29-30 September 2016


Presentations Schedule

29.09.2016 /Thursday/

09:00-­‐14:45Registration,Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS)

9:45-10.30 Welcome and Opening Speech (FEAS)

9:45-9:55İlyasŞıklar(Chair, Department of Economics, Anadolu University)

9:55-10:05Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Anadolu University)

10:05-10:15 NaciGündoğan(Rector, Anadolu University)

10:15-10:30Prof.BozidarCerović (University of Belgrade, Serbia, President of ASECU)

10:30-10:45 Coffee break

10:45 – 12:00(Session I)Income Distribution and Development(FEAS)


Income Distribution and Collective Social Actors – Missing Topics in Mainstream Economic Thinking

Aleksandra Prascevic (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Inclusive Institutions and Sustainable Economic Development

MiomirJakšić, (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

MilicaJakšić (Modern Business School, Serbia)

Solidarity Economy, Economic Collectivism and Self-Management: The Kibbutz Experience

NeslihanÇelik (Marmara University, Turkey)

Trade Openness, Poverty and Inequality in Latin American Countries

Yılmaz Bayar (Uşak University, Turkey)

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch (Anadolu University Campus)

13:30 – 14:45(Session 2)Environment and Sustainable Cities (FEAS)


Reevaluation of Creation and Dissemination of Pollution: Production, Consumption, Trade and Investment Aspects in Selected OEDC Countries

AyşenAytenKaya (Ege University, Turkey)

ÖzgeErdölekKozal (Ege University, Turkey)

The Environmental Kuznets Curve for Turkish NUTS-2 Regions: A Spatial Econometric Analysis

Mehmet Güçlü (Ege University, Turkey)

Dynamics of Sustainable Cities: A Panel Approach

FatihSaygılı (Ege University,Turkey)

ElifTunalıÇalışkan (Ege University, Turkey)

An Input-Output Analysis of Migration in Turkey: Displacement Effect of Arriving Foreigners

ÇağaçanDeğer (Ege University, Turkey)

ElifTunalıÇalışkan (Ege University, Turkey)

Osman Aydoğuş (Ege University, Turkey)

15.30 Leaving for a trip (from Anadolu University Campus)

18:30 Going to dinner

30.09.2016 /Friday/

09:00-­‐16:40 Registration,Anadolu University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS)

09:30-10:45 (Session 3) Innovation and Technology(FEAS)


Technological Change, Public Goods and New insights into the “Socialization of Production”

Grigoris Zarotiadis (Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Sustainable Technology Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Prospects for Future Development

Maya Levi Jaksic (University of Belgrade Faculty,Serbia)

How “Different” is the Fourth Technological Revolution?

Eirini Ozouni(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Grigoris Zarotiadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

The Importance of Data Collection for Sustainable Development

Rana Eşkinat (Anadolu University, Turkey)

10:45-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:15(Session 4) Gender Studies (FEAS)


Gender Wage Gap from a Social Perspective – Towards Socio Economic Re-evolution through Mainstreaming Pay Policy. The case of Cyprus

MiltiadisStaboulis (University of Macedonia, Greece)

D, Panagiotopoulou (University of Macedonia, Greece)

M.A. Matthaiou (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)

Inequality in Education and Personal Income

AsedaBanushaj (University of Tirana, Albania)

Obstacles to an Equal Society and Solution Suggestions to Overcome the Inequality from the Perspective/View of Women’s Organizations in Eskisehir

İncilayCangöz (Anadolu University, Turkey)

TemmuzGönç (Anadolu University, Turkey)

HaticeYeşildal (Anadolu University, Turkey)

SerapSuğur (Anadolu University, Turkey)

Gender-Responsive Budgeting as a Tool to Get Equal Society: Case Study of Monitoring Gender Responsive Budgeting in Eskişehir from Perspective of Eskisehir Equality Platform

İnciParlaktuna (Osman Gazi University, Turkey)

Hale KargınKaynak (Central Municipality of Eskişehir, Turkey)

İncilayCangöz (Anadolu University, Turkey)

GültenSönmezSeber (Independent Consultant, Turkey)

12:15 – 13:45 Lunch (AnadoluUniversity Campus)

13:45-15:00(Session 5) Social Economy Enterprises and Market Structure(FEAS)


Post-War Commercial History and Re-Positioning of the Greek Economy

Grigoris Zarotiadis (Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

IoannisNikolaidis (Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Social Economy Enterprises: Macro and Micro Insights into the Greek Experience so Far

NikiGlaveli (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Konstantinos Geormas (Head, State Aid Unit, Greece)

Privatization in Serbia - An Assessment before the Last Round

Ivan Vujačić (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

JelicaPetrovićVujačić (University of Belgrade, Serbia)

Changing Structure of the Markets: Analysis of Banking Sector in the Context of Merger and Acquisition

G.GürelGünal (Ege University, Turkey)

E. Deliktaş (Ege University, Turkey)

15:00-16:15(Session 6) Solidarity Economy and Regional Development (FEAS)


Cooperative Entrepreneurship in Region and Regional Development: Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan

Tomoko Oikawa ( University of Limerick, Ireland)

Social Solidarity Economy as a Model Village Voluntary Collective Work “İMECE”

GültenDemir (Marmara University, Turkey)

Inclusive and Sustainable Development-based Solidarity Example: OVACIK

GültenDemir (Marmara University, Turkey)

Solidarity Economy: A Case Study on Izmir Peninsula, Ecological Bazaars and Social Networks

MenevişUzbayPirili (Ege University, Turkey)

R.FundaBarbaros(Ege University, Turkey)

16:15-16:40 Closing Ceremony