SSA Choir Syllabus 2013-2014

Megan Puckett, Director

Course Description

SSA Choir is a choral ensemble meeting year-round. Students in this choir will be instructed in basic musicianship and advanced training in vocal technique, sight-singing, music theory and music history through performing, listening and evaluating choral music. These students are expected to show great effort and preparation daily and to set a high standard for other students pursuing choral music at Greenwood High School as well as other schools in the area.


Concerts are mandatory! In the event that you must miss a concert, a make-up assignment will be given. Legitimate excuses could include extreme illness of student or close relative or school sporting event of which the student cannot miss. An excuse note should accompany the make-up materials.

Concert Attire:

For school concerts, ladies and gentleman alike will be issued a robe. The garments worn underneath should meet the school dress code and be considered “snappy casual”. For large ensemble festival in the spring, ladies must wear black close-toed dress shoes and school dress code appropriate clothing underneath their robe.

In order to wear and furnish robes as well as pay all-state fees, accompanists and transportation costs we will be participating in fundraisers this year. I ask that all students sell at least $60 worth of merchandise/chocolate/etc. during our fundraisers.


Student grades will be based on the following grading scale:

Daily Effort/Preparation 30%Performances 50%

All-State Audition/Solo & Ensemble 5%Class work 15%

Classroom Rules and Expectations

-Show Respect

  • Please raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak.
  • You must be completely in the room when the bell finishes ringing or you will be marked tardy.
  • Please do not touch instruments in the classroom without teacher permission.

-Willing to Learn

  • Please stay alert and be prepared to participate.
  • Remain in your seat and working until the TEACHER dismisses class.
  • Come to class prepared to learn- bring all handouts, paper, and pencil/pen EVERY DAY.
  • When tardy bell rings, be inside the classroom with materials ready.

-Accept Responsibility

  • Failure to participate in classroom activities will result in detention and reduction in grade.
  • All school rules will be enforced in this classroom.

-Maintain Self-Control

  • Please stay on task during class time.
  • Cheating in any form (i.e., talking at any point during tests or quizzes, using cheat notes in any form, copying or allowing someone else to copy your work, plagiarism, etc.) will result in zero.
  • No personal grooming, please.
  • Please do not ask to use the restroom or go elsewhere after class has started.

-Positive Environment

  • Please leave all food, drink and gum in the cafeteria or your locker.
  • Please help keep OUR space clean and neat.
  • Name-calling, bullying, or harassment in any form will NOT be tolerated. Three put ups for every put down!

Syllabus will be available on my teacher website. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to email me at .

------Please sign and return for your first grade ------

I have read the course syllabus for SSA Choir and agree to all the guidelines.

Printed Name ______

Signed ______

My son/daughter has shared the SSA Choir syllabus with me and we both agree to all rules presented and understand all expectations.

Printed Name ______

Signed ______

Best Method of Contact ______

Best Time to Contact ______