6:33 p.m. meeting called to order, quorum established. Attendees: John Shannon, Marcie Beckett, Scott Chipman, Greg Daunoras, Diane Faulds, Blake Hysni, Jim Morrison, Chris Olson, Rosalie Schwartz and Barbara Williams.

Agenda & Minutes: Chris Olson motioned to adopt the meeting agenda for the evening, Jim Morrison seconded, motion passed 9-0-0. Chris Olson motioned to approve the January 2011 minutes, Blake Hysni seconded, motion passed 9-0-0.

Chair’s Report: John Shannon took immediate note that about 130 people were in attendance for the meeting, he commented that it was good to see a large turnout of individuals participating in local government. He went on to state that local residents are needed to keep Pacific Beach a healthy and vibrant community.

Government Office Reports:

Mayor Sander’s Office – Not Present

City Council District 2 – Not Present

Long Range Planner – Not Present

Non-Agenda Public Comment:

James Krokee asked all Board members and all in attendance to keep an open mind when discussing the ALRC report of findings later in the meeting.

Jacob Pyle questioned if Board members of the PBPG are truly elected by the community or merely by other Board members.

Chris Olson asked for a proposal to put “Bike Corrals” on the next meeting agenda.

Informational Items:


Begin Action Items:

Oversize Vehicle Ordinance Update - John Shannon reported that we are still waiting for a follow up from Councilman Kevin Faulconer on this issue as we enter the third year of this situation.

Rose Creek Bridge Update – Don Gross not present.

Rose Canyon Future Plans – Karen Zirk spoke about the California High Speed Rail proposal and its impact on the environment. Jim Morrison motioned to contact the High Speed Rail Authority and set up a presentation for the Planning Group, Marcie seconded, motion passed 9-0-0.

Mission Bay Gateway Project – Scott Chipman briefed the Board on the Mission of the Project.

ALRC Summary Report of Findings – Scott Chipman briefed the Board on the recommendations of the Alcohol License Review Committee report. The recommendations include: creating a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for new licenses’, create a Deemed Approved Ordinance (DAO) that grandfathers in the current licensed businesses, establish a cost-recovery funding mechanism that will provide for a dedicated police officer to administer the CUP and to delay new licenses until the CUP is in place.

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Out of the some 130 individuals in attendance, 17 asked to speak per the one minute timeline the Chair allowed. Six voiced support for the report, nine voiced concern or opposition and two voiced opinions that are considered neither support or opposition.

Scott Chipman motioned to extend the public comment by six minutes, Jim Morrison seconded, motion passed 8-0-0.

After the public comment concluded, Scott Chipman motioned for the PBPG to request that the City Council and Mayor pursue the recommendations of this report for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Deemed Approved Ordinance (DAO), and funding for dedicated police officer for alcohol-licensed restaurants and bars in Pacific Beach.PBPG to work with City Council and Mayor to craft and implement the new policies. Marcie Beckett seconded, motion passed 6-2-0. Those board members opposed to the motion stated the reason was because of the public comment that just occurred on the issue and for more time allowed for local businesses to respond.

Residential/ Mixed Use/ Commercial Subcommittee Report

1. Update: Oliver Ave Oceanfront Public Land: Development plan for the "paper street" and adjacent public right of way. Chris stated that there is nothing new on this issue.

2. Follow-up: Letter to the Director of Development Services regarding “Carports”:

Chris reported that there still has been no response to the December 8, 2010 letter.

3. 2440 Grand Ave: Proposal for a community plan amendment to change the zoning of 2440 Grand Ave from school to residential. Scott Chipman motioned to table this issue, Jim Morrison seconded, motion passed 8-0-0.

Marcie Beckett motioned to extend the meeting by 5 minutes, Barbara Williams seconded, motion passed 8-0-0.

Subcommittee Reports:

Election and Vacancies: Marcie presented a report on current vacancies on the PB Planning Group and information on the March 23, 2011 election.

Alcohol License Review:

Traffic and Parking: No report

Pallisades Park/ Comfort Station: No report

Neighborhood Code Compliance: No report

Special Events and Community Advisory: Tabled

Mission Bay Gateway Project Ad Hoc Committee: Tabled

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.

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