Pastor Charles Holmes



73-1 {37} Now, see, the mystery of this seven-sealed Book will be revealed at the sounding of the seventh church angel's message. See? The seventh angel begins to sound, and there's the messages wrote out there, and we got it in tape and book form.

Now, at the beginning of the sounding of the message, the mystery of God should be finished (See?) at that time. Now, we will notice, the Book of the mystery of God is not revealed until the seventh angel's message is sounded.

74-3 {42} Just as John was giving his message, the same time that Messiah come in the days... John knew he would see Him, because he was going to introduce Him. And we realize that in the Scriptures over in Malachi 4, there's to be a one like John, a--an Elijah, to whom the Word of God can come to, and he is to reveal by the Holy Spirit all the mysteries of God and restore the faith of the children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers: restore back all these mysteries that's been probed at through these denominational years. Now, that's what the Word said.


45-3We are in an exodus, and in leaving and turning the tapes off in a moment, oh, my friends, my brothers, both present and that will hear the tapes, let me as your brother and citizen of the Kingdom of God, come out in this exodus. For all that's left behind will bear the mark of the beast. Come out of Babylon; come out of this confusion; come out of these systems and serve the living God.And let this great Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ in the form of God, thought it not robbery to become equal with God... Now, He's a Pillar of Fire in the same form that He was back there bringing that first exodus, bringing the second exodus, and here He is with the third exodus.


92-1 That great Angel of the Covenant, that One Who was with Moses in the wilderness, that One Who come to Paul on the road to Damascus, that same One permitted His picture to be taken with us; the same One that was in the picture in the "Life" magazine the other day, the same Word by the same God, through the same channels, by the same way, by the same promise: "Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." Then He's here. The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him, that hangs only to His Word. No man can respect that Word without fearing God. See?

92-2 Then here He is in here this morning with us as we worship Him in the Spirit.


88 Then after you recognize the very Word of God was Eagle Food, then you left the other thing. You've then been formed into the living image of the living God. You heard from your theophany. "If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting."


73-5 And I set down on this little stool. And I just setting, oh, kind of in this position, just like that. And all at once I seen a Light flicker in the room. I thought somebody was come up with a flashlight. And I looked around, and I thought, "Well..." And here It was, right out in front of me. And old wooden boards on the floor, and there It was, right in front of me. There's a little old drum stove setting in the corner; the top was tore out of it. And--and right in here there was a--a Light on the floor, and I thought, "Well, where's that? Well, that couldn't be coming..."

I looked around. And here It was above me, this very same Light, right there above me, hanging right like that, circling around like a fire, It's kind of an emerald color, going, "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh," like that, just above it like that. And I looked at That, and I thought, "What is That?" Now, It scared me.

74-1 And I heard somebody coming [Brother Branham imitates someone walking--Ed.], just walking, only it was bare-footed. And I seen the foot of a Man come in. It was dark in the room, all but right here where It was shining right down. I seen the foot of a Man coming in. And when He come into the room, walked on up, He was a Man about, looked to weigh about two hundred pounds. He had His hands folded like this. Now, I'd seen It in a Whirlwind; I'd heard It talk to me, and seen It in the form of a Light, but the first time I ever seen the image of It. It walked up to me, real close.

Well, honest friends, I--I thought my heart would fail me. I... Just imagine. Put yourself there. It'd make you feel the same way. You're maybe farther along the road than I am, may have been a Christian longer, but It would make you feel that way. 'Cause after hundreds and hundreds of times of visitation, it paralyzes me when He comes near. It sometimes it even makes me... I almost completely pass out, just so weak when I leave the platform. Many times If I stay too long, I'll go completely out. I've had them ride me around for hours, not even know where I was at. And I can't explain it. Read down here in the Bible; It'll explain It, what it is. The Scripture says so.

74-3 So I was setting there and looking at Him. I--I kind of had my hand up like that. He was looking right at me, just as pleasant. But He had a real deep voice, and He said, "Do not fear; I am sent from the Presence of Almighty God." And when He spoke that voice, that was the same voice that spoke to me when I was two years old, all the way up. I knowed that was Him. And I thought, "Now..."

