RTAC Minutes
February 17, 2014
Historic Courthouse, Fayetteville NC
Hearing Room 3
Members Present Members Absent
Billy Horne, Stedman (Chair)Albert Kirby, Sampson Co
Roland Hall, RoseboroDaniel Dowless, Bladen Co
Jefferson Strickland, MCCOG
Ed Grannis, NCDOT/BOTOthers Present
Gordon Springle, Harnett CoJoe Bailey, NCDOT D6
Walter Weeks, CoatsDominique Boyd, NCDOT PTD
Jim Caldwell, MCCOG Joel Strickland, MCRPO
Greg Burns, NCDOT D6
1.Call to Order
Mr. Joel Strickland called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM and established a quorum was present.
2.Election of Officers
Mr. Joel Strickland informed the board that Chairman Livingston Lewis was no longer on the board and a new Chair needed to be elected. Mr. Walter Weeks nominated Billy Horne for Chair and was seconded by Mr. Roland Hall. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Joel Strickland informed the board that they would now need to elect a Vice-Chair as well. Mr. Roland Hall nominated Mr. Charles Springle as the Vice-Chair and Mr. Walter Weeks seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Approval of Agenda
Chair Billy Horne asked for an approval of the agenda. Mr. Roland Hall made a motion to approve. Mr. Walter Weeks seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
4.Approval of the October 2013 Minutes
Chair Billy Horne inquired as to any changes that need to be addressed regarding the previous meeting minutes; having none, Mr. Charles Springle made a motion to approve the minutes as
written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ed Grannis and it passed unanimously.
5. SPOT 3.0 Project Lists
Mr. Joel Strickland shared the Mid-Carolina Project Lists with the group. He stated these would be the projects submitted to SPOT for prioritization this cycle. Mr. Roland Hall asked about US Highway 421, to which Mr. Strickland pointed it out on the list. Mr. Roland Hall made a motion to approve the SPOT 3.0 Project Lists. Mr. Walter Weeks seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
6. SPOT 3.0 Prioritization Criteria
Mr. Joel Strickland stated that with this SPOT Process it was required for the RPO to develop criteria and plan for prioritization. He stated the criteria developed had already been reviewed and approved by the SPOT Office of NCDOT. Mr. Joel Strickland gave the details of the criteria and reviewed it with the group. Mr. Ed Grannis asked about public outreach requirements, which Mr. Joel Strickland explained that the outreach detailed in the method did meet the requirements. Mr. Joe Bailey mentioned the need to address cascading projects, which Mr. Joel Strickland said he would rank all qualifying projects for each funding pot. Mr. Walter Weeks made a motion to approve the Prioritization Criteria and was seconded by Mr. Roland Hall. The motion passed unanimously.
7. FY 2014 PWP Amendment
Mr. Joel Strickland informed members that the RPO had received additional funds from NCDOT for FY 14. He stated that most of the extra funding would be used for Project Prioritization but that a Planning Work Program Amendment was required. Mr. Roland Hall made a motion to approve the FY 14 PWP Amendment. Mr. Jefferson Strickland seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
8. FY 2015 Planning Work Program and 5-Year Calendar
Mr. Joel Strickland went over the Fiscal Year 2015 Planning Work Program and 5-Year Calendar with the group. He stated that the amount of funding would be the same as this fiscal year after the amendment. Mr. Joel Strickland also pointed out the local match cost which is equally divided between the four counties. Mr. Ed Grannis made a motion to approve the FY 15 PWP and 5-Year Calendar. Mr. Gordon Springle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
9. Addition to the Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee
Mr. Joel Strickland proposed to the members to add the Airport Directors from each county to the Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC). He stated that with Aviation now being prioritized by the RPO, that he thought they should be involved. Mr. Roland Hall made a
motion to approve adding the Airport Directors to the RTCC. Mr. Walter Weeks seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
10.Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update
Mr. Joel Strickland stated work is continuing with the Sampson County CTP and the Bladen County CTP is slated to begin very soon with Mr. Dominique Boyd heading the project.
11. NCDOT Division Reports
Mr. Joel Strickland referred to the division handouts which provided updates on the area projects underway and/or completed.Mr. Greg Burns covered the projects for each County in Division 6. Mr. Joel Strickland briefly covered the projects from Division 3 in Sampson County and told the group they could contact Mr. Patrick Riddle if they had further questions.
12. New Business
Mr. Joel Strickland mentioned the COG Annual Dinner which will be held February 27.
With no other business the regular meeting adjourned after a motion from Mr. Charles Springle and a second from Mr. Ed Grannis.
Billy Horne, Chair Joel Strickland, Secretary