Intro to Driver and Traffic Safety Education
Day 1
Bell Ringer:Get to Know You. Students will have different color M&M’s on their desk. Each color will have a specific question that each student will answer. This will give us insight on who this person is.
Learning Targets: I can receive an information packet to begin Driver and Traffic Safety Education. I can set up my Edmodo App, Kahoot App, and Google Classroom.
Specific Objectives: Students will have all paperwork to begin Class. Students will set up EDMODO and Kahoot to participate in class
Required Materials: Phone, Tablet, Laptop and Projector
Step by Step Procedures: We will begin with a quick welcome to the class. We will do our bell ringer. I will give a brief intro into the class. Students will be handed their Packet of information that will need to be returned by the end of the week. We will then set up their EDMODO account and show how to use it. We will then set up there Kahoot account.
Assessment: We will do a quick Kahoot on Boating to see what they know.
Getting To Know Your Boat- Boating Safety
Day 2
Bell Ringer: We will do a Kahoot on parts of the Boat.
Standards:ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Targets: I can learn the parts of the boat. I can learn the different types of vessels and different types of engines.
Specific Objectives: Student’s will be able to identify to the various parts of the boat. Students will learn about the two basic types of boating hulls (Displacement and Planing). They will also learn there characteristics and what type of boats represent each category. Students will also be able to measure a vessels length overall. We will also discover the various types of engines (inboard, outboard, stern drives, jet drives, PWC, and sailboats).
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by step Procedures: We will do a group Kahoot on the parts of the boat. We will then return back to our workplace and look at a diagram of the various parts of the boat. I will give a blank diagram of a vessel and have the students label it as we discuss each part. We will then look at the 2 main types of boating hulls. We will look at various pictures of the different types and have a quick class discussion on who might have one of these or may have ridden on one of these types. We will look at a diagram and learn the correct way to measure the vessels length overall and what Length Class they may fall in. Finally, we will be looking at in our manual and at the overhead of the different types of engines. We will also look at some videos of those boats and how there engine operates in the water.
Assessment: We will be taking the CH 1 Quiz in the Boating Manual
Before You Get Underway-Boating Safety
Day 3
Bell ringer: We will have a Vocabulary words of the day. These words will be words we learned from the previous day.
Standards:ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Targets: I can’ learn proper procedures for Boating Safety and safety measures that must completed before we try and transport our vessel anywhere.
Specific Objectives: We will discuss the capacity plate, where it is located and what is on it. We will look at a float plan and the pertinent information that should be included anytime you leave on a boat. We will learn the proper procedures of putting fuel into a boat. We will look at how to select the proper trailer and how to properly load the trailer on to the hitch. We will discuss and view the proper way to launch and retrieve a vessel. Lastly, we will discuss engine maintenance.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by step Procedures: We will begin class with a vocab quiz on parts of the boat. We will then transition in to learning about procedures of boat capacity and how and why to always have a float plan on file. We will also look at all the information that should be included on the float plan. We will then look at video on the proper way to fuel your boat and the actions we should avoid while fueling. We will then learn how to calculate the proper trailer weight for our vessel and how to properly transport our vessel. We will look at video of how to properly launch and retrieve our boat. We will also discuss emergency actions if our vessel were to run aground. Finally, we will look at the key components of vessel and engine maintenance.
Assessment: We will be taking the CH 2 quiz from the Boating Manual.
Operating Your Boat Safely
Day 4
Bell Ringer: We will be back in our small groups for a game of Kahoot on CH 2.
Standards: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Targets: I can learn the proper way to operate your vessel. We will also be covering the Navigation Rules and Traffic Laws of the Waterways.
Specific Objectives: We will learn the different ways to cast off and how to properly dock. We will learn what the Give-way vessel is and the Stand-on vessel is and the different scenarios of encountering traffic. We will look at the proper actions that must be taken when encountering traffic from all angles. The students will look at scenarios of night navigation. We will look at Buoys and Markers and discuss the characteristics and specific markings. The students will also look at Non Lateral Markers and what there purposes are. We will look at how to properly anchor. We will discuss the information that is shared on Nautical Charts. Lastly we will look at the full operation of a Personal Watercraft (PWC).
