Planning & Growth 4
Green Infrastructure 15
Traffic & Transport 26
Health & Social Care 46
Jobs & Employment 56
Town Centre & Retail 64
Sports & Leisure 80
Education & Life Long Learning 94
Social Infrastructure 104
Children & Young People 112
Culture, Heritage & Tourism 118
Local Services 126
Cycling 134
Greening 150
Glossary 160
Ref / Description / Category /Priority / Involvement / Comments / Progress Reports
1 / Work with the planning authority to ensure that neighbourhood centres in new housing developments incorporate important community facilities:
- a suitably-sized and equipped building where groups can meet and that volunteer / outreach groups can use as a base
- a range of shops and restaurants and, where appropriate a pub
- health care facilities (surgery / pharmacy)
- bus stop / shelter
- recycling point
- play area for children
Cllr Ken Sharer
Lead Agency:
Interested parties:
Developers, V&CA South Beds / Note – the matter of provision of suitable health care facilities, bus stops and shelters, recycling points and children’s play areas within new developments are all addressed elsewhere in this plan.
The issue of a suitably sized and equipped community-use building in the planned southern Leighton Buzzard development, and the funding thereof, was one of the issues addressed by the Southern Leighton Buzzard urban extension Planning Inquiry. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Continue information gathering on proposed new developments and associated community facilities through contacts at SBDC and with developers
- Take the initiative by seeking an active involvement of the Town Council in the Joint Committee’s (JC) decision making process. Officer and Member input required
- Ask Voluntary and Community Action (V&CA) South Beds to produce a specification that covers the needs of community and voluntary groups within new major new developments e.g. accommodation, facilities, funding and support. Specification to help advise future discussions with developers and creation of planning briefs
- Constitute a P&E Sub Committee to lead for the Council on the consideration of development plans and proposals should the decision following the Core Strategy Issues and Option Consultation be to allocate substantial additional housing growth to Leighton Buzzard and Linslade
Ref 1: The Southern Leighton Buzzard development is being progressed through the planning inquiry.
Ref 1: A meeting was arranged in Aug 07 for Councillors to discuss with Local Developers their intentions for the east of the Parish, including new infrastructure and facilities
2 / Lobby for all new housing to be built to very high standards of energy efficiency, making them effectively ‘carbon neutral’. / Growth - High / Champion:
Victoria Harvey
Lead Agency:
SBDC, JC, Developers
Interested Parties:
South Beds FoE
/ Since the Plan was approved the government announced its ambition to move first to ‘low carbon’ and then towards ‘carbon neutral’ development. They intend to develop a new Planning Policy Statement on climate change and to simplify and reform building regulations, linked to the [voluntary] Code for Sustainable Homes ( which includes use of a ‘star rating’ system for demonstrating the environmental performance of new homes.
The changes will recognise that the greatest gains in respect of reduced carbon emissions may be at the level of the estate or the neighbourhood, not the individual home, through for example:
- reducing the need to travel through mixed developments
- using renewable and more sustainable forms of energy such as combined heat and power as well as micro generation
- use exemplary developments to change the market by reducing the cost of things like green roofs, water harvesting, wind turbines and micro-generation
- Retain and strengthen contacts with Friends of the Earth, Developers, District/County Council and Joint Committee
- Advise support for “Ecohomes” in the Town Council’s response to Issues and Options Consultation
- Secure periodic updates from South Beds Friends of the Earth on the progress of their campaign asking members of the public to press SDBC to take a more active role negotiating with developers in respect of the energy standards of new housing. For information see
Ref 2: The new housing development proposed for Southern Leighton Buzzard accords with a rating of ‘Very Good’ on the ‘Ecohomes’ standard.
3 / Ensure housing developments are effectively served by local buses. / Growth - High / Champion:
Victoria Harvey
Lead Agency:
Arriva, Bedfordshire County Council, Beds Highways, South Beds FoE
Interested parties:
Billington Park and Sandhills Resident Associations / Following in-depth discussions between Arriva, Bedfordshire County Council and South Beds Friends of the Earth there are plans to develop southern Leighton Buzzard as an exemplar sustainable transport site. For proposal see
The plan is to provide four comfortable, low-floor, air-conditioned buses running at a twelve minute frequency during the day, looping through the new development, Sandhills and Billington Road, the town centre and the railway station. After 8.00pm buses will run every 15 minutes. The costs of the service will be covered for five years through developer contributions.
