Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / Wepromotemoraldevelopment / Wepromotesocial
development / Wepromotecultural
Mathematics / Bymakingconnections betweenpupils’mathematicalskillsandreallife.
Byconsideringpattern,order, symmetryandscale in both theman madeandnaturalworld. / Byengagingpupilsplayfully;
forexample,inunequalshares ofresources,whymight someonebeupsetifthey receivedlessthanother people?
Byreflectingondatathathas moralandethical implications;forexample at harvest time, pupilsconsiderthe percentage of people around the world suffering from hunger. / Bythesharingofresources withintheclassroom,the negotiatingofresponsesand groupproblemsolving. / Byaskingquestionsaboutthe historyofmaths: forexample,
‘WhatdidtheGreeksdiscover thatwestilluseinmaths today?’
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
English / In responding to a poem, story or text; pupils can be asked,
‘I wonder what you think happens next?’ ‘How would you feel if you were the
person in the story?’ ‘Where
have you met these ideas before?’
By appreciating the beauty of language. / By exploring stimulus for thinking about the consequences of right and wrong behaviour; pupils can speculate and apply their learning to their own lives. When they do this they are developing their speaking, listening and higher order thinking skills.
By considering different perspectives. / By supporting conceptual and language development through an understanding of and debates about social issues e.g. the use of social media.
By providing opportunities for talk in a range of groupings / By pupils telling stories from their own cultures and backgrounds creating the idea that ‘everyone has a story to tell’
By providing opportunities for pupils to engage with texts from different cultures e.g. creation stories from around the world, myths and legends, poems from other cultures etc.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Science / Bydemonstratingopennessto thefactthatsomeanswers cannotbeprovidedby Science.
Bycreatingopportunitiesfor pupilstoaskquestionsabout howlivingthingsrelyonand contributetotheir environment.
Discuss questionsaboutthesizeofthe universeandhowitmight havebeenformed. / Byofferingpupilsthechance toconsiderthewonderofthe naturalworldandthe inventionswhichhavemade theworldabetterplace.
Byconsideringthatnotall developmentshavebeen goodbecausetheyhave causedharmtothe environmentandtopeople.
Byencouragingpupilsto speculateabouthowscience
canbeusedbothforgood andevil. / Byusingopportunitiesduring Sciencelessonstoexplain howtokeepotherpeople safeandhowtheymight protectayoungeror vulnerableyoungperson.
By working in different groupings and allocating roles to carry out investigations / Byaskingquestionsaboutthe waysinwhichscientific discoveriesfromaroundthe worldhaveaffectedourlives. Thereisarichheritageof scientificdiscoveriesfrom Hindu,EgyptianandMuslim traditions etc.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
MFL – French is taught from
Y3 upwards / Byexploringthebeautyof languagesfromaroundthe world through topic work. By learning French and knowing where around the world the French language is spoken.
Byexploringtheway languageisconstructed. / Byhelpingpupilstohavean accurateandtruthful understandingofthe French culture. / Bylearningtheskillof communicatingindifferent ways.
Byexploringdifferentsocial conventionse.g.formsof address in French. / Byappreciatingthelanguage andcustomsofothers.
Byexploringtheliteratureand cultureofothercountries.
Bytakingpartinculturaloccasions e.g. Divali and Chinese New Year.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
History / Byconsideringhowthings wouldbedifferentifthe courseofeventshadbeen different;forexamplewhat differencewouldithave madeifthe Romans had not invaded Britain or if the Normanshadnot beensuccessfulin1066?
Bylookingatthe history of local village and its impact.
Byspeculatingabouthowwe markimportanteventsfrom historyandthepeoplewho shapedthem e.g. Guy Fawkes on the 5th November, Remembrance Day. / Byexploringtheresultsofright andwrongbehaviourinthe past e.g. wars.
Byconsideringsomeofthe characteristicsofpeoplewho havehadabadinfluence andcausedsufferingto others. Whathaveothers donetostopinjustice? Are thereexamplesof this in the local area?
Bygoingbeyondthefacts andaskingpupilstomake hypothesesandpose questionssuchas‘whatif…?’
‘whatwouldhaveturneda tragedyintoatriumph?’ etc. / Bygivingthetriggerfor discussionsabouthowgroups andcommunitiesorganised themselvesinthepast e.g. Romans.
Byconsideringquestions aboutsocialstructureinthe past.forexample,What mightpupilssayaboutthe rightsofchildreninVictoriantimes?Isitimportantthat societylooksafteryoung children? Aretherepeople in the world whostilldon’tgetafairdeal?
