Dear <Name>,
I would like to request approval to attend The Futures School on <Month Date-Date> in <City, State.>After reviewing the session materials, I’ve determined that The Futures School is highly relevant to the needs of our organization and offers a positive value proposition.
The Futures School is a 3-day interactive certificate program that empowers participants with the critical skills of Strategic Foresight and Futures Thinking for a new era of complexity and change. This immersive experience is an opportunity to take strategic planning and innovation efforts to the next level while networking with fellow business leaders and entrepreneurs from a variety of industries and backgrounds who also want to create the future.
What is Strategic Foresight and why should<Company Name> care?
Strategic Foresight is a practice that allows us to create functional views of alternative futures and possibilities. Through this process, organizations are better prepared for potential threats and are able to capitalize on hidden opportunities. While no one can predict the future, foresight allows us to mine the external environment for trends and leverage those insights to create maps of the emerging landscape. These well-informed maps of the future allow us to test our current strategy, develop breakthrough innovations, and create transformative change.
Leading organizations in these volatile and complex times require new approaches and mindsets. Trends in society, technology, and the economy are all converging in unexpected ways, forever changing the way people view the world. The organizations and institutions that anticipate this value shift and make the appropriate course adjustments will be positioned to benefit from the opportunities that result. Those that remain tied to current business practices and outdated ways of developing leaders will likely fail.
Many successful organizations (e.g. Disney, Hershey, Intel, and Ford) have begun to adopt foresight approaches to drive market-leading innovation, successful opportunity development, and revenue-generating futures intelligence.
For Attending The Futures School I Will Receive:
- A practical, hands-on, and project-based certificate program that has been proven effective in 23 countries worldwide.
- Unique tools, tangible models, and reusable templates that allow me to immediately replicate my learnings within our organization.
- Access to the global Kedge Alumni Network with hundreds of like-minded professionals from a variety of industries.
Payback: Our ROI
The Futures School offers all of these benefits at a competitive price. Rather than spending years in a Masters of Strategic Foresight program with a significant investment, you can send me to this hands-on, intensive training that is proven to go beyond conceptual and abstract philosophies to equipping me with the methods, tools, and futures intelligence skillset needed to take action and produce revenue-generating outcomes. Companies, entrepreneurs, and policy makers around the world have leveraged The Futures School approach to discovering, exploring, mapping, and creating the future.
Futures Thinking has been identified as one of the critical skillsets for the 21st Century, and I want to embark on this training to not only map my future but to help create the future of <Company Name>.
Hot topics that will be covered (see Sample Agenda below):
- Trend, emerging issue, and weak signal identification and analysis
- Scenario development
- Moving beyond competitive intelligence to futures intelligence
- Strategic action tools
After the program, I will be able to:
- Integrate The Futures School foresight framework into <Company Name>
- Identify emerging trends and weaksignalson the horizon of <Company Name>and the<Industry type>industry, helping us to prepare for disruptors and act on opportunities before our competitors
- Build "maps of the future" that generate successful strategies, actions, and organizational narratives
Immediately replicate my learnings within my team and <Company Name>- Harness the future to make better decisions today
Here are my projected costs for attending The Futures School:
RegistrationIncludes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, and materials / R
Lodging / R
Airfare / R
Taxis or Rental Car / R
Meals / R
Miscellaneous / R
Total / R
After returning from The Futures School South Africa, I will provide a trip report with key takeaways and recommended next steps and actions. I would appreciate your approval of this request, and will work to ensure we get the full value of this investment.
Your Name Here
The Futures School
Sample Agenda
Day 1 – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Registration/Pick Up MaterialsWelcome and Introductions
Discuss your background and expectations with the group. Acquaint yourself with the focal issue you will be working with for the next three days.
