
In a Dictogloss the teacher is reading a text which the students then reconstruct.


A text suitable for language level, paper and pens for students

Instructions to the students:

Tell the students that you will read to them a text and they just listen. They will hear the text again and then should take notes on key words and phrases. Tell them that they will later have to reconstruct the text they have heard, but not necessarily using exactly the same grammar, and not on their own. It will be group work.


  1. The teacher reads a short text out once to the students at normal speed. Students only listen and no writing is allowed.
  2. The teacher reads out the same text at slower speed and students are now allowed to make notes. e.g. by jotting down familiar words and phrases.
  3. The teacher might write some words on the board, which the students have to use in there reconstruction of the text.
  4. The students go into small groups (3-4 Students) and work together to rewrite a version of the text from their shared notes.Remind them that it doesn't have to be an exact replica. It should, however tell the same story as the original.
  5. Give students all the time they need to come up with their version. Listen in, but don't go round and help.
  6. When all groups are finished, one member of each group can visit another group and take a look at their version, and then report back to his or her group.
  7. At this stage, the teacher can look at the students' versions and mark the number of grammatical errors in each sentence for the students to correct.
  8. After a short break, start the extended feedback round. During this students are not allowed to write anymore.

Each group chooses a reader to read out their reconstructed text. The class discusses what was good or what was missing in the rewritten text.


Each group might write one sentence on the board. The whole class reconstructs text together.

The students get to see the original only when their own versions have been discussed.

Teacher hands each group photocopies, puts the text on an overhead projector or writes it on a board, for each group to see how close their text is to the original. Groups then report back to class how they managed.

The teacher has to make sure to have enough time for this.

For an example of a dictogloss being held in a class: