Spring Read Research Assignment: “Novel Sales Pitch”

Overview: Now that you are the EXPERT on your Spring Read novel, it is time to share your love/hate for the novel in the format of a sales pitch! This sales pitch will require you to create a visual summary (using PowerPoint) with the goals of:

  1. Informingnext year’s freshmen of the results of your analysis/research
  2. Persuadingnext year’s freshmen to read your book (OR NOT)

Turnitin.com: Presentations are due for submission on ______(before 11:59pm) to turnitin.com. Your presentations will be graded from turnitin.com, therefore they must be FINALIZED when you click ‘submit’ (no changes are allowed to be made after the deadline at 11:59pm).

Novel Sales Pitch Requirements (Order of PowerPoint Slides):

Slide #1 (Include the information below on your title slide):

  • Title of Your Sales Pitch (Please be creative! Puns are encouraged!)
  • MLA Heading
  • Title of Your Assigned Novel
  • Author’s Name (the author of your SR novel)

Slide #2 (Title this slide “Summary”):

  • Summary of the novel (this may take several slides- please keep it to 3 slides or less)
  • At least 1 quote directly from the novel that enhances your summary

Slide #3 (Title this slide “Book Review”):

  • 3-5 Strengths of this novel (remember you are trying to sell us on its greatness)

Note: You must be able to discuss the strengths of this novel BEYOND what you include in your PowerPoint- this slide should be a bulleted list of speaking points to help remind you of what to say)

  • 1 related image
  • **NOTE: You may reverse this slide to discuss “weaknesses” if you were not a fan of the novel**

Slide #4 (Title this slide “About the Author”):

  • 5 Interesting Facts about the author’s life/works (you MUST use parenthetical citations to cite the sources)
  • 1 related image

Slide #5(Title this slide “Conclusion”):

  • Provide a 3-4 sentence (or bulleted list) conclusion where you attempt to persuade us(or a specific recommended audience) to read this novel (OR NOT). (Make an impact with this slide- it is your last chance to persuade your audience!)

Slide #6 (Works Cited):

  • Provide an MLA formatted Works Cited page in the final slide of your presentation giving credit to the sources that you referenced in your PowerPoint

Tips: Prior to submitting, please review the following components that will influence your final presentation grade:

Spelling Errors- EDIT, EDIT, EDIT

MLA Format Errors (parenthetical citations/Works Cited Page) use OWL Purdue as a reference

Appearance of Slides (slides are not overwhelmed with words, size of font is large enough to read, font color choice is easy to view)

Images Selected (relevant/appropriate- NO blurry images)

Presentation Points Breakdown:

______/5pts Possible--Slide #1

•1pt Title of Your Sales Pitch

•1ptMLA Heading

•1pt Title of Your Assigned Novel

•1ptAuthor’s Name (the author of your SR novel)

______/10pts Possible--Slide #2 (Title this slide “Summary”):

•6pts Detailed/Accurate Summary Provided

• 2pts1 Relevant Quote

•2ptsMLA Formatted Parenthetical Citation Provided for Quote

______/15pts Possible--Slide #3 (Title this slide “Book Review”):

•9pts3-5 Strengths of your novel

•1pt 1 related image

______/15pts Possible--Slide #4 (Title this slide “About the Author”):

•5pts5 Interesting Facts about the author’s life/works

• 4pts MLA formatted Parenthetical Citations Provided

•1pt 1 related image

______/15pts Possible--Slide #5 (Title this slide “Conclusion”):

•10pts Persuasive 3-4 sentence (or bulleted list) conclusion

______/10pts Possible--Slide #6 (Works Cited):

•2pts Spacing Accurate (Double)

•2pts Hanging Indents

•2pts Alphabetized

•2pts NO URLS

•2pts Times New Roman Font

______/70pts Total