November 2009Volume 2, Issue11
Inside this Issue
1 / From the Pastor
2 / Fellowship
3 / Christian Ed
4 / Music & Worship
5 / Church in Society
6 / Stewardship
7 / Children’s Page
8 / Church Calendar
9 / Bible Quiz
10 / Lay Ministry Schedule
11 / Our Ministry of Worship
Church Office Hours:
Tues –Fri. 9:00 am- 2:30 pm
email us at:
From the Pastor
Jim Latimer
Revitalization: Where’s the Meat?
Some of you may be wondering: We’ve been in “revitalization” with Rev. Jim for over a year now, so why hasn’t worship attendance started increasing? Why hasn’t giving started increasing?
You know the old saying: What goes up must come down.
To this I’d add: What goes up quickly, will come down quickly.
Quick growth is typically driven by a charismatic pastor who is in the center of the action, driving the church’s ministry by force of his own creativity and energy. Community UCC, perhaps you experienced something like this during the 1990’s. Those were heady days of growth. But then when the pastor left, what happened? Things went down as fast as they went up. The renewal did not last; it did not have much depth of soil, so when that one person left, it came down.
In contrast, my guiding vision is one where you are the center of the action, not the pastor. It’s about what God is doing through you, not what God is doing through the pastor. And I, as the pastor, am focused on equipping you for ministry, so that you learn to open yourself to God’s moving through you.
The gifts he (Jesus) gave were that some would be apostles… some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry…(Ephesians 4:11-13)
And as you become better equipped for ministry as individuals (serving God through what you do best, growing your prayer life, learning to discern God’s direction for your life, etc.), the congregation will be much stronger and steadier, and so less susceptible to pastoral changes. It’s the concept of the “priesthood of all believers” developed in the New Testament (see 1 Peter 2.9).
But the down side is this: It requires more patience. A laity-centered renewal takes longer to see results than a pastor-centered one. But here’s the big benefit: The renewal is one that lasts, and is one that is stronger and deeper. It’s one where you – the congregation – experience exciting spiritual growth. In other words, it’s about God, and what God is doing through you, not about the minister.
In exchange for patience now and a willingness to be equipped for ministry, you will grow more vital spiritually and the congregation will thrive as Christ intends.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
Teach him to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
I am focused on teaching you how to fish.
Yours in Christ,
Rev. Jim
Your Church Staff
Rev. Jim Latimer
610-568-2480 (cell)
Regina Floyd
Church Secretary
Sam DeWald
Consistory President
Robin & Dustin Bennett
Dan Smith
Director of Music
Marti Smith
Bell Choir & Praise Band
Bridgette Rothermel
Children’s Choir
Christine Miller
Preschool Director
Warren Lubenow
Don Dickerson
Financial Secretary
Jack McGuire
Asst. Financial Secretary
Regina Floyd
Financial Recording Secretary
You are invited to the Retirees’ Breakfast on Thursday, November 19th, @ 8:30 a.m. You need not be retired to join in the fellowship! If you can break away or start the day with us, please do so. We meet at The Breakfast Hut for a scrumptious meal and wonderful conversation. For more information contact Betty Houck (610.779.2962)or Ethel Adams (610.779.2164).
If Breakfast is too early, join us on Thursday, November 5th, for lunchat Viva restaurant, in Wyomissing. We will meet at the church at Noon and carpool. For more information contact Jolene Miller610-779-3272.
November 14th @ 8:00 a.m.
The 2nd Saturday of each month the men of congregation meet for breakfast at The Breakfast Hut restaurant to discuss timely topics concerning the church and our Community.
Community UCC Stitching for You - Join Us!
Do You Knit or Crotchet? Would you like to learn to knit or crochet? Join us on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m., in the church library. We’ll plan projects, work together or individually to help others enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of Community UCC members and friends. For more info please call Barb Taglang @ 610-779-2649.
The Church Library
Gerhart Library
Marianne Lubenow and Lorie Martin
Have you discovered the "new" church library? It's located adjacent to the narthex and has both adult and youth selections. We may be small, but there'sa variety of books, such as current best sellers like "The Shack" and the classic "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". We welcome your donations and suggestions to improve the library. We'd like to include a magazine area. If you'd be interested in sponsoring the magazine "Christian Century" for one year please contact Marianne Lubenow (610-779-3632). Thanks for checking us out!
