Ursula Boulton, Steve Evans (Chairman), Emma Hadwin (Practice Manager), Maggi Harland, Tricia Harrison, Jean Lewis, George Rennie & Angela Wilby.
Danny Dutton – CCC as guest speaker.
Jane Bozier, Jacqui Brereton, Rachel Brereton Marie Cox & Ina Saunders.
· As Maggie could not stay for the evening, the meeting opened with Maggie updating the group on the last Patient Voice Group meetings. A member of the public was aggressive at one recent meeting, and at the subsequent meeting the CCG withdrew its support, leaving no secretary in place. Also the Chairman James Kay tendered his resignation. Their next meeting is 14th March at 6 pm. Tricia and Maggi are hoping to attend.
· The Chairman introducing Danny Dutton from the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Danny gave us a very interesting talk on the plans for the centre and the new builds. Thanks to Tricia for organising this.
· Nothing outstanding.
· The Practice Manager gave an update on the new layout at the surgery now the new build was complete, and also refreshed us on the compliment of GP’s we now have.
· The next CCG meeting is on 7th March, we await the minutes to see if any interesting points are raised, particularly with regard the Wirral Patient Voice Group (WPVG) meeting.
· The new MyGp app trial was discussed briefly, it is being tested by some members of the PPG, and they have been asked to report back any feedback to Emma or Lucy at the surgery.
· The new SSPPG notice board has been put up in a prominent place in the surgery. Updates on prevalent issues like Red Eye, potential epidemics, bugs and other items will be displayed in a timely manner.
· It was agreed the current Phlebotomy service is running well at the present time.
· Those who are interested in the Primary Care Wirral Federation can check the website at primarycarewirral.co.uk
· The group AGM is due to be held on 8th June 2017. The Practice Manager is to enquire, and hopefully book Charlotte House for our future meetings. We agreed in principal for the meeting dates for the rest of the year as; Thursday’s, 8th June, 7th September, 9th November and a Christmas celebratory meeting on 7th December.
· Although we did thank Danny for his presentation, George reminded us to ensure we send our thanks on to CCC, Danny and the team as soon as possible. Tricia volunteered to carry this out on our behalf via a formal email.
· It was mentioned that patients needing eye treatment may wish to consider Wirral Vision, based near Victoria Central. This may be an alternate to Arrowe Park Eye Department in the present climate.
· A visit and talk by Steph Warren from the Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) has been arranged for our next meeting. It will start at 6.30 pm.
· A spring newsletter is due out nearer Easter. It was agreed that the last one produced by Mary Jordan was quite refreshing and we will stick with this format. Any ideas or information that is relevant can be emailed to Mary direct, the Chairman or Practice Manager.
· George suggested a visit and presentation by Age UK in the near future. We hope to arrange this for our meeting in June or September. George is looking into details and will feedback to us as soon as known.
· It was also suggested, that we have James Kay back as a follow on from his talk of a few months ago as we all felt it was very interesting. Maggi will hopefully be able to convince him to return. If not June, maybe for our September meeting.
Thursday 6th April – Charlotte House in the Training Room at 6.30 pm. An email a week before the meeting will be sent out with an agenda, asking for any other ideas or points you may wish to add.
If any members have any queries or comments about these minutes, please feel free to contact us by E-mailing Steve on