Agreement has been reach which states that subject to the granting of planning permission, the following sums will be secured from the developers:
- £400k for off-site improvements to extend and improve pedestrian and cyclists facilities, and to complete the Safe Routes to School programme
- £816K for improvements to the route from the extension area into the town centre including improvements to the town centre interchange and the introduction of demand management where appropriate
- £1.2m to provide an improved bus service, marketing and facilities
- £210k to improve the Billington / Grovebury Road junction –
- £443 to implement the measures within the Residential Travel Plan
- £285k towards the costs of design and supervision on infrastructure schemes
- £393k for to be paid to the County Council for sustainable travel, subject to conditions
- £927k if the Growth Area Fund Phase III bid (£600k) is successful, to be spent installing real time bus information in each dwelling
- Continue to support the proposal for an Exemplar Sustainable Transport Scheme in Southern Leighton Buzzard through continued attendance at meetings to progress the plans
- Arrange a presentation on the Exemplar Sustainable Traffic Scheme for members of the Traffic and Transport Sub-Committee
4 / Link new developments within a network of safe walking and cycling routes linking housing with the town centre, railway station, local neighbourhood centre facilities and local schools. / Growth - High
/ Champion:
Victoria Harvey, Esther Clarke
Lead Agency:
SBDC / JC / Beds Highways
Interested parties: / Concern over traffic congestion within the Parish, especially in the town centre has resulted in considerable work, discussions and briefings on how best this congestion can be tackled.
Good contacts have been made at all levels on transport matters. The Council is seen as a key stakeholder in these matters. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Continued attendance of officers at meetings held to move forward Exemplar Sustainable Transport Scheme in Southern Leighton Buzzard
- Arrange regular briefings on traffic issues for members of the Traffic and Transport Sub-Committee
- Seek to enhance the present working relationship with Bedfordshire Highways and Transport Officers at County Hall
- Work with Leighton-Linslade Cycle Forum to ensure their input adds value to this process and to progress the implementation of the Cycling Strategy
5 / Secure funds from developers to make the town’s existing housing stock more energy efficient. / Growth - Medium / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties: / Improving the insulation of existing houses has a large potential payback in reductions in carbon emissions.
There are already various schemes in existence to help householders (particularly those on low incomes) to improve energy efficiency and thereby reduce carbon emissions.
This proposal seeks the development and promotion of a [voluntary] scheme where developers are invited to make contributions to a fund which is then invested in improving the energy efficiency of the town’s older housing stock. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Secure a champion to lead on this issue
- Officers to research this matter including possible costs and methods of administration
- Seek a source of data on carbon emissions from local households to be used as a baseline for prepare a strategy for securing reductions
- Raise this concept in the Town Council’s response to the JC Issues and Options Paper
Ref 1: Officers have undertaken some initial desk research to find examples of what other communities have been doing. There are a growing number of examples of community-based approaches to addressing climate change e.g.
Ref 4: The response included the following statement: “The Town Council believes that all new homes should be built to a higher and more environmentally friendly standard.
The Town Council is willing to accept a relaxation in the very highest standards of construction (as defined by the Code for Sustainable Homes) if the equivalent marginal construction cost is secured from developers and invested to improve the energy efficiency of the town’s existing housing stock. The Town Council believes this would have a larger payback for the town.”
6 / Work with the planning authority to ensure the provision of important infrastructure is phased in the early stages of future new developments, for example, formal and informal open spaces. / Growth - High / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties: / This issue is at the heart of the Town Council’s policy and strategy and guides all of its intentions and actions / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Continued to pressure the local Planning Authority (SBDC) and the JC to ensure that the infrastructure needs of the town are prioritised
- Operate a Town Development Sub-Committee to drive forward the implementation of the ‘Big Plan’
- Liaise with all interested parties to underpin the work of all Town Councillors and Town Council Officers
- Support the development by SDBC of a Master Plan for the Town Centre
Housing Requirements
7 / Work with the planning authority to ensure the mix of new housing meets the needs of the community – single person households, two and three bedroom family homes, affordable houses, sheltered accommodation for the elderly, etc. / Growth - High / Champion:
Margaret Denny
Lead Agency:
Interested parties: / Town Council should be ready to influence the Local Development Framework (LDF) with its views on how the current type and mix of housing meets expected needs. This goes beyond simply social / affordable housing. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Request a report to the P&E Committee on the current mix of housing within the town
- Seek a source of data on relative affordability and rates of house price inflation – report to P&E Committee
- Review and comment on SBDC’s local housing strategy for 2008-13. This document sets out how the Council and its partners aim to address housing need across the district
