This form is the template for theSquadron Sponsoring Committee Annual Report.
The report is to be completed and presented to the League Inspector at the Squadron’s Annual Ceremonial Review.
Squadron Number / DateSquadron Name / Chairperson
League Inspector
Part 1:
Squadron Sponsoring Committee activities and achievements in assisting and supporting the Squadron in the areas of:
- Fundraising by Squadron Sponsoring Committee (casinos, bingo nights, bake sales, etc.) NOTE: Fundraising done by cadets to be listed under Part 3.
- ACC9 completed and forwarded as per requirements.
- Assessment paid.
- Budget completed.
- Financial problems and concerns, etc.
- Suitability.
- Problems with accommodation, if any, and if so, what has Committee done to rectify.
c)Public Relations:
- Press releases, radio, and TV coverage.
- Does Committee have an individual in charge of Public Relations
d)Air Cadet Enrolment:
- Squadron Sponsoring Committee’s role in cadet enrolment.
- Enrolment ups or down. Problems/concerns etc.
e)Staff Recommendation:
- Is the committee encountering problems with any Squadron Staff, and, if so how is committee handling them.
- Are Squadron Staff positions adequately filled?
f)Amenities for Cadets:
- Special awards
- Exchange trips, other trips, social activities, etc.
Part 2:
List all equipment acquired for Squadron during the year
(Use a separate page to list the SQN’s inventory)
Part 3:
Cadet Activities:
This section (Part 3) is used as the source document for marking the Annual Squadron Evaluation. List in point form” all activities undertaken by Cadets throughout the training year under the followingcategories:
a) Community Service and Support. (How the Squadron’s cadets assisted local community, groups, and charities)
Typical activities would include:
- Food Bank
- Civic Projects
- Visit to seniors
- Assist non-profit groups
- Fund raising for Community (poppy sales, heart fund, etc.)
b) Community Parades: (Squadron cadet participation in Community parades and civic functions)
Typical activities would include:
- Battle of Britain
- Remembrance Day
- May Days
- Funerals
c) Inter Squadron Participation. (Involvement in activities with other Squadrons)
Typical activities would include:
- NCO courses
- Recruiting
- Training Exercises
- Sports meets, and other competitions
- Squadron exchanges
d) ACL Award Courses: (List those cadets that have achieved Power/Glider Scholarship, Exchange, Tech Courses, Advanced Leadership, Survival Instructors, Air Traffic Control, Athletic Instructors, Space Camp)
e) Specialty Programs (List Specialty Programs Squadron participated and if Team entered in competition, how they ranked)
- Drill Team
- Band
- First Aid
- Range (Rifle Team)
- Biathlon
- Effective Speaking
BCF07 RVS July 2015
d) Fund Raising by Cadets for the Squadron (fund raising for Community is to be listed under Community Service). Typical fund raising activities for Squadron:
- Tag Days
- Car Washes
- Bottle Drives
- Raffles
Part 4:
The SSC Chair is encouraged to share any comments which he/she feels important for
the BC Committee to be aware of. (ALL comments are confidential).
Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairperson
(Postal Code)______
(Phone Number)______
Distribution: Passed by hand to the British Columbia Provincial Committee Air Cadet League Inspector at the Annual Review