Book Club
Deanne Snelling
"Always wanted to join Book Club but couldn't make the meetings? Well, ladies the book club has a new edition! Starting in November there will be one book but two meetings! The afternoon meeting will continue and there will now be an evening meeting. You can choose whichever meeting fits into your life and even switch between them. The book for this month isSarah’s Key, by Tatiana de Rosnay. The afternoon meeting will be November 4 at the home of Lynn Ramsey at 12:30 p.m.
The evening meeting will also be on Wednesday, November 4, at 7:00 PM at the home of Deanne Snelling. Please RSVP to Deanne Snelling so I know how much dessert I need!"
Spaghetti Dinner &
Talent Show!
Mama Mia – Come Eat!
When: Saturday, November 7
Time: 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Tickets: Adults - $6.50,
Child - $4.00 (3-10)
Menu: All you can eat spaghetti (only), meatballs, salad, bread, pudding, coffee, and hot tea.
Women’s Ministries
Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 21st,
9:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Donations of cookies, baked goods and soup are needed. (Containers for soup can be found in the kitchen.) Help is needed in the kitchen during the bazaar.
White Elephant articles, soup and cookies can be dropped off after 3:00 pm on Friday, November 20th. For more information please contact Jolene Miller for food items at 610-779-3272, for white elephant items please contact Marianne Lubenow at 610-779-3632.
Hanging of the Greens
Saturday, November 28th
10:00 AM
Help us decorate the church for the upcoming Holiday Season. Coffee and donuts will be provided. For more information contact Jolene Miller at 610-779-3272.
Fall Meeting of the
Penna Southeast Conference
Saturday, Nov 21st, 2009
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
St. Paul's UCC (Amityville)
1312 Old Swede Rd. Douglassville, PA
Youth of all ages are encouraged to come and participate! Confirmation classes, youth groups, etc.
CREATIVE WORSHIP -We will learn how to use theatre & the arts in worship. Our time together will be fun, interactive, and creative! We will also be putting together some ideas for leading worship at the Spring Meeting in 2010, in which youth and adults will be leading the morning worship time.
FELLOWSHIP -You can meet other youth from around the Conference. We'll have lunch together, get to know each other, and hang out.
UPDATES -Get the latest on Regional Youth Event, Service Projects, Conference events, and much more!
WE would like to have our church represented. If interested or you have questions – Talk to
Barry or Sandy Fehnel, or
Marti Smith.
Christian Education
Barry & Sandy Fehnel - Directors
As part of our expanded formation-education program for older youth and adults we are initiating a new venture in Faith Exploration called SPIRIT. To avoid conflict with most other church pursuits this will be offered on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The first session will be Nov 3rd.
Recognizing a vital new interest in pursuing a relationship with God that may not be completely served by traditional means, this undertaking will visit some of the new thinking in Spirituality.
It is our hope that the committed as well as the spiritually disenchanted may find new meaning and value to life through a renewed connection with the Divine Presence. If you have a friend who doesn’t like church tell him or her about this opportunity or bring them with you.
For more information please visit and click on the SPIRIT link on our church website and be assured you are welcome.
Music & Worship
Laity Sunday - November 8
(10:15 Service Only)
The Worship and Music Committee is organizing a Laity Service on Sunday, November 8. We will hold one service that day at 10:15. We will connect with our stewardship theme “From Jesus we have all received, grace upon grace” (John 1:16). Participants will lead various portions of the service that day. One of our committee members may speak to you or if you are interested, you may contact Sandy Fehnel, Marti Smith, Dan Smith or Barbara McGuire for further information.
The Church Nursery
The church nursery is located in the library adjoining the narthex. Quiet toys are located in the lower cupboard, under the far bookshelves. For the past 7 weeks, volunteers have been staffing the nursery at the request of the Worship and Music Committee. The purpose was to determine whether there is a need to staff the church nursery. At the present time, there are a small number of families who wish to use the nursery, and many of those parents prefer to remain with their child in the nursery. For this reason, the Worship and Music Committee has decided not to staff the nursery this year.
The library will remain open for all parents with young children to use as needed. On a yearly basis, the Worship and Music Committee will determine whether staffing is needed. If you have any questions or concerns about the nursery, please contact Marti Smith or another member of the Worship and Music Committee.
