Somerton Somerset TA11 7HG
Tel. 01963 240667
Fax. 01963 240230
Minutes of the Committee meeting of the Ladies Section of Wheathill Golf Club held on
Date Wed. 16th August 2017 at
Venue: Jubilee Room, Wheathill Golf Club
Sue BampingSBaLadies Captain
Melanie BrewinMBVice Captain
Pam FrithPFPast Captain
Sandra BradshawSBSecretary
Sue HarropSHHandicap Secretary
Joan Stone JSCompetition Secretary
Lynn O’NeillLONew Members Delegate
Ann GatesAGCommittee Member/Eclectic
- Apologies for absence
Helen LaneHLTreasurer
Jan FinanJFCounty Delegate
Greta HillierGHCommittee member
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting. – The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 19th July were accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed by …AG… Seconded by …JS…… Signed by Lady Captain.
- Matters arising
A few meetings ago, the topic of the Triers Trophy was debated regarding who was eligible. JS has contacted Jan Street who said that it was a separate competition that ladies needed to sign up for.
The members have been contacted regarding the dates for next year’s eclectic and Ann has put up anotice in the Locker room.
The new system for the lockers is now in place. So far there has only been one hiccup when a lady from Long Sutton left with the key. It has now been returned and she did not want the £1 returned.
Items from the Main Committee
The Main Committee proposed that both the Champion and the Best net of each section received a commemorative Silver Jubilee Trophy keepsake.
The clocks on the 7th and 14th are broken and beyond repair and therefore they will be abandoned as there has been little evidence of a quickening in the speed of play.
I have organised a calligrapher to inscribe a few words at the beginning of the In Memoriam book and Jim Thorley is to be approached about making a small plinth on which to place the said book.
The size of the Ladies 15th tee was discussed and concerns will be passed on to Andrew, as it is not two clubs deep.
The computer has been cleared of all the viruses and a new programme installed – Bitdefender - to protect it against viral attack. Microsoft Office has also been installed.
- Lady Captain’s Report
A big thank you to Melanie for organising the Away Day at Tall Pines on Thursday 27th July. Despite the showers, everybody seemed to enjoy it and some were amazed at how close the aeroplanes came to the course. The plentiful food afterwards was very tasty.
Regarding our visit to Cricket St Thomas’s Rally I hear that our winning team came in the overall prizes as well. AG reported that the team came seventh out of all the teams that entered. The team included Sue Harrop, Gin Stewart, Marion Ramsay, Gill Parram. Jean Crossman and Ann Gates.
Thank you to Pam for organising a very successful Ladies Open, and I will leave her to fill in the details. Sandra and I enjoyed playing with a lady from Mendip, whom I then had to play against in our League match.
There have been 33 replies to the email that was sent out about the Ladies’ Club Championship. The idea to ask for the ladies views had been discussed towards the end of last year. Early on this year the format of the Championship was under discussion again amongst the ladies. It was therefore felt necessary to bring it out in the open and give everybody a voice. I apologise for not having informed you in Committee as to my intentions. Understandably, initially replies were quick to arrive but they have now dropped off quite noticeably and therefore Melanie and I have decided to bring forward the time by which answers should be submitted. The result was 18 in favour of one day and 17 in favour of two days. I know that adds up to 35 but a few ladies voted yes to both options. I feel that as there was not a marked preference for the two days we should not change the format. Some people said that this had been discussed three years ago but when some of the ladies were asked they were not aware of this. This has been a valuable exercise as it enabled all of the ladies to have a voice.
Liz Mettam’s Bubbles and Strawberries day was memorable, despite the damp. The ladies from Cricket enjoyed the day and appreciated being asked. Thank you Ann for suggesting it. Jim Palmer could not have looked after Liz more tenderly. Gaye’s Ode to Liz was unexpected but very apt. Let’s hope we can all be so lively and positive when we are 90!
I forgot to say at the last meeting that unfortunately Joan and Lynn were knocked out of the Centenary plate by Weston super Mare when they played at Mendip.
Heather Bush and Sue Rees are playing in the Coronation Foursomes at Bath on Tuesday 22nd August.
On Thursday 10th August we played our home match against Mendip and won 4½ - 2½. This result was repeated when we played Minehead at home on the 15th August.
There are three matches left to play – two home and one away. We have played seven matches and have 26 points. Orchardleigh have played the same number of matches and have 21.5 points. They are one of the teams we have left to play – both home and away, and the other is Cricket at home.
Worlebury Golf Club would like to join the ICL. The membership of the Ladies section has increased which has resulted in the middle range of handicap ladies not getting any match play. The lower handicaps play in the Alliance and the high handicaps play in the friendlies. They can conform to all the league requirements. We have been asked for our opinion regarding this application.
It was agreed that we should invite Worlebury Golf Club to join the ICL.
4 Lady Vice-Captain’s Report
The Lady Captains away day at Tall Pines on 27th July was enjoyed by all. The course was in good condition and well-presented and it was a novelty to see the aeroplanes so close by although the engine noise on the top side of the course became annoying to some. The food was also very good but the weather could have been warmer and drier. The second place team prize went to Vicki O’Neil, Liz Mettam and Anne Scott with 58 points and first team prize went to Molly Shire, Heather Bush and Gaye Volk with 66 points. The top individual scorer was Heather Bush with 29 points.
The next event that I am organising is the ladies away weekend in September to St Pierre. All ladies have made their final payments and this has been forwarded to the hotel. I am currently organising playing groups and prizes.
