May 2013 Page 1
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting
2013 Workshop Proposal Form
Continuing-education workshops are offered in conjunction with the Society’s annual meeting. These workshops are offered as full- or half-day sessions on the Sunday that the meeting begins (Dec.9); this year they may also be offered on the Thursday following the meeting (Dec.13), depending on interest. Course levels range from introductory to advanced. The intent is to provide opportunities for members to learn about emerging risk analysis topics and approaches, and to sharpen their knowledge and skills across a variety of disciplines and applications. SRA workshops provide an intimate setting, with the average size around 10. This provides ample opportunity for those attending to ask questions and for instructors to tailor the course to the attendees.
Organizers submit workshop proposals for review by the SRA Conferences and Workshops Committee (C&W), Subcommittee for Workshops at the Annual Meeting (WAM). The review criteria can be found here.
Proposed workshops must meet the basic requirements identified in these criteria, and desired attributes are to be achieved as feasible. Note that workshop proposals should not substantially duplicate symposia proposed for the annual meeting. If the topic of a proposed workshop is similar to that of a proposed symposium, with common presenters, the organizers must explain how the workshop differs (to assure distinct program offerings).
To complete the proposal form, see companion materials on the SRA weblink, including the budget worksheet that supports the registration fee proposed by the organizer. Note the request for a workshop description is limited to 250 words (for consistency across workshops), for use in the preliminary and final programs. Please identify within this limit the workshop scope and content, as well as the intended audience and any special requirements (e.g., laptop computer).
Please submit both the workshop proposal form and budget worksheet electronically to: Mr.David Drupa, mailto: (for the WAM Subcommittee). The deadline is May 30.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Workshops Annual Meeting (WAM) co-chairs
· Jay Zhao, , 513-569-7373
· Patricia Nance,
· Margaret MacDonell (C&W Chair)
Proposal Form for Workshops at the SRA Annual Meeting /1 / Workshop title
2 / Organizer information
3 / Registration fee
4 / Duration, preferred time, and day
Full day __ Half day __/preference: a.m. or p.m. __ Sunday or Thursday, or both ______
5 / Target audience (who should attend?)
6 / Attendee limit
7 / Planned format (e.g., introductory lectures, methods tutorial with exercises, general discussion?)
8 / Planned handouts (e.g., notebook of presentation slide ands case study, references on CD?)
9 / Other sponsors (e.g., will another organization be covering expenses for certain instructors?)
10 / (Optional) Workshop web page URL (e.g., if established, to provide further details as desired)
11 / If you have discussed or coordinated this workshop with an SRA Specialty Group. please indicate which one[s])
12 / Workshop Description
(250 words or less, to be used for the SRA broadcast emails and annual meeting program)
13 / Content overview (e.g., syllabus or outline of proposed workshop, with brief annotation)
14 / Instructor(s) information
1. Name
Brief biosketch
(20-25 words)
2. Name
Brief biosketch (20-25 words)
3. Name
Brief biosketch (20-25 words)
(more as indicated)