May 9, 2017

Present: Kathy Ritger, Evie Mather, Karen Scheberl, Jim Vogenthaler

Excused: Diane Vollmer, Fr. Tom, Karen Bodden

Minutes of April meeting approved although it was noted that correct locations for Rosary were not known until after the April meeting.

Old Business:

Lectors and Communion Minister Workshop on May 20: Kathy stated 10 people had submitted registrations with representatives from all 3 parishes.

One % Challenge: Kathy reviewed this with us. Even though it was optional for parishioners to take a Challenge card, many were handed out that weekend. Some cards are still available in the back of the churches. There is no concrete idea for follow up at this time.

Easter Saturday/Sunday serves were well attended and sung/prayer responses were spirit filled.

Ministry Fair (May 20/21): Table will be set up before Mass in parking lot, weather permitting. We’ll try to get table from Church. There will be balloons. Anything to attract attention (candy?) would be good. Kathy has pamphlets/handouts printed and ready. Evie will bring tablecloth and some paperweights. Evie will help at the Saturday 4:30 PM Mass. Karen will help set up if needed. Karen will help at the Sunday 8 AM Mass. Jim Vogenthaler will help at Sunday 10:30 AM Mass. Kathy will be helping at all three services. Diane, can you help at 10:30 AM?

May Rosary devotions: May 8 devotion was well done. May 15 devotion will be at St. Andrew and May 22 will be at St. Mary @ 6:30 pm,

New Business:

Mass in the Park—July 16, 2017 at St. Andrew. We’ll discuss this at June meeting.

Pastor’s Report: None (Fr. gone)

Mystery of Faith Booklet – discussed page 58. Next month we’ll start with page 59.

Next Committee Meeting: June 13, 2017 @ St. Mary - 7:00 p.m.


1.  Encourage Prayer & Worship members to attend workshops offered by Archdiocese, LARCSWORC and others that will help us to understand liturgy and effectively plan for the seasons.

2.  Environment – continue to work on this to make worship space welcoming and enhance worship experience.

3.  Music – continue to develop this ministry

4.  Youth – look for ways to include youth in liturgy

5.  Commissioning of Ministers

6.  Be on top of what’s happening in our world and be aware of the service aspect of reaching out to others, whether in prayer opportunities in church, collections of food, clothing, money, etc.