From Fr. Jim …
The Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Today is a good day to pray for the families to which you belong, families of origin, families of choice, parish and/or religious families. A simple way of praying with the people you call family, if you are gathered together, or praying for them if you are alone, is as follows:
The Sign of the Cross
Sing Angels We Have Heard on High (verse 4)
See him in a manger laid Whom the angels praise above;
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, While we raise our hearts in love. Gloria in excelsisDeo! Gloria in excelsisDeo!
Read Luke 2:41-52 (the Gospel of the Day this year)
Leader:Loving God, on this Holy Family Sunday we pray:
Where we need healing, please help us.
Where we are whole, we give you thanks.
Where death has taken a member home to you,
please give eternal rest and peace.
We lift our family up to you by name
(Please name any family members you would like to mention.)
Our Father…
Leader:Let us pray:
God, source of all life, we hold up Mary, Joseph and Jesus as models for holy living. Give us the courage of Mary, the openness of Joseph and the trust of Jesus to strengthen the bonds of family that we share and to help us grow in the love we celebrate through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The Solemnity Mary, Mother of God
Friday of this week is a Holy Day of Obligation on which we celebrate Mary as Mother of God, God-bearer,Theotokis, in Greek, one of her oldest titles. Mary is also known as the first disciple, the first follower of Jesus, her Son. We, too, are his disciples. As today’s Gospel tells us that she kept all that she was told by the shepherds in her heart and reflected on them. Help us follow her example and reflect the Love and Light of Christ to all we meet. Come and celebrate Mass on Thursday night, 7:00 pm at ICC and Friday morning, 8:30 am at ICC and 9:00 am at SJ. Happy New Year!
New Year’s Liturgy Schedule
Immaculate Conception Church
New Year’s Eve, Thursday, December 31, 2015
7:00 PM Mass
New Year’s Day, Friday, January 1, 2016
8;30 AM Mass
St. Jude Mission Church
New Year’s Day, Friday, January1, 2016 -
9:00am Mass
Offertory December 13, 2015Fiscal Budget
Immaculate Conception $9,857.33 $10,727.50
St. Jude’s $1,813.50 $2,350.75
Online $1,924.50 $2,666.75
$13,595.33 $15,745.00
2015-2016 Fiscal YTD(Offertory Deficit) -- $14,435.98
Building Maintenance Fund:
Collected $252,631.53
Expenses $237,526.94
Balance $ 15,104.59
Year-End Donations - In the course of year-end tax planning, you may find yourself considering extra donations. As you contemplate year-end gifts, please keep Immaculate Conception/St. Jude Parish in mind. We welcome your donations through the giving page on the church website at or in the Parish office. Your generosity will be a great help to the parish and may benefit you as you prepare your taxes!
December 28, 2015 - The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
8:30AMCathryn Harkins
December29, 2015– St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr
8:30 AMJanice Abud
December 30, 2015
8:30 AMTeresa Sposato
December31, 2015 - Vigil of the Solemnity of Mary
8:30 AMBrian Lilly
7:00 PMSarah Smith
January1, 2016- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
8:30 AMMike Whitlock
9:00 AM SJFred Gottemoller
January2, 2016– St. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church
8:30 AMElizabeth Andrews (Living Intention)
5:00 PMMarion Shick
January3, 2016- the Epiphany of the Lord
7:00 AMRaymond J. Diebold
8:30 AMRaymond Diebold
9:00 AM SJPeople of the Parish
10:15 AMJoseph John Bunk, Sr.
12:00 PMHugh, Eleanor, and Christopher Reilly
Parish Community News
We extend a warm welcome to new parishioners:
Mr. and Mrs. William Feehley
We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:
Joseph McCullin, Martha Tyszkiewicz
Next Week’s Readings:
First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
Isaiah rejoices over the light and glory that will shine upon Jerusalem. He describes how the wealth of nations will be brought to Jerusalem, and travelers will arrive bearing gifts and praising God.