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by Step Procedures: We will begin with a small group Kahoot of CH 2. We will then look at pictures and video of proper ways to cast off and dock your vessel. We will look at diagrams of stand on vessel and give way vessel. We will cover several scenarios from all directions. We will then discuss nigh navigation and look at several scenarios of boats at night and look at light recognition and what action we should take. We will then look at the look at lateral and non- lateral markers. We will look at the different types of buoys and markers, there meaning, color, number, shapes, and any variations on the US Aids to Navigation System. We will discuss different types of anchors and watch a video on the proper way to anchor. We will discuss wind direction when anchoring as well. Then we will view Navigation charts to see what type of information could help us out on the water. Lastly, we will cover the entire operation of a PWC and potential hazards that could arise from driving a PWC. We will also look into the proper ways to avoid propeller strike injuries.
Assessment: We will be taking the CH 3 Quiz in the Boating Safety Manual
The Legal Requirements of Boating
Day #5
Bell Ringer: We will look at a couple of slides of boating traffic and write down who is the stand on vessel and who is the give way vessel.
Standards: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Target: I can learn the requirements for vessel registration and vessel operation. They will also learn about unlawful and dangerous operation of a vessel. We will cover the effect of alcohol and drugs while boating. We will also look at Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s), there different types and requirements. I can learn about several on board safety devices (fire extinguishers, Backfire flame arrestors, navigation lights, VDSs, and sound producing devices. We will look at Homeland Security Restrictions, Requirements of PWC’s, and legally towing. Lastly, we will discuss waste, oil, and trash disposal in Alabama State and Federal Waters.
Specific Objectives: We will learn about specific requirements of vessel registration i.e. Certificate of Number and validation decals. The students will learn the practices that are considered Reckless and Carless operations. We will cover BUI and the fines and punishment that are a result from that. We will learn the different types of PFD’s and the requirements. We will cover on several on board safety device that are required by law and how to operate those. The students will learn specific requirements for PWC’s. They will also learn about the legality of towing a person. Lastly, we will learn the laws regarding waste, oil, and trash disposal.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by Step Procedures: We will begin class with a bell ringer of stand on vessel and give way vessel assessment. The students will learn the requirements for vessel registration and vessel operation. They will also learn about unlawful and dangerous operation of a vessel. We will cover the effect of alcohol and drugs while boating. We will also look at Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s), there different types and requirements. Students will learn several on board safety devices (fire extinguishers, Backfire flame arrestors, navigation lights, VDSs, and sound producing devices. We will look at Homeland Security Restrictions, Requirements of PWC’s, and legally towing. Lastly, we will discuss waste, oil, and trash disposal in Alabama State and Federal Waters.
Assessment: We will take the CH 4 Quiz in the Boating Safety Manual.
Boating Emergencies-What to Do
Day 6
Bell Ringer: Game of tic-tac-toe with terms learned from CH 4.
Standards: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Target: I can determine a variety of potential boating hazards and safety measurements that should be taken. I can learn various personal injuries from hypothermia to carbon monoxide poisoning. I can learn the signs of inclement weather approaching and how to avoid such. The will also learn how to summons help from a variety of boating emergencies.
Specific Objectives: Students will learn steps to take to avoid boating accidents, including the effects of dehydration, avoiding alcohol, and the importance of wearing PFD’s at all times. The students will also lifesaving skills when involved in boating accidents from falling overboard, fire emergencies, to running aground. Lastly, students will learn many safety strategies when dealing with weather and how to correctly summons for help.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by Step Procedures: We will begin class with bell ringer of Ch 4 key words and phrases. We will begin to examine in Chapter 5 several measurements to avoid boating accidents. We will look at several risk factors (boating stressors, dehydration, alcohol, and drowning) and how they can contribute to boating accidents and how they are to be avoided. The students will watch a video on different scenarios of boating emergencies and how they should be correctly be handled. We will look at how to handle situations of capsizing, swamping, and falling overboard. Next, we will learn the proper way to deal with a fire emergency on our vessel and what to do if we are to run aground. Lastly, we will view the stages of hypothermia and how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning situations. We will also cover weather emergencies and how treat others that have experienced medical emergencies while on the water.