And hear it. Now, listen to the conversation. I'll quote it the best that I can, knowingly, word by word, 'cause I'd hardly remember. And He...

I said, looked at Him like that. He said, "Do not fear," just as quiet, said, "I'm sent from the Presence of Almighty God to tell you that your peculiar birth..." As you know what my birth was up there. That same Light hung over me when I was first born. And so He said, "Your peculiar birth and misunderstood life has been to indicate that you're to go to all the world and pray for the sick people." And said, "And regardless of what they have..." And He designated (God, Who's my Judge, knows) that, He designated cancer. Said, "Nothing... If you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayers, not even cancer, (See?) if you get the people to believe you."

75-1 And I seen He wasn't my--my enemy; He was my friend. And I didn't know whether you--whether I was dying or what was happening when He was coming up to me like that. And I said, "Well, Sir," I said, "I am..." What did I know about healings and things like that, those gifts? I said, "Well, Sir, I am a--I--I'm a poor man." And I said, "I'm among my people. I--I live with my people who's poor. I'm uneducated." And I said, "And I--I--I would not be able; they'd not--they'd not understand me." I said, "They--they wouldn't--they wouldn't hear me."

And He said, "As the prophet Moses was given two gifts, signs (rather) to a-vindicate his ministry, so will you given two--so are you given two gifts to a-vindicate your ministry." He said, "One of them will be that you'll take the person that you're praying for by the hand, with your left hand and their right," and said, "then just stand quiet, and it'll have--there'll be a physical effect that'll happen on your body." And said, "Then you pray. And if it leaves, the disease is gone from the people. If it doesn't leave, just ask a blessing and walk away."

75-2 "Well," I said, "Sir, I'm afraid they won't receive me."

He said, "And the next thing will be, if they won't hear that, then they will hear this." Said, "Then it'll come to pass that you'll know the very secret of their heart." Said, "This they will hear."

"Well," I said, "Sir, that's why I'm here tonight. I have been told by my clergymen that those things that's been coming to me was wrong."

He said, "You were born in this world for that purpose." (See, "gifts and calling without repentance.") He said, "You were born in this world for that purpose."

And I said, "Well, Sir," I said, "that, my clergymen told me that--that it was the--the evil spirit." And I said, "They... That's why I'm here praying."

And here's what He quoted to me. He related to me the coming of the Lord Jesus in His first time.

80-1 And the Angel stepped into the Light again that begin to come around and around, and around and around, and around His feet like that, went up into the Light and went out of the building. I went home a new person.


45-3 We are in an exodus, and in leaving and turning the tapes off in a moment, oh, my friends, my brothers, both present and that will hear the tapes, let me as your brother and citizen of the Kingdom of God, come out in this exodus. For all that's left behind will bear the mark of the beast. Come out of Babylon; come out of this confusion; come out of these systems and serve the living God. And let this great Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ in the form of God, thought it not robbery to become equal with God... Now, He's a Pillar of Fire in the same form that He was back there bringing that first exodus, bringing the second exodus, and here He is with the third exodus.

45-4 The first exodus, what did He do? He brought them out of a natural land to a natural land. The second exodus, He brought them out from a spiritual condition into a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now He's bringing them from a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the eternal land of the millennium and the great hereafter. Same Pillar of Fire by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things; and the same Word declared the first one, declared the second one. The same Word declared the second one has declared the third one, and here we see it among us.


55 Notice now His attribute. Then the attribute was first God, the thought, the attribute itself all in one, without being expressed. Then when He expressed, secondarily, He became then the Word. And then the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us, St. John the 1st chapter and the 1st verse.

Notice, this is in the beginning, but before the eternal. Notice, in the beginning was the Word. When the time begin it was Word, but before it was Word, it was attribute, a thought. Then it was expressed. In the beginning was the expression, the Word. Now, we're getting where Melchisedec is. That's this mysterious Person. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And then the Word became flesh and dwelled among us. Hold that there now.

Notice. His--His first being was Spirit, God, supernatural (All right?), the great Eternal. Second, He begin to form Himself towards flesh in a theophany, it's called, "the word, a body." This then is the state He was in when He met Abraham, was called Melchisedec. He was in the form of theophany. Now, we'll get to that and prove it in a few minutes, the Lord willing.