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
Paul explains to the Ephesians that the Gentiles are now co-heirs with the Jews. Through Jesus, they became members of the same body. Therefore, they would receive everything God had promised the Jewish converts if they followed Christ's teachings.
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
Astrologers from the east came looking for the newborn king of the Jews, which greatly disturbed King Herod. Herod wanted to kill Jesus, and asked the astrologers to return and tell him where Jesus was. The astrologers found Jesus and brought him gifts, but received a message in a dream telling them not to return to Herod.
The Solemnity of the Epiphany
Next weekend, January 2 and 3, we celebrate the Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ as Light for all nations, all peoples, by the light of a star that led the magi, the wise men, to bring gifts and adore the Christ child. We will bless chalk and holy water at the Masses next weekend for you to take home and mark your doors with the year and the initials of the three magi (Casper, Melchior and Balthasar) which also means ChristusMansionemBenedicat (Christ Bless this House). We will have some small containers of holy water for you to use to bless your entire home or you can bring a container with you and take a bag that only contains the chalk and prayer card.
Catholic Calendars are available at the entrances of our churches. A word of appreciation to the sponsor of our parish calendars. Also, please patronize our advertisers in this bulletin and the parish directory that was mailed to you. All of our sponsors make contributions to our parish. Many of them are parishioners who deserve our support. Thank you, one and all!
Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. With Pope Francis we ponder: “Almost every day the television and papers carry news of refugees fleeing from hunger, war, and other grave dangers, in search of security and a dignified life for themselves and for their families. Therefore, as we fix our gaze on the Holy Family of Nazareth as they were forced to become refugees, let us think of the tragedy of those migrants and refugees who are victims of rejection and exploitation who are victims of human trafficking and of slave labor.” (Angelus, December 29, 2013)
The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
We have so much to learn from the Holy Family: Mary allows God’s will to change her life; Joseph pays close attention to and follows the prompting of the angel; Jesus says to the Father “not my will, but Thine be done.” What is the Father’s will for you? Are you taking steps to find out? For strong and holy families, that by nurturing the faith of their children, parents help them grow in wisdom and grace so that they hear and respond to God’s will for their lives, we pray to the Lord! If you think God might be calling you to live out a religious vocation, call or write Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and ReligiousVocations (302-573-3113,). Be sure to visit our website:
Help the Diocesan Vocations Guild encourage and support vocations to the priesthood, religious life and the diaconate. The Guild is raffling off a beautiful woodcut of The Good Shepherd by Sister Mary Grace Thul, OP at their annual Christmas dinner for priests and seminarians on January 10, 2016. Information about the raffle and about the Guild is available at
Adoration for Vocations is usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The nextAdoration for Vocations will be held Sunday, January 3rdfrom 1:30– 6:00 PM. Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30 PM.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Col 3:12-21 or
3:12-17 or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lk 2:41-52
1 Jn 1:5 - 2:2; Mt 2:13-18
1 Jn 2:3-11; Lk 2:22-35
1 Jn 2:12-17; Lk 2:36-40
1 Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1:1-18
First Friday
Nm 6:22-27; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21
First Saturday
1 Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1:19-28
Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception
School News
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Immaculate Conception School!
If you have any questions about the school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636.
Faith Formation
Religious Education & Sacraments
NO Religion Classes today, December 27th and Wednesday, December 30th.
**Religion Classes Resume Next Sunday, January 3rd and Wednesday, January 6th.
First Communion Program:
Mark Your Calendar!
The Parent Orientation Meeting for First Communion will be held on Monday, Jan. 25th at 6:30pm in church. Letters are being mailed this week that contain the dates being offered for First Communion.
Volunteers Needed!
We have an on-going need for catechists and assistants. Substitutes are needed periodically throughout the year. If you can lead or assist with a class occasionally or regularly, we want to hear from you! Please contact the Faith Formation office at or 410 392 3551. Thank you!
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Please visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for more detailed information on YM events and opportunities. To contact the YM office, call 410 392 3551 or email .
