ECE 420 Experiment No. 1
Spring 2011 – on-campus Synchronous Generator Parameters
Experiment No. 1
Synchronous Generator Parameters
The objectives of this experiment are to find the direct-axis reactance (Xd)and quadrature-axis reactance (Xq) and mutual reactance including saturation from open circuit characteristic and loading of a 3- synchronous generator.
- 2 test tables
- DC motor-synchronous generator set
- 1 field rheostat
- 1 5 A Kenwood DC power supply
- 1 0-5 A DC ammeter
- 1 0-10 A DC ammeter
- 1 0-150 VDC voltmeter
- 1 current transformer
- 1 0-5 A AC ammeter
- 2 Wattmeters
- 1 0-300/150 V AC voltmeter
- Tachometer for synchronous generator
- Strobe
Part 1: Open Circuit Characteristic (OCC)
a)Set up the circuit shown in Fig.1. The synchronous generator should be connected for 220 V 3- wye operation.
b)Start the DC motor.
c)Adjust IFmotor until the speed of the dc motor-synchronous generator set, n, is at synchronous speed; i.e., n= ns.
d)Holding the speed constant, adjust IFgen until VOC equals 140% of rated voltage. Measure and record IFgen, VOC and n.
e)Turn off the motor-generator set.
Part 2: Reactive Loading of Synchronous Generator
a)Set up the circuit shown in Fig.2. The synchronous generator should be connected for 220 V 3- wye operation.
b)Keep the switches of test table 2 open. Start the DC motor.
c)Adjust IFmotor until the speed of the dc motor-synchronous generator set, n, is at synchronous speed; i.e., n= ns.
d)Adjust IFgen until the voltage across the terminals of synchronous generator is brought to rated value. Measure IFgen.
e)Make sure that the capacitive bank is connected to the rated voltage. Initially, set the capacitive bank to infinity.
f)Close the switches of test table 2 and adjust the load to 20A approximately. Measure the currents (I1, I2, and I3) and voltages (V12, V23, and V31) at the terminals of the source.
g)Repeat part f for different load conditions. Make sure the load is balanced.
h)Turn off the motor-generator set.
Part 3: Real Loading of Synchronous Generator
a)Set-up and synchronize the synchronous generator to Avista per Experiment 2 instructions. The synchronous generator should be connected for 220 V 3- wye operation.
b)Decrease IFmotor until the synchronous generator armature current is approximately 10 amperes. This operating condition result in Iad equal to approximately zero.
c)Measure IFgen, the currents (I1, I2, and I3) and voltages (V12, V23, and V31) at the terminals of the synchronous generator.
i)Turn off the motor-generator set.
- Plot the open circuit characteristic voltage, VLN, versus If using the data from Part 1.Determine the average slope of the initial open circuit voltage versus field currentline using the equation given below which will yield theunsaturated value of the stator fieldmutual inductance Xsfu.
Where VOC0 is the voltage due to the residual flux andIf = IFgen/(sqrt(2))
- Plot the airgap line on the same graph. The air-gap line is a plot of Easu versus field current, If.
- Calculate XI and KI using the last two data points from Part 1; i.e. the data points for which the field current yields Easu equal to 1 pu and 1.2 pu.
- Using the data from Part 2 of the experiment, calculate Xd (average the two values you calculate) using the following equation
Where Eas is the induced emf
Vatsis the measured terminal voltage of the synchronous machine
Xd is the direct axis reactance
Xq is the quadrature axis reactance
Ias is the stator line current in phase A.
Iad is the direct axis stator current
Iaq is the quadrature axis stator current.
Note that Iaq = zero for Part 2.
- Using the data from Part 3 of the experiment, calculate Xq (average the two values you calculate) using the following equation
Assume that Iad = zero for Part 3.
Part 1: Tabular Form for Open Circuit Characteristic (OCC):
S.No / IFgenA / V12
V / V23
V / V31
Part 2: Tabular Form for Reactive Loading:
S.No / I1A
/ I2A / I3
A / IL
/ V12V / V23
V / V31
V / VT
V / IFgen
A / VFgen
V / IFmotor
A / NS
Part3: Tabular Form for Reactive Loading:
S.No / I1A
/ I2A / I3
A / IL
/ V12V / V23
V / V31
V / VT
V / IFgen
A / VFgen
V / IFmotor
A / NS
NS = Synchronous speed
Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of the laboratory setup for determining the open circuit characteristics
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of the laboratory setup for reactive loading.