Introduction to Strategic Foresight
Understand the fundamental ideas in the field and the importance of employing the principles and tools found within Futures Thinking to discover unseen opportunities and thrive in a world of complex ideas and practices. Take a personal assessment to understand how you think about the future and how that impacts the actions you take today.
iSee: Headlines from Today and Ladder of Inference (LOI)
Learn how our mental “filters” can impact our ability to effectively research and analyze trends and emerging issues. Discover a tool that describes the thinking process we go through, usually without realizing it, to get from data to decision and action.
Trend Keynote
Explore the colliding trends in society, technology, the economy, the environment, and policy that are shaping the future of our globally connected world.
Introduction to Environmental Scanning
Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of becoming a robust scanner. Learn basic terminology and understand how to identify emerging issues, ideas, concepts and “weak” signals that are on the periphery of society, technology, the environment, the economy, and policy.
Sci-Fi Futures
Immerse yourself in an engaging multi-media activity that demonstrates the power of shifting our mindsets from plausible to provocative.
TFS Project Research Brief
Participate in an activity to immerse yourself in the research, which includes excerpts from today’s articles, and trends that will impact your project focal issue.
Networking Hour
After a long day of learning, relax in an informal hang-out session with your fellow attendees. Get to know each other and exchange ideas.
Day 2 – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Day Two IntroductionCausal Layered Analysis (CLA)
Discover how the CLA model promotes the deeper understanding of issues and events by examining their root causes. You’ll see how altering your mindset leads to better Futures Thinking, and how CLA provides a view toward common purpose and goals, improving collaboration as well as facilitating effective change.
Creating an Environmental Scanning System
Learn how to scan both physically and digitally, how to create a trend database through an online bookmarking service, and how to tag scan hits (i.e., articles, websites, journals, etc.) for accurate discovery, recovery, and analysis.
Roll up your sleeves as you apply your learnings from Day One and begin scanning and tagging articles critical to the focal issue.
Trend Cards
Author your own trend cards to explore emerging issues in society, technology, the economy, the environment, and policy. Work with your team to capture relevant trends and consider the values underlying them as well as the implications that may result.
Pattern and Sensemaking
Become a pattern and sensemaker – learn how to look beyond obvious trends and issues so that you can make sense of what is emerging as a result of converging and colliding ideas, values, signals, and technologies. You are beginning to move from isolated trends to larger patterns of impact, themes of focus, and narratives of change, all serving as information for scenario building.
Introduction to Scenario Development
Add the critical tool of Scenario Development to your foresight toolkit. Learn how well-crafted scenarios challenge conventional wisdom, initiate collaborative dialogue and discussion, and create the possibility of genuine transformation and change.
iSee: Headlines from the Future
Launch your audience into the future by creating news headlines from the year 2030. Leveraging your learnings from Day One, your group will act as journalists to imagine how today’s trends could manifest in transformative, market, and fortress environments. These headlines not only help you break through assumptions to create better Futures Thinking, but also serve as the starting point for your scenarios.
Futures Wheels
Step into the future and map the short-, mid-, and long-range impacts and implications from one of your trends or patterns. Your work will not only inform your team’s scenarios but also create a space for participatory and collaborative strategy development.
Day 3 – 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Day Three IntroductionScenario Fields Process to Build Robust Scenarios
Map the future of your focal issue using this powerful “plug and play” tool. Scenario Fields lets you take ownership of the process and outcomes, and realize the value of scenario planning as a critical element of ongoing strategy development. As teams you will create the scaffolding for your narrative using the trends, drivers, patterns, and implications from the prior two days as fodder for your stories.
Team Scenario Report Outs
Showcase your team’s work and receive feedback from the larger group.
Strategic Designs
Jump start your strategic planning efforts with Strategic Designs, a set of tools which turn your scenarios into powerful strategy testing and creation vehicles.
Reflections: Learn, Unlearn, Relearn
Share your learnings (and “unlearnings”) as we recap a successful three days of The Futures School. Solidify the connections with your TFS peers, discussing how you plan on applying the tools and techniques from the program.