High School & older Weekly Gatherings
Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join our Sunday gatherings in the Parish Center from 6-8 PM. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome.
Parents: Please donate some soda in cans or small water bottles for our teens on Sunday nights. Thanks!
Dec 27 – No gathering.
High School Retreat at Charter Hall Retreat House January 15-17. All 9-12 grade students are welcome to attend. Space is limited, so please sign up soon. Please email or call 443 350 4627 to sign up. See “latest parish downloads” on our parish website for the flyer and consent form.
Service Hours
If ever you are in need of service hours, or if you’ve just been blessed with a servant heart, please scroll through the pictures on the parish website home page at Click on the one about “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed for each opportunity.
Confirmation 2016 Important Dates
February 6, 2016 – Confirmation Retreat
April 22, 2016 – Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors 6:30 PM in Immaculate Conception Church
April 23, 2016 – Confirmation and Mass 1:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church
Adult Education
Interested in a study group?
Several different opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at (410) 398-1100 to obtain more
Along with the Weekly Scripture Puzzles, etc. you will find under downloads A Prayer for the New Year, and the Blessing of the Home on the Feast of the Epiphany.
ACTS. The Spread of the Kingdom
The next session will be held on Mon., Jan. 4th at 6:30pm and Tues. Jan. 5th at 9”15am.
The Topic : The Church in Antioch (Acts 11-12)
The next session will be on Thursday, Jan. 7th at 9:15am. The Topic: Egypt and Exodus Pt. 1 (Exodus 1-18)
Introducing the Weekly Family Video Reflection From Strong Catholic Families
Every Wednesday a video link and reflection question will be posted on the Strong Catholic Families Facebook page for families to watch, reflect, and discuss.
This Facebook page is updated daily with articles, resources, videos and family-related information aimed at Catholic parents. For more family friendly resources, visit
Social Concerns
OUTREACH–We would like to thank all of the families and members who donated this Christmas season! We are very grateful for your continued support. With your help we were able to assist over 90 families and 280 children! Thank you and God Bless!
Looking for a rewarding service opportunity? Help ICC feed the needy every second Thursday of the month at The Paris Foundation located on Bridge Street in Elkton. We are in need of servers as well as those to prepare the food. Please contact Mary Clarke at 302-241-5961 or email at for more information.
Parish and Family Life
Parish Coffee: Join us for a Parish Coffee Sunday, January 3rd after the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.
The Parish Coffee at Immaculate Conception will be Sunday, January 10th after the 10:15 Mass.
Parish Events / Information
Are You New to the Parish?Don’t Forget to Register!
Whether you’ve recently moved into the parish, or have lived here for some time, it’s important for you to register in our faith community. We need to know who comprises our community so that we may better serve you. To register, stop in at the Parish Office or call 410-398-1100 to have a parish registration mailed to you. YOUNG ADULTS, if you have moved from your parents’ home, it is important that you also let us know your whereabouts so that you can remain a registered parishioner at Immaculate Conception Parish.
Rotating Shelter
Volunteers are needed to join a committee to oversee the Emergency Rotating Shelter for the homeless during the week of March 14-21, 2016,hosted by Immaculate Conception/St Jude's parish. There will be a meeting for the facilitating team on January13th at 7:00pm. If you have any questions, or would like to join the team please contact Bill and Carol Dale, 410-287-9548 or email at . Additionally, the collection on January 10th will be for the rotating shelter. Please consider helping out the members of your community in need. Thank you and God Bless!
The new 2015 Parish Cookbook is still for sale through the Knights of Columbus and in the Parish Office! If you would like to reserve a copy/copies, please notify either Anna Maria Buehler (443-553-5693), Robert Gorman (410-392-3779), or email o be added to our list. Each cookbook is $18. Thank you for helping the Knights of Columbus continuetheir charitable giving.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
There is no Children’s Liturgy of the Word This Sunday, January 3rd. Happy New Year!
