
And Relatives

34th Annual Reunion: 2010

June 19thand 20th

Come take some new turns, tweaks and twists.

RETURN toREUNION!!!!!!!! in LAMPASAS..with dual sites, the Holiday House and Hancock PARK.… Sack race…Crank up your ice cream freezer, or plug it in… Pitch horseshoes or washers….for prizes@#$%?!!!!!!!!>!.

Time to renew family ties. Dear friends, life is just too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our PARTIAL missing-in-action list: Steve and Debbie, Morris and Kathleen, Jonnie, Jimmy and Nancy, Judy, Marie, Bonnie and Terry, Russell, Robert and Robin, Larry B. and Paula, Terry and Angie, Trudy, Kim and David, Donna and Jerry, Fonda and Louis, Maryann and Terry, Rosemary, Jolene and Gary, Geraldine, Herbie and Angela, Lisa and Steve, Bobby and Jessica, Johnny, Kelley and Monique, Kay and Butch, David and Susan, Linda and Mike, …others.

We know your challenges, dear Jeanette/Bebe, Jody, Glendine,others ….


***To do the park, we must have VOLUNTEERS to stake out our fave (or nearby) picnic table site!!!!!!!!!!!

Homemade ice cream judged in the park,but the Social concludes in Holiday House.__

***On SATURDAY, June 19, 2 (Two) VENUES!!!!!!

We will use both our usual site and our traditional park site, as available. You can attend at both sites or opt for Holiday House visiting only.

*********1.Indoors/outdoors at HOLIDAY HOUSE, 908 E. 4th St.:11 a.m.-9 p.m.***games, FOOD, PRIZES!

_Reunion serves LUNCH here; kin can bring favorites, too.

_Games, your dominoes, cards, horseshoes, washers, ETC.

_6:30 p.m.-- The Ice Cream Socialis here.

_Bring auction items and desserts for Sunday auction and Bake-Off.

_8 p.m.ISH -- business meeting.______

**2. Outdoors in HANCOCK PARK, Sat. p.m.only:

******REQUIRED: Ourkin must CLAIM site before dawn.***

_2–6:30p.m., only, for scheduled activities.. If familymembers set it up and oversee the kids, THE Water Slide rises again, for smaller kids, ages6/7 oryounger…

_2-5 p.m. – Horseshoes, Washers, Frisbee Throwing, etc.

_2:30 p.m. -- Sack Races. Visiting under the trees.

_3:30 p.m. -- Water Balloon War. More visiting.

_4 p.m. -- Ice Cream Making/Judging in PARK. But you can opt to skip contest, take ice cream direct to Holiday House.

_6:15 P.M. – Take ALL ice creamsto HOLIDAY HOUSEfor The SOCIAL.

PLUS..REBELS atthe PIZZA HUT, S. of The Circle:

*7:30 p.m. – Pizza/pepper-popping challenge..Marilyn, Lee Roy, Russell-ye crusty rebel, BJ, others spiced up this youth-filling event years ago..NOW, come for the fun/food/Tums REVIVAL.!!!!

****On SUNDAY, June 20,at The Holiday House!!

10 a.m.-3 p.m.,908 E. Fourth St., east of downtown square……

Lunch starts at 11:15 a.m.; served ‘til about 2 p.m.

**********Bake-Off judging at 12:30 p.m.

Annual $Auction$...Bidding starts at 1 p.m._

Enjoy HOLIDAY HOUSE comfort!!!!! Revive park memories.

Our REUNION schedule summary, times, basics:

  1. *****FRIDAY, June 18–Folk do their own thing.______


  1. *********SATURDAY: 11 a.m.-9 p.m. – Holiday House,

lunch, visiting, games, prizes, more.

_6:30-8 p.m. -- Ice Cream Social, business meeting.____

  1. *****SUNDAY: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. lunch, Bake-Off, AUCTION,

visiting, prizes and more……..

  • 11 a.m. WELCOME…Recognitions, announcements, introductions.
  • 11:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m.ISH — LUNCH served.
  • BY 12:30 p.m.–Auction Entries DUE at Holiday House.
  • 12:30 p.m. – Bake-Off judging.
  • 1:00 p.m. — ANNUAL REUNION AUCTION!!!!!______


**SATURDAY/ONLY:2-6:30 p.m.-Games/Ice Cream CONTEST.

NOTES:NO CATERING THIS YEAR…Bring your favorites: salads, vegetables, tea, desserts, breads, condiments,casseroles, etc. Meats by Reunion chefs.

Area Motels/Hotels:

*Country Inn on the Circle, 1502 S. Key Avenue: 1-800-556-2322 or 1-512-556-6201

*Saratoga Motel, 1408 S. Key Ave.:1-512-556-6244

*Holiday Inn, 1200 Central Expressway (Hwy 190 Bypass):1-512-556-9292


Worth Jr. and Nelda Wren and Family

Phone: 1-817-236-6454 / Or / Worth’s Cell Phone: 817-319-5279
Write to: Worth, 1709 Assembly Rd., Fort Worth, TX76179-5183