Element 26: Managing Response Rates (WA 2.6.3, AS 3)

Washington State Element 2.6.3 The teachermanages responserates.
PossibleTeacherEvidence / PossibleStudentEvidence
•Usesresponse cards
•Hasstudentsusehand signalstorespondtoquestions
•Usestechnologytokeep trackofstudents’responses
•Usesresponse chaining / •Multiplestudentsortheentireclass respondto questionsposedbytheteacher
•Candescribetheir thinkingaboutspecificquestions posedbytheteacher
Not Using/Beginning (1) / Developing (2) / Applying (3) / Innovating (4)
Whenthestrategyis called fortheteacher doesnot useit,ortheteacher uses strategyincorrectlyorwith partsmissing. / Theteacher uses response ratetechniquestomaintain studentengagement in questionsBUTdoesnot monitortheextenttowhich enhanced response rates keep studentengaged. / Theteacher uses response ratetechniquestomaintain studentengagement in questionsandmonitorsthe extenttowhichthe techniqueskeep students engaged. / Theteacher adaptsand createsnew strategies for unique studentneedsand situations.
Possible Examples
  • Naming student before asking question
  • The T talks the whole time or answers their own question.
  • Doesn’t let kids grapple w/ideas/concepts
/ Possible Examples
  • Doesn’t go back to students who needed more think time or…
  • Calls on first responders only
  • Calls on one kid & then not call on them again (until all sticks are drawn)
/ Possible Examples
  • Provides think time before asking question.
  • TNT before answering
  • Response chaining – talking as a class, not to the teacher
  • Quizlet/Kahoot/Clickers
  • Having students question or paraphrase other’s responses
/ Possible Examples
  • Provides questions to slow processors ahead of time (prep kids for discussion/responses)
  • Let kids know that a reflection/exit slip will be at the end
  • Team decision before answering
  • Be able to change strategy from choral/TNT & vice versa

Ways to move to the next level
  • Wait to call on a student until after the question is asked
  • Provide think time (begin with 10 seconds… count or use a timer to make sure you use this strategy correctly)
/ Ways to move to the next level
  • Provide think time and then have students share with one another or in a journal to monitor that all students used the Think Time
  • Don’t let kids off the hook- set aside their stick so you remember to call on them again
/ Ways to move to the next level
  • TNT – what did partner say (why do you agree or disagree?)
/ Ways to move to the next level