T3 Certification Process
April 2010
Working Sm@rt Programs
Outlook, Lotus Notes, GroupWise, BlackBerry, Meetings, Planning, Influencing
Interest in T3s have risen along with the request to train more facilitator candidates in one certification session, therefore it’s timely to resend the process along with an updated FAQ to help you respond to your clients.
- If a customer has a significant number of employees to train and especially if they have their own internal training department with experienced facilitators, it is economical for them to both manage and facilitate the training.
- Providing a T3 option as a training solution is standard practice for most training companies and customers are aware of this. Offering this certification could mean the difference between making a sale or not.
- Usually a medium to large organization, expecting to train well over 200 people per year for at least the next 2 to 3 years. The corporate training organization is well trained and staffed. The organization is willing to certify at least 3 trainers and has identified (most likely with your help) exactly how our courses fit into their business goals, training objectives and curriculum.
- As we all know, benefits are the sole province of the beholder, but from those Associates who have developed these contracts the answers are “serving your customer by meeting their needs, extending market penetration, ability to “save” an account, and achievement of an excellent return on investment.”
- Once an organization has made a T3 commitment and if they are happy with the training program, a partner relationship is developed between the organization and you, as well as the organization’s employees and the Priority training program. Trust, comfort, known product, known methodology, matching values, etc., result in reoccurring business – with more of the same and with other programs.
- It is important to note that under a Training Certification (TC) agreement, you will remain in charge of the account. All orders for training kits, course enhancements, and requests for support are processed through your office.
- Yes, we must have a contract to protect the Intellectual Property Rights of PM and to specify all details of the relationship. The contract is a 3 party contract between you, your customer, and Priority Management.
- All training kits purchased under the TC Agreement are billed to you at discounted prices, drop shipped to your customer, and billed to them by you.
- Training Kits are shipped to your client in minimum lots of 100. The price to the customer is set by you with guidelines from PM based upon volume, account history, and special circumstances such as custom printing requests etc.
Structure of Certification
a)Two to four full days of training facilitated by the VP International Training & Development.
3 – 5 facilitator candidates – 2 days
6 – 10 facilitator candidates – 3 days
11 – 15 facilitator candidates – 4 days(*with 2 facilitators, this can be done in 3 days.
While the costs are the same due to the extra facilitator, this saves the company 1 day
of participants’ time.)
Note: Half day programs (BlackBerry, Meetings) take one and a half to two days depending on number of candidates.
b)Facilitator candidates are qualified facilitators (certification does not include facilitation skills training).
c)Pre-requisite – all facilitator candidates have attended two workshops; the first as a participant, the second as an observer.
d)Primary agenda is to “walk through” each key learning point with emphasis on application within the client organization; coaching the candidates on setup, delivery and follow-up; candidate presentations of workshop segments with the feedback and coaching.
Costs (Canadian dollars)
Item / Client / Associate / PM2 Day Training – Includes certification and all materials, from three (3) to five (5) candidates / $7000.00 / $3250.00 / $3750.00
3 Day Training– Includes certification and all materials for up to ten (10) candidates / $10,250.00 / $4750.00 / $5500.00
4 Day Training– Includes certification and all materials for up to fifteen (15) candidates / $13,500.00 / $6250.00 / $7250.00
Minimum order 250 Learning guides / year
Shipped in lots of 100 / Shipped to customer / PM Bills Associate
PM Trainer expenses (flight, hotel, meals) / Associate bills client / PM bills Associate
Priority Management1