Charter(draft v1)
OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee
Prepared by Bob Beims and Seth Park (Freescale Semiconductor)
Purpose of This Document
This document is intended to be a starting point for discussions regarding the creation of the Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee (SIDSC). After initial discussion, the content in this document should be crafted to be the Charter for SIDSC.
All following headings are relevant to SIDSC (not the Charter, itself).
- Identify data patterns that are consistent and/or specific to the semiconductor industry. Examples may include:
- Features
- Instruction sets data (may not have standard/native syntax/data structure)
- Register data
- Signals data
- Mechanicals data
- Electrical characteristics
- Timing data
- Thermalcharacteristics
Most of these content types/structures are well-defined by other standards, such as IP-XACT, IEC-61360, IEEE-P1685, etc.; others are not. This committee will define how information stored in standards-based formats will interact with DITA systems. Data stored in other XML formats may be used in a number of ways, including (but not limited to):
- Data is referenced as “foreign” content
- Data is transformed from native format to DITA
- Determine which content types/patterns justify the creation of a DITA specialization.
- Create specializations.
- Establish guidelinesand XSLT for transforming specialized data.
- Create metadata guidelines.
- Provide high-level perspective of how DITA systems should interface with RTL, Verilog, design flow tools, and other relevant tools, processes, and standard data formats.
- Consider role of SVG, TDML, MATHML and characterize how they should interact with DITA. The recommendations of this committee should have enough weight to re-energize ownership and development of neglected domains.
- Provide justification for standardizing semiconductor industry and propose business benefits of participating in SIDSC.
Name: Semiconductor Information DesignSC
This name does not limit the scope of our findings and relevance to specializations.
- All files required to successfully implement all specialized topic types (which will be defined at a later time), including:
- Schema, MOD files, XSLT
- Supporting online documentation (created in DITA) and hosted on Oasis web site
- Recommendations for the “role of DITA” in semiconductor information design.
Next Steps
- Identify communication channel (email for now?)
- Ratify the Charter
- Complete SC application process (Seth Park offers to facilitate)
- Name a secretary
- Schedule meeting to begin project work
Chair: Bob Beims (proposed)
Secretary: TBD
Potential Members (italics denote OASIS member companies)
Company / First / Middle / Last / SuffixAltera Corporation / Guy / Spencer
Astoria Software / Chip / Gettinger
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. / Victor / Berman
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. / Jean-Michel / Fernandez
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. / Carrie / Moley
Cymer, Inc. / Chona / E. / Shumate
Denali Software, Inc. / Mark / Gillman
Freescale Semiconductor / Bob / Beims
Freescale Semiconductor / Seth / Park
Green Hills Software, Inc. / Miguel / Hall
Green Hills Software, Inc. / Robert / Redfield
Green Hills Software, Inc. / Andre / Yew
Green Hills Software, Inc. / Tom / Zavisca
IBM Corporation / Duane / K / Becker
IBM Corporation / Don / Day*
IBM Corporation / Betsy / Dunphy
ICOS Vision Systems / Patrick / Willekens
Infineon Technologies UK Ltd. / Ian / McKenzie
Infineon Technologies UK Ltd. / Kutty / Pacheery / Narayanan
Intel Corporation / Steve / Ballard
Intel Corporation / Seraphim / Larsen
Intel Corporation / Eric / Martin
Intel Corporation / Peter / Shepton
IPextreme / Trent / Poltronetti
IPextreme / Pierre-Xavier / Thomas
LSI Logic Corporation / Debra / Bissantz
LSI Logic Corporation / Jo'lene / Jernberg
LSI Logic Corporation / Alan / Olson
LSI Logic Corporation / Alex / Price
LSI Logic Corporation / Stan / Relf
LTX Corporation / Damon / Carter / Jr.
Lucent Technologies Inc. / Bruce / Esrig
Luminary Micro, Inc. / Denise / Fischer
Luminary Micro, Inc. / Cathy / Riely
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. / Donald / S / LeVie / Jr.
Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. / Sakura / Ticer
Mentor Graphics / Bill / Chown
Micron / Craig / Henley
Micron / John / Waddell
National Semiconductor Corporation / Bob / Yencha
NXP Semiconductors / Andrew / Black
NXP Semiconductors / Addie / Dijkstra
NXP Semiconductors / Alfred / Elkerbout
NXP Semiconductors / Constant / Gordon
NXP Semiconductors / Wim / Ritzerfeld
NXP Semiconductors / Ralph / von Vignau
OASIS Open / Mary / McRae
OASIS Open / Peter / Roden
PMC Sierra / Bob / Murray
Productivity Design Tools Inc. / Jeremy / Ralph
Qimonda Memory Products / Gunnar / Krause
QUALCOMM / Susan / Self
SigmaTel / Patricia / Meador
ST Microelectronics / Adrian / Beames
ST Microelectronics / Gilles / Fourneris
ST Microelectronics / Antoine / Hanczakowski
ST Microelectronics / Serge / Hustin
ST Microelectronics / Francoise / Lepain
Tensilica, Inc. / Jean / Fletcher
Texas Instruments / Bill / Breden
Texas Instruments / Todd / Breeding
* Don Day of IBM is included in this list as the current OASIS DITA Technical committee chair; his activity with the subcommittee will be limited to advisory communications.