SSC Members’ Questionnaire
The club committee would appreciate a few moments of your time to complete the following questionnaire either on-line or on paper (in block capitals). The objective of the questionnaire is to collect information/ideas from club members as to how our club (and its members) should develop over the next couple of years and how you can be involved. Once complete, please either post in the ‘questionnaire letterbox’ at the clubhouse or email back toJeremy Naylor at , preferably by the end of November.
Family Name: ……………………………………………………………………………...……
Preferred contact details: We will only contact you in relation to this Questionnaire
Tel number: …………………………………………………………………………….
E-mail address: …………………………………………………………………….….
Type of membership: Please indicate Age range (and numbers) for the people in your membership:
Under 13 / 13-17 / 18-40 / 41-60 / SeniorIndividual / - / -
Couple / - / -
Length of currentclub membership1 – 2yrs2 – 5yrs5 – 8 yrs8yrs+
1. The Club and its Future
Which of the following areas do you feel that the club should focus on developing and improving over future years?
Please rate in order of importance by ringing your choice (1 is the lowest, 5 the highest).
Promoting Junior and Youth sailing to 12345
existing and new members
EncouragingAdult sailing to existing12345
and new members
Organising Family sailing/cruising12345
Arranging race coaching and 12345
development training
Organising more team racing or combined12345
racing with other clubs
Offering Safety boat handling training12345
Providing Race officer (OOD/AOOD)12345
Making improvements to the club Website12345
(Members area, race results, etc)
Arranging lectures/talks on sailing topics12345
Arranging lectures/talks on other 12345
(non-sailing) topics
Providing First Aid training12345
Arranging more club social events
Formal/Informal dinners12345
Summer BBQs12345
Pub nights12345
Quiz nights12345
Other socials12345
Improving promotion and publicity to12345
attract new members
Improving links with the community,12345
local schools and other organisations
Improving the club facilities (club house)12345
to supportnew / continued activities
Purchase of new/additional club boats 12345
Changing the Committee Structure12345
Do you have any specific comments on how these areasshould be developed?
What other areas or activities do you think should be developed within the club?
- Your current sailing ability and objectives.
How would you describe your (and family) current sailing ability and what are your objectives over the next 12 months. This information will help the club to target race training and coaching activities:
Please indicate numbers for adults and juniors (under 18):
Looking over the next 12 monthsAdults / Juniors
Social member (non sailor)
Occasional club sailor
Willing (or unwilling) crew
Family cruising
(Not looking to race)
Novice sailor/new to racing
(Looking to start or do more racing at the club)
Developing club racer
(Looking to develop racing skills within the club)
Intermediate racer
(Looking to develop racing skills at club and possibly at other venues and events)
Advanced racer
(Experienced racer not looking to develop skills within the club environment)
What class of dinghy racing are you most interested in developing at the club: Please indicate numbers for adults and juniors:
Adults / JuniorsSingle Handed
What class or classes of dinghy do you and your family sail at Shearwater:
Primary class ……………………………………………………………………….
Other classes………………………………………………………………………..
How would you best describe your sailing objectives over the next 12 months: (e.g. happy as I am, keen to do more racing, want to go cruising, looking for race coaching, want to get children more involved?
- You and Your club.
Many of the boats in the dinghy park appear to be unused on a regular basis. So what, if anything, should the club do to encourage you and your family to make more use the excellent facilities at Shearwater (club and lake)? And what, if any, aspects of the club and the facilities might be improved?
Are you willing and able to help out in any of the following areas on a voluntary basis?
Willing and able (qualified)? / Willing to undertake training?Catering / Yes / No / Yes / No
Working parties / Yes / No / Yes / No
Coaching juniors / Yes / No / Yes / No
Coaching seniors / Yes / No / Yes / No
Committee work / Yes / No / Yes / No
Promotion and PR
for the club / Yes / No / Yes / No
Family activity days / Yes / No / Yes / No
Fund raising / Yes / No / Yes / No
Social activities / Yes / No / Yes / No
Website design & maintenance / Yes / No / Yes / No
Boat/Dinghy maintenance / Yes / No / Yes / No
Building and Facilities maintenance / Yes / No / Yes / No
Safety boat handling / Yes / No / Yes / No
Race management (OOD) / Yes / No / Yes / No
How many hours per month would you be available to help?
1-22-55-10 10+
Please indicate your views on the club annual membership subscription?
The committee will take into account your views when setting next year’s membershiprates. Please bear in mind that this year the subscriptions were held at last year’s rates. Also the sailing licence fee (paid to the estate) will have to increase next year due to the planned rise in VAT (currently £52.88 for first boat and £35.25 for others).
Current membership rates: Individual £35, Couple £40, Family £45, Junior/Student £15, Social £25.
A.Not value for money
B.About right – keep as is
C.Support a modest increase (5-10%)
D.Support a more substantial increase to fund additional club activities (10-25%)
Are there any other comments that you would like to make that have not been covered elsewhere in the Questionnaire? The committee is keen to hear your views, recognising that we have to work within the terms of the licence with the Longleat estate.Please be constructive.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the club Questionnaire.
Shearwater SC Committee