Assessment: The students will take the Chapter 5 quiz in the Boating Manual.
Guest Speaker from Marine Water Patrol
Day 7
Bell Ringer: We will play a game of kahoot dealing with CH 5.
Standards:ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Target: I can get a first- hand understanding of real situations that have been seen and dealt with from our guest speaker. Hopefully our kids will come away with a better understanding of Boating safety and numerous factors that cause the boating accidents.
Specific Objectives: Students will receive many safety procedures and information of to enjoy boating safely. The students will learn several techniques to use when involved in boating accidents.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by step Procedures: We will begin class with a game of Kahoot of CH 5. Then our guest speaker will present to our class.
Enjoying Water Sports with Your Boat
Day 8
Bell Ringer: The students will write a brief summary of the most important lesson learned from our guest speaker.
Standard: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Learning Target: I can learn about responsibilities as the vessel operator, to the passengers on board, and to the surrounding environment. They will also look at safety measures to be taken while enjoying watersports such as water skiing, fishing, scuba diving, wind surfing, and hunting.
Specific Objectives: Students will learn various responsibilities as the vessel operator, and the responsibility of anyone who may try and operate your vessel. We will learn practices that will help keep the waterway clean and safe for all. We will look at small boat and paddlecraft safety precautions. Lastly, we will cover several water sports and there safety measurements that should be followed.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by Step Procedures: Students will begin class with a bell ringer. They will write a brief summary of the primary lesson learned from our guest speaker. We will then transition into learning the daunting responsibilities a vessel operator carries. The students will also learn many ways to help keep the environment safe and clean. Next, we will look at safety tips to follow while operating a small boat or paddle craft. We will then cover water skiing as an operator and the hand signals that coincide with this sport. Lastly, we will cover safety measures that are to be taken seriously while enjoying water sports like scuba diving, windsurfing, hunting, and fishing.
Assessment: The students will be taking the CH 6 quiz in Boating Manual.
Boating Exam Review
Day 9
Bell Ringer: We will watch a video on common boating accidents.
Standard: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Goal of the Lesson: Today we will have a comprehensive review of the entire boating manual.
Specific Objectives: The students will have time to review the chapter content as well as chapter quizzes we have taken in class. They will be allowed to work together on their study guide and ask questions that they may have concerning boating safety.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step By step Procedures: We will begin class with a video on boating accidents. We will go over our chapter quizzes from the boating manual. Lastly, we will get into our small groups and begin working on the boating safety study guide.
Boating Exam
Day 10
Bell Ringer: We will have a quick review from our study guide.
Standard: ACOS (19) Boating Safety
Goal of the Lesson: The goal is to assess the knowledge content learned from the boating manual.
Specific Objective: The specific objective is test the student concerning boating safety to qualify for a boating license.
Required Materials: Boating Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, handouts and writing utensils.
Step by step Procedures: We will have a review from our chapter study guides. Then I will pass out the boating exam, and the students will complete it before the end of class.
Assessment: Students will complete the Boating Manual Test.
You Are the Driver
CH 1- Day 11
Bell Ringer: Students will be asked to discuss what some laws are and regulations that are meant to keep drivers and pedestrians safe on the road? Also, what are some safety features on cars that are designed to keep the driver and passengers safe? The students will answer aloud
Standards: ACOS (1) License Requirements, ACOS (8&9) Responsible Ownership, ACOS (15) Other highway Users
Learning Target: I can be introduced to the skills, responsibilities, and license requirements needed to navigate the highway transportation system.
Specific Objectives: Students will learn about the different parts of the highway system and national laws that affect drivers and passengers. The students will learn the SIPDE process as well as the Smith System. Next, we will cover all of the responsibilities associated with driving. Lastly, students will learn about the process of becoming a licensed driver.
Required Materials: Driving Manual, Overhead projector, Computer, hand device or tablet, Notebook, SIPDE handouts and writing utensils.