SSPC – Southern California Chapter

Minutes of Steering Committee Meeting held: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Red Robin, La Mirada, CA

In Attendance:

Jim Graham (Chair) Corrosion Control Products

Jim Bossardt (Vice-Chair) Blast/Coat Systems

Pat Sweeney (Secretary) CSI Services, Inc.

Mike Yasukochi Sherwin-Williams

Jim Spaulding Annex Industrial Coatings

Chuck Benesch D'Angelo Industrial Coatings
Christi Jones (representing

John Palo) KTA-Tator, Inc.

Bob Henderson Epmar Corp.

Tony Hobbs Tnemec Coatings

Next Meeting: To be announced

Jim Graham, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 11:43 am. All members introduced themselves to Ms. Christi Jones, representing John Palo of KTA-Tator, Inc. Jim G. handed out copies of the meeting agenda to all members, and the committee approved the minutes from the previous meeting in May. Four items from the agenda were discussed. Each item follows:

Item 1 –April C1/C2 classes

Pat Sweeney discussed the results of the April classes in Anaheim. Overall, the classes were a great success. The only items remaining for the class are the final financial reconciliation and the development of a operating procedure for future education committees. Regarding the financial results, Jim G. and Jay Kranker now have custody of all information and property that was in the possession of Art Pedroza. Jim G also received a payment for the classes from SSPC. This payment was based on a calculation by SSPC of all students that attended the class. One student (Chuck B.) had already paid the chapter directly, and the two Techno Coatings students were chapter Comps. As a result, the Chapter owes SSPC a refund for three students. It is anticipated that the Chapter made a net profit of approximately $13,000. Jim G. and Pat would meet up with Jay to develop the operating procedure before the next set of classes.

Item 2 – Treasurer's Report and Art Pedroza

Effective last Wednesday Art Pedroza delivered his resignation to the committee. The committee accepted his resignation today and acknowledged that he had been a driving force in the Chapter’s recent activities. Art had told Jim G and Jay Kranker that he has not yet completed the Treasurer's report. He stated that he would complete and deliver it to Jay Kranker by the end of next week. Jay is in possession of all other Chapter financial information. Jim S nominated Jay to be the active Treasurer for the Chapter. Chuck B provided a second nomination, which was unanimously accepted by the committee.

Item 3 – New Business

A)  As noted in Item 2, Art Pedroza has resigned as Treasurer. Jim G contacted the bank for the requirements to change over signatory right of our account(s). Currently Art and Phil Drooks are listed as the authorized account holders. We need a member designated as the new account manager/signatory. Jim S nominated Jay Kranker to be authorized member, Mike Y provided a second nomination, which was unanimously accepted by the committee. Jim G, Jim B, and Pat S will sign on as secondary signatories since they are the current chapter officers. Jay will have authorization to use the debit card, or a one signature check for an amount up to approximately $1,750.00. The card will only provide for debit activity. It will not allow for cash withdrawals. It is anticipated that the bank will have a set limit policy for this type of account. Any amounts above the set amount will require a second a signature from other designated officers. Jim G will make all of the final arrangements with the bank and Jay. Pat will take over the responsibility of preparing and delivering electronic flyer announcements. We also discussed the possibility of having Art maintain his skills with the Chapter as “Event Director” for perhaps some form of reimbursement. All agreed that we hope that Art would consider this opportunity. Jim G would discuss this with Art.

B)  The chapter needs a Education Chair. It was decided that Dr. Dick Drisko would be the best candidate. All members agreed that Dick would be supported by mostly delegated work. Dick would simply be the head person seeing that all chapter needs were being met. Jim G would discuss this exciting opportunity with Dick when he arrived back into town. The formation of an actual education committee was tabled.

C)  Jim S discussed the need have to an annual plaque and award for selected chapter members acknowledging their volunteer work to make this fine Chapter a success. This “Outstanding Service Award” would be given at the end-of-the-year meeting. The steering committee would decide who would be each year’s recipient. Jim S made a motion to accept this procedure and to subsequently have Art Pedroza listed as the first recipient. Chuck provided a second nomination, which was unanimously accepted by the committee. Jim B would look into having a plaque engraved. All members then decided to have a cash check as part of the award. $150 to $300 was discussed as the amount to be decided in the future.

D)  The Chapter is in the process of moving forward in its development of the areas outside of the Southern CA area – specifically Southern Nevada and Arizona. The Chapter will be known as the Southwest Chapter effective January 1, 2005. Well before this date, Jim B would forward a copy of the notification/announcement letter that he believes was sent to SSPC last year. This is a great opportunity to expand SSPC’s membership in these other areas. Jim G and Pat would then make an addendum to the Chapter by-laws and forward this information on to SSPC. The Chapter will then make the commitment to hold one meeting per year in NV or AZ. This will include table top, education, and general meetings.

E)  Bob noted that we should try and provide some of our meetings as riders to other organizations. Jim G and Bob would focus on these opportunities, and the rest of the committee would keep this in mind with their other groups.

Item 4 – Future Meetings

A)  August 17th or 18th had been tentatively set for a concrete event. Dan Zarate was slated as the possible presenter. Jim noted that Dan has been busy as of late. Jim would contact him to find out his availability. We have next week’s plural component spray demonstration event and then the Friday, October 8th barbecue. Jim would find out what Dan’s schedule is and slate him for a meeting that is in the middle between the July and October events – hopefully in September.

B)  Bob and Chuck discussed next Tuesday’s plural component meeting. There will be room for 20-30 cars at Epmar’s facility. Pat noted that we have 11 RSVP’s, but that projections with this committee are that up to 25-30 attendees are possible. Bob would confirm an estimated head count with the caterer. The morning will be spent with 100% solids epoxy and the afternoon with polyurea.

C)  Jim S noted that he thinks that the El Dorado Park located at close to Spring Street and the 605 freeway would be excellent for the October Barbecue. There is an adjoining golf course, which sparked Bob’s interest. Jim said that there would be a $3 admission for attendees into the park, in addition to the fee to reserve the park. Softball, horseshoes, and a BBQ would be the flavor of the event that would be focused on thanking the membership for its support.

D)  The Committee will be presenting the new SSPC C-7 class this Saturday, November 20. The class will be held at Techno Coatings. It will involve a morning class lecture, afternoon practical training, and afternoon exam. Dr. Drisko will likely instruct. The cost to the chapter may be $250.00 per student, plus other costs. Jim G is in the process of getting a firm cost for the class from SSPC.

E)  Freezeblast, Oakview, CA, could present in the future as a back-up. They can provide a presentation at any time. The current schedule of future events is as follows:

July 20th - Tuesday – Plural Component Spray Demonstration

September – Dan Zarate – Concrete presentation

October 8th - Friday, – Barbecue

November 20 Saturday – C-7 Class

January 23-26 National Las Vega$

Meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm

Prepared by Pat Sweeney Page 4 of 4 July 13, 2004

SSPC July 04 Minutes DRAFT.doc Southern Cal Chapter Steering Committee