To assist the Tournament Committee in publicising successful performances, please provide details of two popular local

newspapers. These details (address, phone/fax number, email address etc) may normally be found within the Classified Ads

section of the papers.

Newspaper title:
Tel No: / Fax No:
Newspaper title:
Tel No: / Fax No:

Tournament Referee:


01772 254681 Mobile 0774 820 7549

Tournament Committee:

Jean Dean

Mal Morton

Peter Whitehead


Saturday, 13th September 2014


Greenbank Sports Academy, Greenbank Lane, Liverpool L17 1AG

0151 280 7757


Boys Singles

Girls Singles

Boys Doubles

Girls Doubles

Mixed Doubles



Completed entry forms should be sent to:

MRS JEAN DEAN, 9 Church Road, Halewood, Liverpool, L26 0US

Tel: 0151 280 8595Email:
Closing Date for Entries: 23rd August 2014

1Players shall be eligible to play in this tournament providing that they were born on or after the following date: 01/01/2000

2The Tournament Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries for any event and to alter or modify the programme. Its decision on all matters shall be final. You are advised to enter well in advance of the closing date because entries will be restricted.

3The entry fee will be £11.00 per player per event or a discounted fee of £27.00 per player if entering 3 events + £2.50 BE player fee. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to: ‘Liverpool Junior Badminton Tournament’. The first £5.00 of the entry fee is non-returnable should an entry be withdrawn after it’s acceptance. Each competitor must send in a separate entry form.

4Entries for doubles will only be accepted if completed entry forms are received from both partners. The committee will endeavour to find partners if requested.

5The committee reserves the right to refuse an entry without giving a reason.

6Entry forms and correct entry fees should be forwarded to the Tournament Secretary before the closing date of 23rd August 2014, together with a stamped addressed envelope or email address.

7The draw will be seeded. The early rounds will be played in groups, proceeding to knock-out for the later stages where appropriate. Rally Points Scoring system.

8Play will commence at 9.00 am. Competitors must report their arrival to the Referee before changing. Competitors must be prepared to play at the times stated.

9Feather shuttlecocks will be used throughout the tournament.

10Photographs must not be taken without obtaining permission from the Tournament Referee.

11The Tournament will be run in accordance with BADMINTON England regulations.

Clothing: BADMINTON England clothing regulations shall apply. Tracksuits may be worn during the ‘knocking up’ period only. The decision of the Referee on the suitability and advertising is final. If in doubt then consult the Referee.

Acceptance and playing times will be published on the web sites listed below.

It is the responsibility of the player to enquire from the Tournament Referee,

Yunus Suleman, 01772 254681 (mobile: 07748207549) the times of their events.

All details are correct at the time of printing.

Entry forms may be downloaded from the following Web Sites:


This tournament will be completed in one day.

26th Liverpool Open Badminton Tournament


B Eng Reg. No.
Telephone: / |Mob:
Date of Birth:
Schools Badminton County:
Email address:

Events to be entered:

(Please tick)

Boys Singles / Grade: Silver / Bronze
Girls Singles / Grade: Silver / Bronze
Partner’s name / Partner’s County
Boys Doubles
Girls Doubles
Mixed Doubles

BADMINTON ENGLAND PLAYER FEE :-- add £ 2.50 per player


Doubles:£11.00 per player

(If entering 3 events, discounted fee per player £27.00 + £2.50)

I enclose my total entry fee of £ ______

(Cheques payable to: Liverpool Open Junior Badminton Tournament)

Send to The Tournament Secretary: Mrs Jean Dean, 9 Church Road, Halewood, Liverpool. L26 0US. Tel: 0151 280 8595

CLOSING DATE for entries: 23rd August 2014