The New River Officers’ Spouses’ Club, Inc. (NROSC) is a private non-profit organization with a missionto promote good will, and provide a social and supportive atmosphere, while giving to charitable organizations and scholarship programs benefiting military families. We are pleased to announce that we will once again be supporting graduating high school seniors in their pursuit of furthering their educational goals by awarding scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year to those applying for, or currently enrolled in full time admission to accredited two or four year colleges or universities.
To be considered for a NROSC scholarship, applicants must meet the qualifying criteria outlined below and submit a completed application that includes all the requested documentation by Thursday, 6th April, 2017.
The applicantmust meet each of the followingcriteria-
1. Earned a minimum of a High School Diploma or GED equivalent.
2. A military dependent of a sponsor who is:
a. Active duty military personnel currently stationed at MCAS New River or attached to MWSS-274.
b.Active duty personnel currently fulfilling a tour unaccompanied whose last assignment was MCAS New River (to include MWSS-274), and the applicant currently resides within a 50-mile radius of MCAS New River.
c. Retired or deceased military personnel whose last assignment was MCAS New River (to include MWSS-274), and the applicant currently resides within a 50-mile radius of MCAS New River.
3. Applicant must be seeking one of the following degrees through a full or part time enrollment:
a. A Trade or Technical degree from an accredited and/or licensed institution.
b. An Associate degree from an accredited institution.
c. A Bachelor degree from an accredited institution.
d.A Graduate degree from an accredited institution (doctoral candidates excluded)
4. The candidate must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale.
- Completed applications must be postmarked by Thursday, April 6th, 2017.
- Each applicant chosen to receive a scholarship shall be personally notifiedof his/her selection.
- A reception honoring recipients shall be held the in May 2017, day and location TBD.
- The award money shall be sent directly to the school of choice, and is to be used exclusively for the purpose of tuition, books, or academic fees.
- Acceptance of a scholarship from another military wives’/spouses’ club, a full 4-year scholarship orappointment to a military service academy, before or after selection as a recipient of an NROSCScholarship, will be automatic grounds for withdrawal of designated award. In such event, the scholarshipwill be awarded to an alternate in order of merit.
- The award money shall be forfeited if the recipient fails to enroll in an institution of higher learning within six months of receiving said award.
- Written verification of enrollment must be provided to the NROSC no later than Friday, October 6 ,2017.
- The New River OSC reserves the right to increase, decrease, or withdraw any or all awards.
- Previous recipients of a NROSC scholarship are not eligible for consideration.
Grading Criteria
- This is a merit-based scholarship that rewards students for academic excellence and overall merit.
- A panel of impartial judges will select the scholarship recipients after completing a point-based review process.
- Essays will be comparatively scored, and points are awarded for content, unity, organization, spelling and grammar.
- All personally identifiable information will be removed from applications prior to being reviewed by panel members.
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
DOB: ______
Graduate Degree
Listschoolstowhichyouhaveapplied or are currently enrolled in:
Pleasetellusaboutanyscholarships and/orgrantsyouhavebeennominated for,appliedfororhave alreadyaccepted.______
Sponsor’sName: ______
RelationshiptoSponsor: ______Rank: ______
ActiveDuty RetiredDeceased
Address: ______
______HomePhone: ______Workphone: ______
Unit / Base / Dates / DutyPhoneCurrent
HighSchool:______Graduationdate: ______College (if applicable): ______Graduationdate: ______
Graduate School (if applicable): ______
Cumulative Grade Point Average: ______
Listallhonorsorachievements(bothacademicandnon-academic)received in the last five years.Addpagesasneeded.
Honor/Award / Reasonforaward / DateReceivedListany courses/workshops/seminars taken or attended for personal grown not related to your area of study. Briefly explain.
Community Involvement
Providealistofany organizations, committees orcommunityactivitiesthat you were involved in during the last five years. Provide hours to reflect length of time you served in the activity.
Activity/Club / HoursTotalVolunteerHours=
Work experience within the last five years.
Employer / Position Held / Dates2017 GeneralScholarshipApplication
Please submit three letters of reference from an individual other than a family member.
Writeanessayinresponsetooneofthe following questions:
- Life as a military child can be very demanding in so many ways. You are faced with difficult challenges but also benefits that regular kids do not have. Write some challenges and benefits of being a military child and explain how it affects the way you view other kids.
The essaymustmeetthefollowingformattingguidelines:
- Typedin12pt.TimesNewRomanfont,double-spaced,1-inchmargins,one-pageminimumandnot toexceedtwopagesinlength.
- To ensureanonymity, donotincludeyournameinORontheessay. Asanalternative,includeyourDOBinthe upperrightcornerofeachpage (format: Month/Day/Year).
- Anyessaynot meeting thespecifiedformatwillbe disqualified fromconsideration.
I verifythattheinformationcontainedin thisapplicationisaccurateto thebestof my knowledge.IfawardedascholarshipadministeredbytheNROSC,I agreetoabidebyandfulfillall requirementspertainingtothescholarship.I also understand that if selected it ismy responsibility to submit proof of enrollment and eligibility to the NROSC treasurer by October 30, 2017.Failure to comply will result in a forfeiture of awarded scholarship.
SignatureofApplicant:______Date: ______
Completingthe ApplicationProcess
Applicationsthatareincomplete,handdelivered,containingunapprovedattachments,orpostmarkedafterthisdatewillnotbeconsidered. Donotincludearesumeinlieuofapplication.
CompletedApplication(pages 2-4 only)
OfficialSchoolTranscripts (if within the past five years)
3 letters of reference from an individual other than a family member