In Class Assignment #2 Lisa Webers, Katherine Bailey
Melissa Edwards, Lisa Marczyk
Task Analysis for Putting on Deodorant
1) Go to bathroom
2) Close bathroom door
3) Take off shirt
4) Pick up deodorant
5) Take the cap off
6) Hold the deodorant up
7) Rub deodorant back and forth under arm 3 times
8) Put deodorant in other hand
9) Hold deodorant up
10) Rub deodorant back and forth under other arm 3 times
11) Put cap back on
12) Put deodorant back on shelf
13) Put shirt back on
We would use backwards chaining to teach the skill of putting on deodorant.
*Dependant on the child, we would pre-twist the deodorant for the child or teach this as a separate skill.
We would use verbal and physical prompts as needed to begin with and then fade as the student became more successful individually.
Reinforcement would be provided as needed. Depending on the student’s needs, we could provide on-going reinforcement to complete each step, or provide some kind of reinforcement when task is complete.
After the task is complete, the natural next step would be to leave the bathroom.
If the student was using picture symbols, you could depict each step as a picture. During the backwards chaining, you could cover up the steps that have been completed and visually isolate the remaining steps that they are to complete.