Byencouragingpupilstotalk totheirparentsand grandparents;forexample, whenlearningaboutwar through exploration of Remembrance. / Byinvestigatinghowcultureis shapedbyhistory,exploring the‘culturalheritage’andin particulartheChristian
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Geography / ByusingGooglemapsand askingpupilstoimaginewhat itmightbeliketolivein differentpartsoftheworld.
Bymakinglinkswithhistory whenexploringthe environmentandspeculating onwhythelandscapeisasit is.
Bycomparingtheirliveswith pupilslivinginothercountries orotherpartsoftheUK. / Byconsideringhowpeople treattheenvironment;posing questionssuchas,‘Howare wechangingoursurroundings
–aresomethingsforthe betterandothersforthe worse?’ Whobenefitsand whosuffers? Whatshouldbe ourpersonalresponseto these? Whoshouldlookafter ourenvironment?
Consider eco-status / Byprovidingpositiveand effectivelinkswiththecommunity.
Byconsideringsocial responsibilitye.g.careforthe environment in Y2 and impactoftraffic onthelocalarea in Early Years. / By makinglinkswithother countriesthrough schools linkingand culturaltheme.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moraldevelopment / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
RE / Byexperiencingwonderand joythroughlearningaboutand fromstories,celebrations, ritualsanddifferent expressionsofreligionand world views – Christianity extending to include Judaism and Islam.
Byaskingandrespondingto questionsofmeaningand purpose.
Byconsidering ‘big questions’ aboutGod and the world
Byexploringspiritualpractices suchasworshipandprayer, andconsideringtheimpactof theseonbelieversandany relevancetotheirownlife. / Byexploringmoralityincluding rules,teachingsand commandssuchasThe School Behaviour Policy,TheTen commandments,thesayings ofMuhammad.
Byinvestigatingthe importanceofserviceto
Byexploringreligious perspectivesandresponsesto evilandsufferingintheworld
Byaskingquestionsaboutthe purposeandmeaningof reconciliationandsalvation e.g.exploringYomKippur. / Byexploringthequalities whicharevaluedby our school through our core values of respect, friendship and responsibility, as well as a civilizedsociety– thoughtfulness,honesty, respectfordifference, independenceand interdependence.
Byaskingquestionsaboutthe socialimpactofreligion at an age appropriate level / Byexploringsimilaritiesand differencesbetween faiths andcultures - Christianity and Hinduism in KS1 extending to include Judaism and Islam in KS2.
Byconsideringinparticular. differentculturalexpressionsof Christianity
BylearningaboutUKSaints, especially through celebration of these in collective worship.
Byengagingwithtext, artefactsandothersources fromdifferentculturesand religiousbackgrounds.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moraldevelopment / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Leadership / Bydeveloping an awarenessof andrespondingtoothers’ needsandwants.
Byexploringmeaningand purposeforindividualsand society.
Bydevelopingresilienceand innerstrength.
Byexploringspiritualpractices suchasworshipandprayer, andconsideringtheimpactof theseonbelieversandany relevancetotheirownlife / Byexploringwhatisrightand wrongandtoworkoutwhat weneedtodointhis
particularcommunitytomake sureeveryonethrives.
By makingexplicitlinksto the school’sdistinctiveethos / Byhelpingpupilstoengagein ademocraticprocessfor agreeingtherulesfor communitylife e.g. creating class expectations/rules
Bycreatingopportunitiesfor pupilstoexerciseleadership andresponsibility through membership of the school council and annual pupil surveys. E.g.pupilsmight beasked‘Whydowethinkthis isimportant?’‘Whatcould wedoaboutit?’‘Whowould liketotakeitfurther?’
Roles in school such as House Captains and Sports Ambassadors. / Byexploringhowdifferent culturescanoffergreat insightsintohowweleadour lives.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moraldevelopment / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Design / Byprovidingplentyofrich opportunitiesforpupilsbothto explorethespiritualdimension andnaturalphenomena
Byexploringdifferentartists’ interpretationsofakeyfigure oreventandaskingwhatthe artistwastryingtoconvey
‘reviewingandevaluating’; forexample,visiting a museum and associated follow-up work. / Byexploringhowemotions andinnerfeelingsare expressedthoughpainting, sculptureandarchitecture.
Byresponsestoanduseof visualimagestoevokea rangeofemotions. / Bysharingofresources.
Byexploringsocialconflict andresolution.
Byexploringartasapowerful socialtoole.g.inadvertising, inrepresentingparticular groups. / Byexperiencingawiderange ofcreativemediafrom aroundtheworld.
Bydevelopingaestheticand criticalawareness at an age appropriate level.
