Springburn Hub Cap Meeting – 26th June 2015

Chair – Lisa Donaghy

Minutes – Andrew Kinnear

In attendance:

Andrew Kinnear (A&M Scotland), Paul Fletcher (A&M Scotland), Jane Kelly (NEHIT), Lisa Donaghy (Glasgow Life), Louise Nolan (NRFG).


Skye (Toonspeak), Gemma Wood (Glasgow Life), Neil Young (St. Pauls Youth Forum), James Nichol (Glasgow Life), Gregg Cann (NG Homes)

1.  Membership

It was agreed on 08/06/2015 that the Voluntary Sector North East Group would no longer nominate a representative to attend the Strategic Youth Alliance but rather that each Hub Cap should seek a representative to attend all meetings. It was agreed that Paul Fletcher (A&M Scotland) should represent the Springburn Hubcap at the SYA. A substitute representative needs to be voted upon. Lisa Donaghy agreed to email information with regards to this around the group with a vote to be held at the next meeting.

2.  Funding

Bolt FM & Brunswick Youth Centre, Toonspeak and A&M Scotland were all awarded funding from the SYA on behalf of the Springburn Hub Cap. Streetwork will continue to be funded centrally as before, operating a coordinated approach that is open to any experienced youth providers. PYP will coordinate the streetwork, contact Liz for information.

An additional £2,080 has been made available for a joint employability project. Lisa agreed to circulate information regarding this before the next meeting.

3.  Evaluation

Colin Campbell is collating different monitoring/evaluation methods used by the various organisations in the Springburn Hub Cap. Lisa to email a request for m and e templates.

4.  Meeting Schedule

The SYA agreed that Hub Caps should now only meet four times a year. It was noted that members of the hub cap are able to organise meetings additional to this if they had something to discuss or felt it was necessary to have an extra meeting. Lisa confirmed that all hub cap members must attend 75% of the hub cap meetings to remain eligible for funding. Lisa also confirmed that the hub cap chair meetings are set to change and to speak to her if any more information is required.

5.  AOCB

Lisa is planning on bringing information on the Terms of Reference for Springburn Hub Cap to the next meeting to be edited/agreed upon.

Louise from NRFG gave us a quick update on a ‘Carnival School’ programme that is to be run during the summer. Contact her for more information.

Paul from A&M Scotland gave an update on their ‘Legends Weekend’ which helped to raise over £10,000. As well as numerous residential opportunities over the summer, A&M Scotland are also providing a two week long Summer Camp starting on the 13th July at Petershill Lesiure Centre from 10am – 3pm. As with all of A&Ms activities this is completely free and is open to young people aged 7-16 years.

Jane from NEHIT asked for everyone to participate in the Survey Monkeys/Case Studies that she is going to send round the group. If anyone is unable to access a computer then paper copies can be gained on request.

6.  DONM

It was agreed that the next meeting will be at Barmulloch Community Centre on 27th August at 2pm.