Catechists for Sunday, January 10Children’s Liturgy are:
CLW1 Lindsay PartridgeCLW2 Kimberly Burnham
This Week’s Calendar
Sunday, December 27
8:20 AMConfessions – SJ
1:30 AMBaptisms - IC
6:00 PMHigh School Gathering – PC6
Monday, December28
9:30 AMNovena – Ch
8:00 PMAA - caf
Tuesday, December29
9:00 AMHoly Hour – Ch
6:30 PMHand bell Rehearsal - IC
7:30 PMContemporary Ensemble Reh - IC
Wednesday, December 30
9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St. Jude Novena – Ch
9:30 AMCantor Rehearsal – IC
Thursday, December31
New Year’s Schedule Pg 1
9:00 AMRosary Crusade - Ch
4:00 PMTORCH New Year’s Meeting
7:00 PMParish Choir Rehearsal – IC
Friday, January1
New Year’s Schedule Pg 1
9:00 AMRosary Crusade – Ch
Saturday, January2
9:00AMRosary Crusade – Ch
4:15 PMConfessions
7:00 PMNA – Caf
This week provides a challenging blueprint for the good stewardship of our family relationships. How do I measure up?Bring It Home this week by praying with your family. Take a moment to show one another how thankful you are to have each other!
Community Events / Information
Knights of Columbus
Bishop Becker Council 2427
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Meetings are held at the McGlynn Parish Center.
Membership Information: call 443-616-5370
St. John-Holy Angels Lottery Fundraiser: Looking for Christmas gifts for neighbors, teachers, etc.? St. John/Holy Angels Lottery Calendars are $20 each with 90 chances to win between $50 and $250! Only 1000 calendars will be sold! Sales run through December 31. Winning numbers are based on the Delaware State Lottery’s Play 3 night drawing from January 1 to March 31. Contact the Parish at 82 Possum Park Road (in Newark), , or (302) 731-2219.
Catholic Charities Needs Help to Warm Up Winter!
As temperatures start to decline, Catholic Charities is
preparingto help our community by collecting new and "gently used" blankets and other bedding, coats, hats, and gloves now through the end of January 2016. Donors can bring their coats, blankets, etc. to Marydale Retirement Village 135 Jeandell Drive, Newark, DE 19713. For more information please call, 302-368-2784.
The Franklin Institute is offering discounts to parishioners for its amazing exhibit, Vatican Splendors. This incredible exhibit offers a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see more than 200 works of art, some of which have never before been displayed! This exhibit is limited entry and booking fast so call today to organize your trip! To order, call 215-448-1200 or go online to and use promo code “ARCHPHL” when purchasing Vatican Splendors tickets.
SerenityRetreat for Women - Malvern Retreat House will host a weekend retreat for women affected by the disease of addiction from January 8-10. Sr. Linda Fischer will direct the retreat, which will be held in the retreat house’s Family Life Center. To register,please visit Retreat Househas been owned and operated by Catholic lay leadership since 1912, Malvern is the oldest and largest Catholic retreat house in the country - hosting 20,000 people annually at 250 retreats on 125 acres in beautiful Chester County, Pennsylvania. We invite you to come to Malvern to reflect, refresh and rejoice in your faith. To find an evening, weekday or weekend spiritual retreat that's right for you, call 610-644-0400 or visit us online
The Diocese of Wilmington/Catholic Charities is accepting applications for the position of Coordinator of Pastoral Care, Social Services and Activities at Marydale Retirement Village, a HUD/Section 8 property for senior citizens in the Newark area. Provides pastoral care to residents and their families, encompassing supportive and positive assistance to tenants.Supplies information and referral services promoting health, harmony and cooperation among the residents.Development and implementation of various programs and activities.Knowledge and experience with working with the elderly. Masters degree in Geriatric Services, Pastoral Counseling or related fields preferred or Bachelor’s degree with additional training such as Spirituality or Diaconate studies.Compassionate understanding of service to older adults with the ability to relate to residents a must. Candidate must possess strong oral and written communication skills, with leadership, organizational and time management skills. For more information or to apply, see our posting on