Chancel Choir Invitation
We have just begun to rehearse for our annual Christmas Cantata. This year’s cantata is “Season of Praise.” It blends newly composed music with some familiar Christmas carols. Anyone who would like to join us in presenting this cantata is welcome to come to our rehearsals on Thursdays at 8:00pm downstairs. This will be presented at a single service on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 10:15.
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir has been placed on “hold” until further notice. We will be working on the scheduling problem and encouraging more children to join this activity. Stay tuned for future developments.
We Praise 2
We Praise 2 is open to children, who like to help lead singing, and are ages 4 to grade 6. Rehearsals are every Sunday that there is Sunday School beginning at 8:45am. A student is eligible to help lead singing if they attend the rehearsal at 8:45am that day. Students are also expected to set a good example of Christian behavior.
Your Music & Worship Committee
-Dan Smith (Chair)
-Marti Smith
- Barb McGuire
- Dick Taglang
-Sandy Fehnel
November 29th
Church in Society
Holiday Food Pantry
November 8 thru 22
Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations will soon be here. Church and Society is again asking you to join in the joy of filling holiday food baskets coordinated by the In His Name Food Pantry at Trinity UCC in Mt. Penn. Each participating church contributes specific foods which arethen combined to create a full festive meal for the recipients.
We will collect the following items for these baskets:
Corn 5 lb. Flour
Stuffing mix 5 lb. Sugar
Turkey gravy
Canned pumpkin
Collection dates will be November 8, 15, and 22.
Our famous "turkey bags" listing items needed will be decorated by children of our Sunday School classes. Look for them in the narthex following each church service. If yours isn't decorated, please feel free to enjoy some creativity. No need to stay inside the lines.
If you would like to donate a turkey or certificate for a turkey froma local store, please contact Connie Killian at 610-779-7091Thank you for your continued support of this local pantry!
Children’s Page
Calendar Page
Bible Quiz
Psalm 121 focuses on the assurance of God’s help at all times. The final two verses (7-8) begin:
“The Lord will keep you from allevil;
he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep
your going out and your comingin ….” [NRSV]
Choose the correct ending of the psalm:
A. today and every day. long as you live a good life.
C if you ask God to do so.
D. from this time on and forevermore.
Answer: D
• “I have so much to do (today) that I should spend the first three hours in prayer.”
—Martin Luther
• “Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day.”
—Robert Caspar Lintner
• “When I give, I give myself.”
—Walt Whitman
• “A coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
Lay Ministry Schedule for November
Nov 18:0010:15
AnnouncementsBarry FehnelJanet Papilla
Lay LeaderBob NaseDan Martin
Flower SponsorSandy Fehnel
Bulletin SponsorsDave & Diane Schaeffer
November 810:15
AnnouncementBruce May
Lay LeaderMarianne Lubenow
Flower Sponsorsthe Coleman Family
Bulletin SponsorLeila Escavacini
November 15 8:0010:15
Announcements Sam DeWaldLinda Dawe
Lay LeaderKaren WalulekDon Dickerson
Flower SponsorsKunkel & Gettis Families
Jack & Barb McGuire
Bulletin SponsorDiane & Dave Schaeffer
November 228:0010:15
AnnouncementsSam DeWaldPat Nase
Lay LeaderDave ChapmanDan Martin
Flower SponsorJack McGuire
Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed
November 298:0010:15
AnnouncementsSam DeWaldDan Martin
Lay LeaderSam DeWaldLee Westbrook
Flower SponsorJolene Miller
Bulletin SponsorSponsor Needed
Have We Forgotten God?
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole of the American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens.
—Abraham Lincoln,
1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation
+ Christian Symbols +
St. Andrew’s Cross
This cross is a
symbol of humility and
suffering. It first came
into use during the
Middle Ages. According
to tradition, St. Andrew
was crucified while preaching in Greece.
He felt unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus, so he begged that his cross be made differently. St. Andrew’s cross is the national cross of Scotland. It’s also called Cross Saltire.
Our Ministry of Worship
Each Sunday, we gather for worship at 8:00 & 10:15 a.m. Child-care rooms are located on the parking lot level of the church. Remember that we have an elevator from the parking lot level to the sanctuary level