Sports Medicine Courses Frequently Asked Questionss

What is Sports Medicine I?

It is a class to be offered to high school studentsto provide an opportunity for the study and application of the components of sports medicine.

SM I can be a method to recruit athletic training students and educate students about sports medicine careers.

What is Sports Medicine II?

This course is designed for students in the student athletic training program, and provides a more in-depth study and application of the components of sports medicine. Individualized and independent assignments will be included in this course. This course will involve outside-of-class time homework and time required working with athletes and athletic teams.

Suggested Requirements:

This course is recommended for students in Grades 10-12. Students must receive the approval of the Licensed Athletic Trainer supervising the student athletic training program. There may be other required prerequisites for this course such as completion of the Sports Medicine I course.

Who approved Sports Medicine I & Sports Medicine II?

The Texas Education Agency’s commissioner of education approved the innovative courses through the department of curriculum.

Who can teach these classes?

The TEA approved the courses to be taught by athletic trainers licensed by the Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers, a division of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Each teacher of these courses must complete an instructor’s course offered by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association as required by the TEA of all professional organization sponsored innovative courses.

Teacher certification or a District Teaching Permit is required by the TEA for a licensed athletic trainer to teach Sports Medicine I,II and Sports Medicine III, but school districts may still require teacher certification for employment.

A teacher of the sports medicine courses must hold any valid Texas secondary teacher certification. All instructors of the TSATA Sports Medicine I, II, and III courses who DO NOT CURRENTLY HOLD a valid teaching certificate will need to be on a School District Teaching Permit (SDTP) that is submitted by the employing school district.The application and information about the SDTP are available on the TEA website at;

The instructor of any TSATA Sports Medicine innovative course shall also:

1) Be a licensed athletic trainer.

2) Have completed the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Curriculum Course.

If your employing school district is submitting a School District Teaching Permit on your behalf to teach one of the Sports Medicine courses, the district must also submit your certificate showing that you are a licensed athletic trainer in the state of Texas and your certificate for completing the Texas State Athletic Trainer’s Association instructor course.

How can these courses benefit secondary school athletic trainers?

Sports Medicine I provides the secondary school athletic trainers a teaching position without teacher certification. This can provide opportunities for an increase in staffing or a shift in teaching assignment to a course that can benefit the athletic training program.Sports Medicine II provides a course, for another state elective credit, for the athletic training students that serve the athletic teams of their school.These courses will allow students to receive state graduation elective credits instead of local credits, which do not count toward the graduation requirement or class rank.

How much credit?

SM I & II can be a one or two semester classes. This is a local school district decision.

What type of credit?

TEA approved both SM I, II & III for one state-elective credit (each) which qualifies for graduation class rank for students.

What is the state course number?

SM I: PEIMS code: N1150040, SM II: N1150041

Are there TEKS for SM I, IIIII?

No, Innovative courses do not have state mandated TEKS.

Can SM I. II & III be substituted for Health or Physical Education credit?

No, it is for state elective credit only.

Is there a state approved text book for SM I?

No, Innovative courses do not have state adopted textbooks. The textbook is an instructor’s decision, and must be purchased with local funds.

What are the recommended textbooks for Sports Medicine Course?

The committee recommends the following textbook, but the instructor has the right to choose any textbook they deem acceptable.

Concepts of Athletic Training, Pfeiffer, Mangus, Trowbridge. (There is a Web based teacher resource section).

TSATA’s Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course

What is it?

The TSATA Sports Medicine courses are designed to provide secondary athletic trainers with standardized curriculums, information, and resources to teach SM courses effectively.

Why is the Sports MedicineInstructor’s Course necessary?

This Sports MedicineInstructor’s Course was developed as a requirement of sponsoring organizations for innovative courses by the TEA. We all agree that athletic trainers are completely qualified to teach classes such as Sports Medicine I, II, & III, but this TEA requirement for classes sponsored by professional organizations must be fulfilled. The TEA’s philosophy is “the course is intended for teaching methodology which is essential to quality instruction”.

These standardized curriculums will allow any school district in the state of Texas to offer this course under the TSATA guidelines. School districts will no longer be required to submit innovative class applications to offer Sports Medicine Courses.

Is the TSATA Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course recognized as Teacher Certification by the State Board of Education Certification (SBEC)?

No, the Instructors’ Course credential only qualifies the Licensed Athletic Trainer to teach the TSATA Sports Medicine Courses.

When is the course offered?

The dates of the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Courses are set by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Regional Directors. Please refer to for date and registration information.

Where is the course offered?

The sites of the Sports MedicineInstructor’s Courses are set by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Directors. Please refer to for location and registration information.

Who teaches the instructor’s course?

The instructors for the Instructor’s Courses are appointed by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Directors with the recommendation of the TEA Curriculum Committee.