By participating in a range of cultural opportunities: gallery and theatre trips
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moraldevelopment / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Music / Byallowingpupilstoshow theirdelightandcuriosityin creatingtheirownsounds.
Bymakinglinksbetweentheir learninginRE, Geography etc.withmusic beingplayedasbackground i.e. Christmas Carols, Indian music.
Byconsideringhowmusic makesonefeelandcan
‘moveus’deeply. / Byexploringhowmusiccan conveyhumanemotionssuch assadness,joy,anger etc.
Byappreciatingtheself- disciplinerequiredtolearna musicalinstrument e.g. By all children learning the recorder / Byexploringhowan ensemble or orchestraworkstogether
Bydiscussingand experimenting with whatwould happenifmusiciansina band/groupdidn’tco- operate.
Byappreciatinghowmusicis usedindifferentwaysin differentsettingse.g.for pleasure,forworship,tohelp peoplerelax. / Bygivingallpupilsan opportunitytolearnamusical instrument. Opportunities to learn an instrument across the school.
Byencouragingpupilstolisten andrespondtotraditionsfrom aroundtheworld e.g. African music
Byappreciatingmusical expressionfromdifferenttimes andplaces
By giving pupils the opportunity to perform to their parents and the school
Participation in school shows to the community in Christmas and Summer.
Choir participating in ‘Young Voices’ schools’ choir
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Drama / Byallowingforinsight,self- expressionandthechanceto walkinsomeoneelse’sshoes e.g. Different characters from fairytales in Y1; Christmas and Summer performances / Byexpressingwhatitfeelslike tobewrongedandwhat remediesmightmakethings betterfortheinjured e.g. during Anti-bullying Week. / Byexploringsimilaritiesand differencesandhowrespect forotherscanbeexpressed.
Bybuildingself-esteemand encouragingselfworth through participation in speech and drama festival. / Bytakingdifferentrolesfrom otherbackgrounds.
Byusingdifferentdramatic conventionstoencourage empathy.
KS1 and 2 performances to a large audience of productions including Macbeth and Joseph.
Cultural history of drama though study of Shakespeare.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Technology / Byenjoyingandcelebrating personalcreativity
Byreviewingandevaluating createdthings; moving vehicles. / Byraisingquestionsaboutthe effectoftechnological changeonhumanlifeand theworldaroundthem. / Byexploringdilemmasthat individualsmayfaceand developingpracticalsolutions totheseproblems
By making a contribution to the local society through art works such as the poppy remembrance. / Byconsideringcultural influencesondesign
Byaskingquestionsabout functionalityvaesthetics.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
Computing / Bywonderingatthepowerof thedigitalagee.g.useof the internet
Byunderstandingthe advantagesandlimitationsof ICT.
Byusingtheinternetasa gatewaytobiglifeissues. / Byexploringthemoralissues surroundingtheuseofdata.
Byconsideringthebenefits andpotentialdangersofthe internet–e.g.campaignsfor charitiesandinjusticeasa forceforgood. Cyberbullying asadanger.
Byconsideringthevisionof thoseinvolvedindeveloping theweb. / Byhighlightingwaystostay safewhenusingonline servicesandsocialmedia
Bybeingpreparedtowork withtechnologytoforgenew relationships.
BydiscussingtheimpactofICT onthewayspeople communicate e.g. Skype. / Byexploringhuman achievementsandcreativity inrelationtoworldwide communications.
Bydevelopingasenseofawe andwonderathuman ingenuity.
Subject / Wepromotespiritual development / We promote moral
development / We promote social
development / We promote cultural
PE / Bydelightinginmovement, particularlywhenpupilsare abletoshowspontaneity.
Bytakingpartinactivitiessuch asdance,gamesand gymnasticswhichhelppupils tobecomemorefocused, connectedandcreative
Bybeingawareofone’sown strengthsandlimitations e.g. Y3 swimming lessons, participation in Sports Day, Inter House tournaments / By discussing fair play and the value of team work.
By developing qualities of self- discipline, commitment and perseverance.
By developing sportsmanship e.g. through shaking the hand of a competitor at the end of an event, regardless of the result.
Clear code of conduct established. / By developing a sense of belonging and self-esteem through team work to create a dance, participate in a race etc.
By developing a sense of community identity through taking part in inter school events
By offering a variety of extra-curricular sporting activities that are cross phase/year group, enabling pupils’ to work together in a variety of different groupings and contexts. / By learning about the history of sport, and where they originate from e.g. The Olympics when studying the Greeks.
By making links with national and global sporting events such as the World Cup and the Olympics.
By exploring rituals surrounding sporting activities e.g. medal ceremonies, learning and singing the national anthem.