The sign-up sheet for the final 2017 Tri-match on Monday 4th September has gone up.
The Orchardleigh away friendly has been provisionally arranged for Tuesday 10th October. I will email all ladies with this date once confirmed.
- Treasurer’s Report
MEETING - AUGUST 2017 / 2017 / 2016
Date / Comp / Entries / Income / Expenses / Profit / Entries / Profit
06.07.17 / Stableford - Midweek / 9 / 27 / 11 / 16 / 12 / 6
09.07.17 / Club Championships / 18 / 90 / 163.65 / -73.65 / 14 / -145.58
09.07.17 / Supporter's Trophy / 12 / 36 / 0 / 36 / 20 / 60
13.07.17 / Salimeg Trophy / 26 / 78 / 60 / 18 / 21 / 9
16.07.17 / Mixed Open / 82 / 885 / 761.09 / 123.91 / 76 / 77
20.07.17 / Medal - Midweek / 8 / 24 / 11 / 13 / 4 / 1
23.07.17 / Stableford - Weekend / 8 / 24 / 22 / 2 / 7 / 3
30.07.17 / Medal - Weekend / 12 / 36 / 11 / 25 / 2 / -1
TOTALS / 175 / 1200 / 1039.74 / 160.26 / 156 / 9.42
Current A/C / £916.77
Reserve A/C / £589.55
Charity A/C- 2017 DSAA / £2,696.11
Pro shop fees & additional expenses have been paid for both Mixed & Ladies Open
- Competition Secretary’s Report
Ladies Open 03/08/17
Entries 24 teams of 3
1st - Lynn O’Neill/Kate Cleverley/Vicki O’Neill 78 points
2nd – Ruth Dowell/Kim Clarke/Hanna Jacobsen 75 Points
3rd – Heather Bush/Sue Harrop/ Sarah Uzzell 75 Points
Best Visitor team
Jocelyn Dunevin/Mandy Head/Aideen Roche 73 Points
Paul Nicholls 06/08/17
13 pairs entered
1st – Linda Johnson/Sue Harrop Nett 65
2nd – Janette Stewart/Jen Warmington Nett 68
3rd – Sue Ovland/Kath James Nett 70
4th- Denise Malling/ Kirsty Waterton Nett 72
Eclectic Review
There were 13 entries in the summer eclectic, 4 silver and 9 bronze. As a result only 2 prizes were awarded in the silver division and 4 in the bronze.
The silver was won by Gin Stewart with 58 points and Jill Byrne was the runner up with 65.5 points.
In the bronze division Lynn O`Neill won with 61 points.
Second was Heather Bush with 67.5 points
Third was Sue Bowring with 69 points
And Fourth was Sue Adam with 69.5 points.
The Autumn eclectic is now under way, and Sue has emailed everyone about the changes to next year`s eclectic.
- Handicap Secretary’s Report
1ST Sue Harrop 72
2ND Paula Nankervis 75
3RD Kirsty Waterton 77
Lowest gross Sue Harrop 91
(8 entrants)
1ST Linda Johnson 73
2ND Lynn O’Neill 74
3RD Judith Rowsell 76
Lowest gross Kate Cleverley 89
(12 entrants)
Division 1
1ST Janette Stewart 35
2ND Lynn Liley 29
Division 2
1ST Paula Nankervis 34
2ND Sue Ovland 33
3RD Denise Malling 32
(8 entrants)
Barbara Foster 32 to 33
Valerie Thompson 25
Grass Roots Trophy
The best gross medal score from July of the lady from our club with a handicap between 30 and 36 is entered for the Somerset Ladies Golf Association Grass Roots Trophy. The scores are compared from all the clubs who have entered relevant cards.
Our best score was from Kirsty Waterton with a gross score of 110 so her card will be entered. I will put up a notice to this effect.
A medical certificate has been received from one of our members enabling her to have use of a buggy at this time.
- County Delegate’s Report - Nothing to report
- New Members Report - Nothing to report
- Juniors - Nothing to report
- Starters for Men’s Competitions. A request for starters for the Townsend Trophy and the Cumisky Cup have been made.
JS agreed to act as starter for the Townsend Trophy on 27th August. LO agreed to be starter for the Cumisky Cup on 1st October.
- Correspondence - None
AG. Produced an enlightening ‘Course Analysis’. Discussion followed and some of the figures provided were unsurprising. It would seem that it would be sensible to change the order of stroke index bearing in mind all the restrictions regarding difficulty of holes 1-9 and 10-18. Stroke indices may be changed at any time but it would seem that the optimum time for change would coincide with the production of course cards.
SBa will make enquiries regarding the planning of the new course cards.
AG. A suggestion was made that we might consider introducing a ‘buddy’ system. This would involve pairing new players with a more experienced player to support them in both play and interpretation of rules. Some concern has arisen relating to new players not participating in competitions and playing mainly with other new players.
The Committee will give this idea further consideration. They will also consider Committee members encouraging new players to join them in competitions.
LO. The search for a book case for the Ladies locker room has been unsuccessful.
A male golf player requested that a new competition be introduced – teams to consist of 3 ladies and one man. He was prepared to provide the trophy. Reservations were expressed regarding this type of competition because it was thought that there were probably too few Ladies to make this a viable event.
SBa would send emails to all lady members regarding the need for a book case.
It was thought that the men’s committee be approached initially about introducing another competition.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25. p.m.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th September 2017
Location: Jubilee Room, Wheathill Golf Cub at 6.00. p.m.
Signed as correct ……………………………… Date ……………