Sponsor and Donation Proposal
Mission Statement: The Florida Mojo Volleyball Club is a highly successful not for profit 501 3(c) club, that believes in supporting our youths through positive discipline, traditional practices, and new trends in volleyball. Our focus is to build quality players from all walks of life who demonstrate good character, determination and a love for volleyball regardless of their financial background.
Overview: Florida MOJO, has been a long-time producer of highly skilled volleyball players. This is attributed to theprofessional volleyball coaching staff led by Russel Williams. Our dedicated Club Director, Russel Williamspossesses over 20 years of coaching expertise along with a two-time Boys State Championshipas Head Coach for Lyman High School Boys Volleyball.
The Florida Mojo Volleyball Club has always taken an active role in providing opportunities to those who would normally not be able to afford club volleyball. In today’s competitive world, it is evident that to be successful in team sports it is necessary to play outside of school for our youths to compete with their peers.
Sponsors/Donations Needed: At the current time we need sponsors who can assist the club by providing in General Sponsorship for our upcoming 2017/18 players. Your financial donation will go to individual player dues, travel expenses, and to a general financial assistance fund. Our goal would be eventually to raise enough money to lower our overall budget and cost to club members. Sponsors can also contribute financially to a fundraiser itself and advertise with fun promotional items or provide fundraiser location, food, drinks and/or entertainment. Every bit helps!
Benefit to sponsors/donators:
•All contributions can be a tax write off
•Advertise at the fundraiser / tournament (pending on level of contribution)
•Display company name on the fundraiser/ tournament program
•Display company name and link to web on club’s web site
•Display company name on practice shirts (pending on level of contribution)
Future Goals of the club: Raising ongoing donations towards Fl. MOJO Volleyball club to reduce the overall club cost to all club members.
Other areas sponsors are needed:
•Scholarship funds for club members in need
•Securing funds for player travel if needed
•Securing a home base Florida MOJO facility
We Are MOJO Volleyball Club
Please fill in sponsor information return with sponsor check or make donation on line with a credit card.
Any contribution is tax deductible. All contributors will receive a letter of receipt including our non-profit tax number.
Sponsor Levels
Title Sponsor ($2,000 & up)
•Logo placed on boys warm up shirt if submitted by: October 30th
•Banner* at MOJO tournament, banner provided by sponsor, up to 6’, W x 2.5, H.
•Logo included on bulk club mailings
•Logo placement, with link, on our website home page and sponsor page
•Listed as Title Sponsor on website on our Sponsors page
•1 Practice Shirts with logo advertisement
Platinum Sponsor ($1,000)
•Logo placed on boyswarm up shirt if submitted by October 30th.
•Logo placement and link as Platinum Sponsor on MOJO website sponsor page
•Opportunity to provide coupons at MOJO hosted tournaments
•1 Practice Shirts with logo advertisement
Gold Sponsor ($500)
•Listed as a Gold Sponsor on website on sponsor page, to include logo on webpage
•1 warm up Shirt
Silver Sponsor ($200-$499)
•Listed as a Silver Sponsor on website on sponsor page • 1 warm up Shirt
Bronze Sponsor ($50- $199)
•Listed as a Bronze Sponsor on website on the sponsor page- 1 warm up Shirt
Individual Donation:
•This can be a tax-deductible donation to any person or program you choose for any amount without sponsorship gift returns.
On behalf of the club and of all the Mojo athletes, we sincerely thank you for your contribution!
Florida MOJO Volleyball Club Sponsor Information
If by Check, mail back to: Florida MOJO Volleyball, 201 Garden Lane Longwood, Fl. 32750
Sponsor/Contact Name: ______
Organization: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Website: ______
Send logo to:
Sponsor Level (please check): Title Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Individual
Donation Amount:______T-shirt size: ______
Individual Donation to (player/team/trip)______
Towards:______Amount: ______
Item Donation:______Value of Donation: ______
Donate by check through the mail or by credit card on line at flmojovolley.com
Please make checks payable to:
Florida MOJO Volleyball Club and send to:
MOJO Volleyball Club
201 Garden lane
Longwood, Fl. 32750
If you have any further questions please contact Maureen Williams, Director of Florida Mojo Volleyball Club at 407-416-3470.
407-416-3470 | Flmojovolley.com l Florida MOJO Volleyball Club, 201 Garden Lane Longwood, Fl. 32750