Dominie Reading and Writing Assessment Plan 2010-2011

This assessment tool was designed to help the classroom teacher record reading behaviors exhibited by readers to understand: the strength of their strategies; the way they use the variety of cues available to them in problem solving; the fluency of the reading; and the comprehension that results. (DeFord. 2004)

Descriptors of the assessments available:

Inventory of Letter Knowledge (Letter ID)

Provided for Kindergarten and Grade One; can be used in addition to VIP results when needed.

Show Me Book (Concepts of Print)

Provided for Kindergarten and Grade One; tells us what students know about handling books and print.

Core Reading Words (Sight Vocabulary)

Provided for Kindergarten through Grade Three; the teacher can assess student’s knowledge of vocabulary that is easily recognized and compare that with those words students may have to work on using word analysis strategies.(DeFord. 2004)

Inventory of Onset and Rime (Phonemic Awareness)

Provided for Kindergarten through Grade Three; the teacher can assess the student’s ability to provide the sound unit that is appropriate to the onset (initial letter or cluster of letters) or rime (spelling pattern) from a list of onsets and rimes. (DeFord. 2004)

Sentence Writing and Spelling (Phonics and Spelling)

Provided for Kindergarten through Grade Five; the teacher can assess the student’s ability to hear and write the sounds needed from a dictated sentence. It can give you information about the student as a speller and writer. This assessment should be done one-on-one or small group for Kindergarten and Grade one until mid-year. Grade one (mid-year) and other grade levels (during each administration) can administer this whole group. Information gathered in small group can tell you much more when the teacher can watch what the student does as they write.

Reading Records (Accuracy, Fluency, &Comprehension)

Provided for Kindergarten through Grade Five; if given in a systematic way, this can provide the teacher with evidence of how well the student’s learning to direct their knowledge of letters, sounds, and words to understanding the messages in the text. (Clay. 2002)

Fluency An analysis of fluency in reading begins with Level 2B. The Degree of Fluency descriptors can be found of Pages 4-5 in manual. (Deford. 2004)


Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Inventory of Letter Knowledge / Letter ID / Weeks 1-3
(8/23-9/3) / Weeks 16-18 if needed
(12/13-1/13) / ------/ Weeks 33-35 if needed
Show Me Book / Concepts of Print / Weeks 1-5
(8/23-9/24) / Weeks 13-18
if scored in stanine 1-4 (Score below 2) / ------/ Weeks 33-35
If scored in stanine 1-4 (Score below 5) or cannot meet level 2B
Core Reading Words / Sight Vocabulary / ------/ *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / ------/ By the end of nine weeks / ------/ End of nine weeks
Complete as writing prompt. Score with Developmental Stages of Writing (Kid Writing) See Literacy website.
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / Begin when student shows readiness to read; then complete ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
End of nine weeks / Begin RR if not already completing them with student.
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records.
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is 2B
Put results on LCF
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be initially placed on assessment walls according to Show Me Book results.

·  Students can then be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess all identified readers to inform instruction

·  If student reaches level 7, stop assessments and conference with student.

Grade One

Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Inventory of Letter Knowledge / Letter ID / Weeks 1-3
Students new to the district or below stanine 7 (Score 51)at end of Kdg. / When needed / When needed / When needed
Show Me Book / Concepts of Print / Weeks 1-3
Students new to the district or below stanine 4 at end of Kdg. (Score below 5) / When needed / When needed / When needed
Core Reading Words / Sight Vocabulary / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Inventory of Onset &Rime / Phonemic Awareness / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / Weeks 2-4
Complete as writing prompt. Score with District Rubric / Administer
Weeks 16-18
(12/13-1/13) / ------/ End of nine weeks
Complete as writing prompt. Score with District Rubric
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / Weeks 2-6
First text reading
Enter level into TestView
End of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is level 7
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks Put results on LCF
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess all students to inform instruction

·  If student reaches level 9, stop assessments and conference with student.

Grade Two

Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Core Reading Words / Sight Vocabulary / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Inventory of Onset & Rime / Phonemic Awareness / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / Weeks 2-4
Complete as writing prompt. Score with District Rubric / Administer
Weeks 16-18
(12/13-1/13) / ------/ Weeks 32-35
Complete as writing prompt. Score with District Rubric
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / First text reading by the end of the nine weeks
Enter level into TestView / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is level 9
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks Put results on LCF
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess all students to inform instruction

·  If student reaches level 11, stop assessments and conference with student.

Grade Three

Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Core Reading Words / Sight Vocabulary / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Inventory of Onset & Rime / Phonemic Awareness / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed / Training available when needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / Weeks 2-4
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric / Administer
Weeks 16-18
(12/13-1/13) / ------/ Weeks 32-35
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / First text reading by the end of the nine weeks
Enter level into TestView / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of 2nd nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is level 11
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks
Put results on LCF
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess all students to inform instruction

·  If student reaches level 11, stop assessments and conference with student.

·  If Dominie 4-8 Kit is available, student can be assessed to level 13, and then stop assessments and conference with student. (This would occur if the student is not making progress and you need more information)

Grade Four

Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Core Reading Words (Gr. 3 list) / Sight Vocabulary / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / Weeks 2-4
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric / Administer
Weeks 16-18
(12/13-1/13) / ______/ Weeks 32-35
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / First text reading by the end of the nine weeks
Enter level into TestView / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is level 13
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks
Put results on LCF
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess struggling students with Dominie K-3 Kit to inform instruction (Struggling student criteria: Level 11 or below, Tier II or Tier III)

·  If student reaches level 13, stop assessments and conference with student.

·  Using the Dominie 4-8 Kit the student can be assessed to level 15, and then stop assessments and conference with student. (This would occur if the student is not making progress and you need more information)

Grade Five

Assessment Tool / Instructional Area / First Nine Weeks / Second Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks / Fourth Nine Weeks
Core Reading Words (Gr. 3 list) / Sight Vocabulary / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed / *When needed
Sentence Writing & Spelling / Phonics and spelling / Weeks 2-4
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric / Administer
Weeks 16-18
(12/13-1/13) / ------/ Weeks 32-35
Complete as writing prompt. Score with State Rubric
Reading Records / Accuracy, Fluency, & Comprehension / First text reading by the end of the nine weeks
Enter level into TestView / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Ongoing reading records
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks / Final reading record
Weeks 32-35
On grade level is level 15
Enter level into TestView
by end of nine weeks
Put results on LCF
Voyager / Screening / 9/7-21/10 / 1/10-28/11 / 5/9-27/11


·  Students can be placed on assessment walls according to reading levels.

·  Instructional Reading Record: 90-94% Accuracy, Fluency 3, and 75% comprehension. Miscue (MSV) ONLY the Instructional level

·  *When needed: Core Reading Words can be used to find the text level range to begin assessments.

·  If student does not meet all three criteria, drop back a level to teach and retest before moving on to next level. Do not skip text levels.

·  Report Instructional reading level into TestView at the end of each nine weeks.

·  Assess struggling students with Dominie K-3 Kit to inform instruction (Struggling student criteria: Level 11 or below, Tier II or Tier III)

·  If student reaches level 15, stop assessments and conference with student.

·  Using the Dominie 4-8 kit the student can be assessed to level 16, and then stop assessments and conference with student. (This would occur if the student is not making progress and you need more information)

2010-2011 Page 1