58 He was the Word. A theophany is something that you could not see. It could be right here now, yet you cannot see it. It's just like, well like television, that's in another dimension. Television... People are moving right through this room now singing; there's colors also, but the eye is only subject to the five senses. Your whole being is only subject to five senses, rather. And you are only subject to what the sight has been limited to see. But there is another dimension that can be seen by a transformation by television.


5-1 Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ never did identify Himself as the Son of God. He said, "You said I was; to this end I was born," and so forth, but He never identified Himself.

And now, that was the Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, was the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit form (You believe that?), the Logos that went out of God. And then when He was on earth, He said, "I come from God and I go to God." We all know that. And after His death, burial, and resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was on his road down to Damascus to persecute the--the Christians because they were teaching things contrary to what they had been taught. And he was a great warrior under Gamaliel, one of the outstanding teachers of the day in their school, their monastery, and a great man and a officer of the church. And it was there that a great Light, the Pillar of Fire again, struck him down in the middle of the day. And a Voice said, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?"

5-3 Now, if you notice when Paul--Saul raised up, he said, "Lord, Who are You?" Now, that boy being a Jew, he certainly wouldn't have called anything, 'less it had been something to symbol God, he wouldn't have called it "Lord." So It was the same Pillar of Fire.

As Jesus said, "I go to God... I came from God, and I return to God." There He was, back in the form of a Pillar of Fire again. He said, "I'm Jesus, Whom thou persecutest, and it's hard for you to kick against the pricks." And we realize that when the Apostle Peter (to who the keys was given to build the church), we find out that he was in prison, and this same Pillar of Fire came through the bars, opened the doors of the prison, and took Peter out mysteriously, without even disturbing the guards, to me It's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.


10-3 When the Light, which you see on the picture tonight, that's been proven to be a Supernatural Being by scientific research... To me it was the same Light that struck down St. Paul. Is the same Light that led the children of Israel by night. Did you notice here, this Angel, He was clothed in a cloud. See, He was a cloud by day.

Now, that same Light... As to people not understanding, first thought that it was wrong, that I was just saying that. But the Holy Spirit happened to have the scientific instruments, and the people there, for a vindication, and took the picture of It several times. I said, "I see a person shadowed to death," black shadow over them.

10-5 A few weeks ago when I was in a city, and when we're preaching... You're not--you're not supposed to take pictures, you know, while they're preaching. And when... (Same thing was when that was took.) But someone had a camera. And I said to a lady setting out there, a stranger. (I was in--in Southern Pines.) I said, "There is a shadow over this Miss so-and-so (a lady that I'd never seen in my life). You just come from the doctor and two cancers, one on each breast, and you're given up. You are shadowed with a black hood to death."

And something said to a sister setting by who had a flash camera, said, "Take the picture." And she didn't want to do it. Yet, "Take the picture," and she still refrained. And then again it come. And she grabbed the picture and shot the picture, and there it is, scientifically. It's on the bulletin board: black-hooded shadow.

Then, when the woman believed and prayer was made, a picture shot right straight back behind it: clear. I said, "The shadow has gone." See? The lady lives by the grace of God.

10-9 Do you see what I mean? If you'll tell the truth... You may be laughed at for a while; you may be misunderstood for a while; but God will vindicate that, that it is the truth, if you'll just stay with it. Just hold on. Might take years, but like in Abraham and others, but He will always make it the truth.

When that Angel there... And I suppose, besides my wife, there's people here tonight from thirty years ago that was standing close when that come down... Is there anybody in the audience now that was there when the Angel of the Lord, that come down on the river the first time, before the people, raise up your hands. Yes, there they are. See? Now, I see Mrs. Wilson raised up her hand. She was standing there. My wife there, she was there. And I don't know who some of the rest of them is that was standing on the bank here, before many, many people, when I was baptizing at two o'clock in the afternoon, and right out of the brassy skies, where there hadn't been rain for weeks, here He come with a roar. He said, "As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, you're sent forth with a message to forerun the second coming of Christ."