LinganoreHigh SchoolMentor/Internship Program
Course Description & Assignment Schedule- Fall2016
Ms. Radil-Harris & Mr. Brown
Course Description
The Mentor/Internship Program is designed to allow you to explore a career area you are interested in pursuing in the future. The internship experience should provide a wide variety of learning opportunities. You will work with a mentor. The mentor is primarily responsible for your daily tasks/activities.
Course Requirements to Earn Credits
If you are dismissed one period for internship, you must work at least 128 hours at your internship site during the semester to earn 1 credit. This means you would attend your internship site 2 hours each school day.
If you are dismissed two periods for internship, you must work at least 256 hours at your site during the semester to earn 2 credits. This means you would attend your internship site 3.25 hours each school day.
Students leaving period 3 for internship are dismissed at the beginning of period 3, not the end of period 2. PREP session should be attended daily.
If you miss more than 3 days during the semester, you will need to devote additional time at the site to earn the credit.
In addition to the time spent at your internship site, this course requires the completion of online course assignments and discussions using the Moodle Class Website. These assignments may be completed at your internship site with mentor approval. Please note the schedule and record the dates below on your calendar. You will not receive reminders of due dates. Failing to turn in assignments or turning in assignments late will directly affect your term/semester grade.
Honor Code: Academic honesty is a cornerstone of the high academic integrity established and expected at LinganoreHigh School. Violations of this code will result in the total loss of credit for the assignment and the recording of a failing grade. It may also entail loss of credit for the course and additional disciplinary action.
Late Assignments Policy
Assignments are to be submitted on or before the due date. Late assignments will be awarded one-half credit.Since all written assignments are submitted electronically, all work is expected by the due date regardless of attendance. It is expected that all assignments be submitted in order to receive course credit.
Assignment Schedule
All of your assignments/discussions can be found using the on-line Moodle course delivery system. Students will be instructed in its use and issued passwords the first week of the course.
August 18Internship Orientation and Moodle Training at LHS
August 22 & 23School-based Internship Training
Term 1 Term 2
August 22- September 6Topic 1October 25- November 7Topic 5
September 7-September 19Topic 2November 8- December 5Topic 6
September 20- October 10Topic 3December 6- December 19Topic 7
October 11- October 24Topic 4January 3- January 13Topic 8
Each topic will include a written assignment to be submitted. Topics may also include discussion posts, quizzes, surveys, or other submissions. Each activity has a specific due date(s) within the topic time frame.
Submitting Assignments & Posting in Discussions
A more detailed orientation and directions sheet will be distributed at our first meetings. These directions will give you an idea of the simple procedure used to submit your assignments and post in discussions. When you are asked to submit assignments for your class, follow the procedures as outlined in your orientation. If you need help with Moodle please see Mr. Brown or Ms. Radil-Harris.
Academics Accountability Attitude
Tutoring/Consultation is available for students experiencing internship related concerns. Please contact your coordinator to request PREP time or to schedule a time to meet.
Time Cards and Time Sheets
All interns are expected to complete a regular Time Log Sheet. These sheets are used at your intern site to document your time in and time out each day. These will be returned to your coordinator on the due date each month. Logs must be signed by you and by your Mentor. New Log sheets are available on the Mentor/Internship Moodle site.
Time Cards will be completed by all interns each week. These cards list the hours you will be at your internship for that coming week. Example, on Monday, January 25, turn in a time card estimating your hours for January 25-30. Paper time cards are located outside room C103. Any changes to the schedule should be documented on a new time card as soon as you become aware of the change.
Grading Procedure
Term 1
Attendance at Initial Meeting, Moodle
Training, & all course paper work10%
Topic 1 10%
Topic 210%
Topic 310%
Topic 410%
Mentor Coordinator’s Evaluations50%
Term 2
all course paper work10%
Topic 510%
Topic 610%
Topic 710%
Topic 810%
Mentor Coordinator’s Evaluations50%
Signing in and out at Internship Site & Leaving Campus
You are responsible for recording your hours each week. You must sign-out daily at the TRED office (C103) before leaving LHS. You must also sign-in and sign-out at your internship site each day. In addition to your time log sheet for your coordinator you may be required to sign-in and sign-out in the system used by your internship site.
All students working off-campus during the school day are required to provide appropriate signatures from home and from the off-campus supervisor. Students placed at a private agency will need to secure proof of liability insurance. Placements in FCPS facilities do not require this additional information. All students will need to sign-in and sign-out of all locations to document attendance. Students are responsible for their own transportation and may not transport, or be transported by, another student.
Behavior Expectations
This class will operate according to all of the principles and rules as outlined in the current Frederick County Public Schools Calendar Handbook and LHS rules.
Coordinators Contact Information:
Ms. Radil-HarrisMr. Brown
I have read and understand the expectations for the course:
Student Signature:Date:
Parent Signature:Date:
Academics Accountability Attitude