SPRING News Letter

A Warm Welcome!

We would like to warmly welcome all children and their families who have recently started at the nursery, including the siblings of existing children. We are sure you will love coming to nursery and meeting lots of new friends to play with. Welcome also to the parents/carers of our new children – we look forward to working with you during your child’s time at nursery.

Welcome to our Spring Newsletter.

The weather is starting to improve at last and we hope to spend much more time outside where we can look at the changes in our surroundings, the flowers, blossom and leaves and we can learn all about the new lambs being born.

With the onset of spring and the warmer weather now’s the time to start thinking about sun hats and sun cream. Please can you provide a clearly labelled bottle of sun cream and a labelled sun hat for your child to be kept at nursery over the coming months. You never know when the sun will shine for us this year.

Should you have any comments or suggestion then please feel free to drop us a line at or telephone : 01352 751195


Kate and all the team

2 Year Health Check

When your child has their 2 year check appointment with the Health Visitor team, please could you let your child’s key person know as we are trying to link our 2 year progress check with their health appointment. This will hopefully give the health team a rounded picture of your child’s development.

Starting school in September 2015?

If your child was born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015 then they will be due to start school in September. As soon as you know which school your child will attend please could you advise Marli.

If your child was born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014 then they will be due to start full time school in September. As you are aware, we require a month’s notice of a leaving date, so if you are currently aware of when your child is leaving could you please let us know in writing. Many thanks in advance.

Fun in the Sun

Nursery is looking forward to a lovely spring; with plenty of outdoor play. We are very excited with the completion of our new Wendy House climbing frame

for the children to enjoy! We also have a new range

ofconstruction toys which include a concrete mixer,

digger and foam bricks. A few weeks ago the children

planted flower seeds and are eagerly waiting for them

to grow by making sure they are watered every day.

Bug hunts are always top priority for the children

when exploring the garden, especially worms!