Ride Across Maryland Foundation, Inc.


The undersigned (herein referred to as “VENDOR”) acknowledges that it has been invited by the Ride Across Maryland Foundation, Inc. (hereinafter “RAM”), to participate as a VENDOR using designated (by RAM) space on the premises of Francis Scott Key Family Resort (hereinafter “FSK”), 12806 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842, during RAM’s May 31-June 2, 2014 event.

VENDOR acknowledges that it is an entity wholly separate from and unaffiliated with RAM and, like RAM, is an invitee of FSK during the period that VENDOR is on the FSK’s premises. VENDOR agrees that it will abide by the policies, rules and reasonable directions of FSK, and will conduct itself responsibly and with due regard for the health and safety of others during the period that it is constructing, operating or breaking down its designated vendor space.

VENDOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RAM, its officers, directors, advisory board members, volunteers, and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, in connection with loss of life, bodily injury or property damage arising out of the VENDOR’s occupancy and/or use of the premises of FSKduring RAM’s 2014 event. VENDOR further represents that it possesses all licenses, permits or bonds necessary for the lawful operation of its VENDOR services.

Company Name/Vendor: ______

Your Name title: ______

Products/Services Offered: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Email address: ______

Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______

Fax Number: ______

Will you require electricity for your vendor space: [ ] Yes [ ] No (If “Yes”, include your $25.00 fee)

Will you be using a trailer that will require parking in the vendor lot: [ ] Yes [ ] No

Approximate size/space you will request: ______x______or ______square footage

Are you interested in placing an ad in our Ride Guide: [ ] Yes [ ] No

I am willing to donate a gift for the event raffle: [ ] Yes [ ] No

Signature: ______Date: ______


For RAM: ______

Caitie Kellum

PLEASE NOTE: Until we have received this signed agreement and all required fees,and you have received written confirmation from the RAM office, your status as a vendor will be pending.

Ride Across Maryland Foundation, Inc.

9123 Route 108, Suite 101-E, Columbia, MD 21045 ● Tel: 410-992-9999 ● Fax: 410-997-3208

● Email:

A 501 (c) (3) IRS-recognized non-profit organization