223

·  SSS Freshman Career Seminars T/M, Sept. 20/26, 3:30-5, Ojibwe B (330B), Davies

·  Tickets to David Madland Forum Lecture, W, Sept. 21, 7:30pm, Schofield Aud.