How much does the instructor’s course cost?

The cost of the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course is set by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Directors. See for current pricing.

Does teacher certification of the licensed athletic trainer exempt him/her from taking the Instructor’s Course?

No, the instructors for Sports Medicine Instructor’s must be a licensed athletic trainer in good standing with Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers and be TSATA Instructor’s Course certified.

Who developed the Sports Medicine Courses?

The Sports Medicine I and II course curriculums were developed by a team of College/University and High School athletic training educators working to insure quality content based on the most current methods of instruction.

Who are the Instructors Course staff members?

Ed Sunderland, ATC, Central Oklahoma University, (Formerly at Texas A&M Commerce), Edmond, Oklahoma

Traci Randleman, ATC, South Grand Prairie HS, Grand Prairie, TX

Britney Webb, ATC, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

Andrea Green, ATC, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

Dennis Hart, ATC, Retired North Mesquite H.S., Mesquite, Texas

What is the refund policy?

Refunds will be made at the request of the course participant in writing. The request must be sent to the TSATA Executive Director by ground or electronic mail. Refunds will include a service charge of $25 for administrative costs.

Refunds will be sent 30-60 days after the date of course.

Can Athletic Training Students take the Sports Medicine Instructors Course prior to graduation?

Yes, we offer the course to college graduating seniors.

How much does the Sports Medicine Instructors Course cost graduating college students?

The course fee is $200 registration paid at the time of the course, and $200 at the time the student receives their license. Course certification documentation is with held until verification of a valid Texas license and payment of the fee.

What is the Sports Medicine Course Update?

We are offering a Sports Medicine Course Update opportunity for athletic trainers who have completed the Sports Medicine Instructors course. Current Sports Medicine Course Instructors can attend the full course offered at any of the sites The Instructor registering for the course update will be allowed to attend the entire course again, or any section/sections of the course he/she chooses. Our offering this continuing education opportunity is encouraged by the TEA due to the course changes reflected in the newly approved Innovative Course applications.This course update is NOT mandatory for offering the innovative sports medicine courses.

This course was recommended by the TEA due to the course changes reflected in the newly approved Innovative Course applications.

Who is eligible to take the Sports Medicine CourseUpdate?

Athletic Trainers must have taken the Sports Medicine Instructors’ Course to be eligible to register for the course update.

What is in the Sports Medicine Course Update?

This voluntary course update includes the new learning objectives, new teacher resources from the Concepts of Athletic Training, and lesson plan activities for Sports Medicine I. Sports Medicine II includes templates for the evaluation of knowledge and skills included in the course. The newly developed Sports Medicine III syllabus is presented, including templates for student projects.This course update is NOT mandatory for offering the innovative sports medicine courses after completing the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course.

How much does the Sports Medicine Course Update cost?

The fee is $100, and the instructor must already have taken the Instructor’s course previously.

When and where can Instructors attend the Sports Medicine Course Update?

The TSATA Instructor’s Course Update option will be offered at all the Sports Medicine Course sites listed on

Does the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course offer CEUs?

Yes. Licensed athletic trainers who complete the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course will be awarded 6 hours of Continuing Education creditapproved by the Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers. The Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course continuing education hours do not count toward BOC continuing educationcredit.

Does the Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course offer BOC CEUs?


Sports Medicine III Frequently Asked Questions

Is Sports Medicine III included in the optional Instructor’s Course Update?


Are the instructors previously certified for Sports Medicine Instructor’s Course required to retake the instructor’s course that includes Sports Medicine III?


What is the approved TEA Course number for Sports Medicine III?

PEIMS Number: N1150044

What type of credit may be earned?

Full year (Two semesters or One State Elective Credit)

What is the purpose of Sports Medicine III?

The course will provide opportunities for the advanced students in the sports medicine programs to research, investigate, prepare, and present case studies, research projects, visual poster presentations, and multimedia presentations on instructor approved topics. Sports Medicine III will provide the junior/senior level athletic training students the opportunity to explore a health care career of their choice.

What are the required qualifications of instructors?

The course shall be taught by an athletic trainer, licensed by the Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers, a division of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Each teacher of this class will complete an instructor’s course offered by the Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association as required by the TEA for innovative courses. The TEA requires teacher certification or a District Teaching Permit for all instructors.

Can the school district require teacher certification for the instructor of the course?


What grade level is recommended for students in Sports Medicine III?

This course is recommended for students in grades 11-12.

What are the student needs this course is designed to meet?

Sports Medicine III acknowledges student interest in medical professions related sports. The course provides an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and skills from Sports Medicine I & II.

Are there templates and rubrics available for the case study, poster, and multimedia projects in the Sports Medicine III Syllabus?


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