- Invite an officer from SBDC to attend a meeting of the TD Sub Committee to discuss housing strategy and policy as it affects Leighton-Linslade
8 / Research the case for including ‘extra care’ housing within future major new developments. / Growth - Medium / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties: / The claim for Extra Care housing is that it offers flexible care, with 24-hour support from social care and health teams. People living within extra care housing facilities have their own private flat or bungalow but also have access to meals, domestic support, leisure and recreation facilities, nursing care where necessary and 24/7 security to create a genuinely safe environment. Extra care housing also provides the opportunity for some to invest their assets in the safety of bricks and mortar by purchasing their living space. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Officers to research this matter (a development along these lines has recently been created in Milton Keynes for example) and prepare a report for consideration by the TD Sub-Committee
9 / Promote ownership schemes that make house purchases more attainable for young people, especially those in ‘key worker’ occupations. / Upgrade - Low / Champion:
Lead Agency:
UK Government
Interested parties:
Citizone / Details of the government’s Key Worker Living scheme is available here: / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Seek data on the extent to which affordability is an issue locally and if so, what problems it is causing
- Seek information from Housing Associations and Local Housing Authorities on the issues behind this growth item
- Ensure information on ownership schemes and eligibility is accessible via the Citizone. Seek information from government on the extent of local take-up of these schemes
Design of Developments
10 / Work with the planning authority to ensure all new housing and office developments enhance the existing character of the town. / Growth - High / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties:
Leighton Buzzard Society / Give consideration to commissioning a town design statement which would set out criteria to guide the response of councillors when considering planning applications. The statement could be adopted as a Local Development Document within the LDF.
See for Newbury’s statement, for example (population 45,000). / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Planning and Environment Committee to monitor all planning applications, ensuring sufficient time is given to scrutinise major applications
- Encourage local groups to view and comment on applications, as is the case with the Leighton Buzzard Society
- Prepare a report for the P&E Committee on whether the Town Council should sponsor the production of a Town Design Statement. This statement would have to be developed in a way that would allow it to be adopted as a Local Development Document
11 / Work with the planning authority to ensure new housing developments have ‘soft edges’, improving access to the countryside and nearby green spaces. / Growth - High
/ Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties:
Ouzel Valley Park Steering Group / This is an issue around parts of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade where farmland abuts developments (e.g. Meadow Way estate). Ideally, there should be a buffer zone between the two. / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Planning and Environment Committee to monitor all planning applications, ensuring sufficient time is given to scrutinise major applications
12 / Secure greater powers to deal with eyesores. Invite and experiment with new and imaginative ideas on how to address this issue.
/ Upgrade – Medium / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties:
Leighton Buzzard Society / ‘Eyesores’ include:
- Station Hotel in Linslade
It should be possible to erect screens to hide a site or building, as often happens when an historic building is being refurbished. - Electricity sub station on South Street
- Bridge Street (shopping trolley’s dumped in river)
- Bund off Old Linslade Road
- Fire damaged building in Wing Road
- Secure approval from TD Sub Committee to forming a Task and Finish Group to address this proposal. Group would identify sites and then work with relevant authorities to eradicate the problem
- Clearly and publicly list areas requiring action to seek support of all residents for action e.g. via Web Site
- Research powers available for use in conjunction with Environmental Health and Planning Enforcement Teams at SBDC
- Explore whether the Council can and should be making greater use of the powers contained in the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.
Infrastructure Contribution
13 / Work with the planning authority to ensure all developments contribute appropriately towards meeting the town’s existing and future infrastructure needs.
/ Growth - High / Champion:
Lead Agency:
Interested parties:
Developers / Voluntary contributions to be sought from all developments of between 1 and 25 houses (above this number Section 106 applies).
- Include reports on infrastructure developments as a standing agenda item for meetings of the TD Sub Committee
- Secure an annual report to P&E Committee on Section 106 monies secured. Report to include details of how monies secured from developments since 2000 have been spent, plus monies still available
- Research and prepare proposal for consideration by the TD Sub Committee for a voluntary levy scheme on small developments (1-25 houses) including options could be administered
14 / Work with the planning authority to secure new areas of formal and informal public open space and an allocation of land and funding to expand provision of cemeteries and allotments. / Growth - High / Champion:
Lead Agency:
SBDC / Local Landowners
Interested parties: / ACTION REQUIRED BY LLTC
- Participate in the SBDC-sponsored survey of sports and leisure facilities within the district
- Undertake / commission a search to identify possible suitable sites for a new cemetery, a woodland cemetery and allotments. Report to L&C Committee